Forcing Shidi To Tell The Truth

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Wei Wuxian tells Wen Ning to slip a truth serum into Jiang Cheng's breakfast.

Notes: Set after the events in the novel


"Wen Ning!" Wei Wuxian called out for his friend in the forest.

The sounds of rustling and shackles clinking came from behind him. "Young Master"

"Ah there you are! Here" He placed a small vile in Wen Ning's palm. "Put some of it in Jiang Cheng's tea before his breakfast"

The fierce corpse stared at the object in his hand. It was a bad idea, no questions, but it's his master's command nonetheless. He nodded and made his way to Lotus Pier as fast as he could go.


"Sect Leader Jiang, your breakfast" A servant entered his study with a tray of hot buns, dumplings and tea.

Jiang Cheng looked up from his work. "Thank you"

She bowed and left his study, quietly closing the door.

He rubbed his temples, pulling his eyes away from the dreaded stacks of paperwork. He took a bite of one of the hot buns. It was filled with fruit inside while the bun seemed to taste a lot like herbs.

"You need something for your face or at least something to calm you down. Hey hey! Don't look at me like that! You're gonna look older than your age when you frown too much" Wei Wuxian sighed.

Damn that rascal. Jiang Cheng clicked his tongue and finished the small bun. He poured some tea into his cup and took a sip. Tastes quite differently from his usual. Did they run out of tea leaves? Probably put them in the bread since it tastes like vegetables. He shrugged and finished the rest of his breakfast.

The stacks of paper were still mocking him. He glared at it, thinking that they might grow legs and run away from his death stare. Too bad Wei Wuxian wasn't there to actually bring inanimate objects to life. Jiang Cheng groaned and left his study, choosing to visit Jin Ling in the training grounds.

"Got it? Now rest your body and try to control the spiritual energy into one pl---"

He saw him training Jin Ling again. It used to be his job to teach the boy. At least it's less work for me.

"Wei Wuxian!"

"Ah! Jiang Cheng! How's the paperwork?"

"Terrible. I wished you were there to make them grow legs and run away" Jiang Cheng paused.




"What?" He snapped.

"Can I go with Uncle Wei to Cloud Recesses to train?" Jin Ling asked

"Why not here?"

"I-I thought practicing there would"

"Brat. You've already exceeded my expectations! You've made me proud every single day, I bet your parents are proud as well"

Jin Ling's face turned a bright shade of red. "E-Eh?!"

"What?!" His uncle's as well.

Wei Wuxian bursted out in laughter. "Oh dear hahahaha my dear shidi, how honest of you!"

Jiang Cheng gritted his teeth. "You did this to me!"

"Bingo~" He winked at him.

"Why you! Stop pulling these pranks! You're a grown man with a husband! For fucks sake, why can't you spend a little more time with your brother rather than him?!"

"Ha? Eh....what?"

Jiang Cheng gulped. It's like he no longer has any more control over his mouth.

"I've been so alone for 13 years. I lost my family and my best friend! I'm sorry for everything! For the times I doubted you and took you for granted! For the times I felt so jealous and try to put you down. To tell you the truth, I miss you so much!"



"Fuck!" Jiang Cheng swore in embarrassment. I hate you! "I love you!"


He groaned and stormed back inside.

"Jin Ling...maybe you should retire to your room" Wei Ying patted the boy's head.

The young man looked at Wei Wuxian quizzically. "Okay" He retreated to the guest room, visibly confused on what happened to his uncle.

Wei Wuxian sighed and went to the storage areas to grab some wine. He really could go for some Emperor's Smile. He brought the jars along with some cups and wandered around his home, trying to find his brother. It's getting quite late. The sun was beginning to set and he was able to find his brother in less than a few minutes right at one of the piers with his legs dangling above the water.

"Hey" Wei Wuxian said and placed the jars and cups on the floor. He sat next to his brother.


He smiled at his brother. "You know, I honestly thought you still hated me"

Jiang Cheng sighed and went for one of the jars, opening it and pouring a generous amount in the cup before chugging it down. "Idiot. I don't hate you"

"Glad to know" Wei Wuxian poured himself a cup and chugged it down. "We could, you know....spar some time"

Jiang Cheng sighed. "Maybe"

"Just the two of us here at Lotus Pier"

Jiang Wanyin looked at his brother.

Wei Ying spoke again. "Just like the old days"

Jiang Cheng sighed and took another drink of the wine. The sun was beginning to disappear from the horizon. He could already see the stars begin to wake up from their sleep. The taste of the alcohol was strong and warm in his throat. Just like the old days. They would come here and lounge around until his mother would arrive and scold them with Zidian crackling beside her. He missed those times...he missed it all.

"Hey, but if you don't wa--"



Jiang Cheng looked back at his brother to see him with a soft smile. What a sentimental idiot. He sighed. I'm a sentimental idiot.

"Just so you said, just the two of us. I don't want your husband barging in when I look like I'm about to end your life" He clicked his tongue.

"Lan Zhan isn't that bad!" Wei Wuxian punched his arm and chuckled.

He chuckled as well and tapped the rim of his cup. "A-Jie....she would've been so happy to see us"

Wei Wuxian chugged down another cup. "She is"

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