Pwetty (WangXian)

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Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji meet as babies. Wei Wuxian thinks the other boy is pretty.

Pairing: WangXian

Notes: Set before the events of the novel.


Cangse Sanren booped her nose with her son's as they walked through the entrance of the Cloud Recesses. Everything was the same as the day she was kicked out for shaving Lan Qiren's goatee.

They should be thankful! So it really is true that all Lans are pretty. Speaking of Qiren...

"Lan Qiren!"

The man visibly flinched at the loud noise. Sanren quickened her pace. The closer she got to the man, she noticed him holding a young boy's hand. Oooh, who could that be?

"Why..." Lan Qiren sighed. "Why are you here?"

She grinned. "I'm showing my son around Gusu and thought "Hey! Why not stop by Cloud Recesses?" So here we are!" Cangse Sanren put her son on the ground. The little one just started learning how to walk a few months ago. "A-Ying, go say hello to Uncle Qiren!"

Lan Qiren looked at the young boy who was staring at him.

"Hey, who is that little one you got there?" She pointed at the young boy earlier who is now hiding behind his uncle.

He sighed. "This is Lan Zhan, he's--"

"Your son?!"

"My nephew!"

Cangse Sanren giggled. "Aaww is he a shy one? Why wasn't I invited to his one month celebration? I was only able to visit A-Huan's" She pouted.

Lan Qiren scoffed. "Have you forgotten that we celebrate these kind of events quietly? You were only able to attend Lan Huan's because you happened to barge in the banquet hall. Uninvited"

Sanren pouted. " could you treat me like this? After all we've been through? I was one of Teacher Lan's favorite students"

Lan Qiren massaged his forehead. "Father...I can't believe you regarded this woman so highly"



She looked down at her son who was pointing at Lan Zhan. "What is it, A-Ying?"

"Pwetty!" He continued to point at the other boy.

"Nn" Lan Zhan looked visibly uncomfortable from all the finger pointing.

"A-Ying, don't point at Lan Zhan. He's too shy"

Her son made a surprised sound and put down his finger in favor of just grinning at the other boy. "Pwetty!"

Cangse Sanren cooed at her little Wei Ying. "Do you think he's pretty? I think he's pretty too!"

Wei Ying slowly walked over to where Lan Zhan is but the boy seemed to shrink at the attention. "Hewo! I'm Wei Ying!" He waved.


"Lan Zhan, be polite" Lan Qiren stepped aside, allowing the two young boys to face each other better.

Lan Zhan grumbled. "H-Hello"

Wei Ying giggled. "Name!"


"Lan Chan!"


"Lan Chan is pwetty! Vewee pwetty!" Wei Ying giggled and walked closer to the other boy.


"Yes pwetty!" He held Lan Zhan's hand and grinned. "Yingying is honest. Yingying thinks Lan Chan is pwetty!"

Cangse Sanren cooed at the little boys. "So cute! Honestly, I should've been invited! My son and Lan Zhan would've been the best of friends!"

Lan Qiren flinched at the thought. A bad influence...that child could be a bad influence.

"Mama! Can Lan Chan come with us?" Wei Ying tugged at his mother's robes.

"Oh, A-Ying. I wish we could! But this is Lan Zhan's home, we can't take him with us" She patted her son's head.

He pouted and waddled back to his friend. "Do you wanna play? I saw bunnies when I came here!"


"Bunnies! Bunny is cute, and small!"

Sanren sighed. "Too bad you Lans don't allow pets. Boringggg"

"Hush! I don't want my nephew spending more of his time fooling around rather than study"

She pouted. "You're a boring uncle, you know that? Fengmian had already let my A-Ying swim at Lotus Pier"

He coughed. "How could you let a child swim at lakes?! Do you know the possibility of him drowning?!"

Cangse Sanren stuck her tongue out. "Pssh he did fine. Besides, he was swimming in my belly for 9 months"

"That is a different story!"

She groaned. "My A-Ying took after me. He'll do fine!"

He scoffed. "It would be a nightmare if he took after you"


"Mama look!" Wei Ying patted down his friend's robes. "Now Lan Chan is pwettiew!" He pointed at the different flowers stuck in Lan Zhan's hair and under his forehead ribbon.

Cangse Sanren laughed. "Oh yes yes! Very pretty A-Ying!"

Wei Ying was happy that his mother agreed with him. "See? I told you you will look pwettiew!"

Meanwhile, Lan Qiren is close to having a heart attack. He...he touched his forehead ribbon! I'm...I'm about to fain-- He fainted.

"Uncle!" Lan Zhan kneeled beside his unconscious uncle.

"Don't worry, Lan Zhan. Your uncle Qiren is just sleepy" Cangse Sanren patted the young boy's shoulder. "Why don't you call for help so that your uncle can sleep more comfortably on the bed"

He nodded and walked quickly to ask for help.

She giggled and looked back at Lan Qiren. Ah...the temptation to shave his beard is there again.

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