Deity || Part 3 (ChengYao)

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Jin Guangyao and Jiang Cheng work out the affairs of their relationship.

Pairing: ChengYao


Jin Guangyao maintained a calm appearance as he felt Madam Yu stare him down from across the table. Why is Wei Wuxian still shameless under her watch?

She clicked her tongue. "Jiang Cheng, you do realize we would need a heir for the future of our sect?"

"Yes, mom"

"So? Why are you courting a man? Your brother-in-law to add. There are plenty of suitable young ladies from other clans!"

Jin Guangyao placed the teapot gently on the table. "Madam Yu" He spoke. "If the problem is securinv a heir, then I am not opposed to having a concubine sister"

"Mom, I can find a compromise for the sect heir" Jiang Cheng interjected.

"A biological heir" She emphasized. "Smart boy, Jin Guangyao. A concubine is not a bad idea" Her nails tapped in synch on the table.

"Mom" Jiang Cheng spoke. "I do not intend to find a concubine"

Yu Ziyuan narrowed her eyes at her son. "No? What of the sect then? Jiang Cheng, don't be ridiculous. Wei Wuxian may have the freedom to marry a man because he has no responsibilities but you will be sect leader! You are expected to lead the sect and secure a heir!" She stood up abruptly. "Reflect on that! I expect you to put your responsibilities first before these frivolous escapades" She left the room, slamming the door close.

"Meng Yao..."

Jin Guangyao lowered his head, letting his hands tremble lightly. "Jiang Cheng, I'm so sorry. You didn't have to do all of this for me, a-and..." He looked up at him with a sad smile. "I...don't mind if I get a concubine sister. I already know I can't have you all to myself given the situation"

He sighed. "It's fine. I'll go talk to her. Just stay put" Jiang Cheng paused before placing a quick kiss to Jin Guangyao's temple.

Bold move... "Thank you"

Jiang Cheng cleared his throat, standing up and leaving the guest room to find his mother.

Jiang Fengmian should be coming back in a few minutes. He stood up and moved to sit on the bed with a sigh. How troublesome.


Jiang Fengmian hummed a soft tune, observing the peaceful scenery of the lake. He just came back from visiting Wei Wuxian in Cloud Recesses to discuss marriage affairs. The boat rocked gently when they docked. He climbed off and greeted the disciples saluting to him. "Is A-Cheng home?" He asked one of them.

"Answering sect leader, we saw him follow Madam Yu into the main building"

Jiang Fengmian smiled. "Thank you" He walked towards main building, pausing to ask a few servants where his son was.

"They are in the study, Sect Leader Jiang"

"Stubborn boy! It will either be him or this sect! I expected better from you!"

"I can't just compare the value of my sect and Meng Yao!"

"You should have! How can you let yourself be easily swayed by emotions?!"

"A-Cheng? My Lady?" Jiang Fengmian opened the door to his study. "What's the problem?"

"The problem is your son refusing to listen!" She huffed. "Courting a man, but refusing to compromise for a concubine so he can secure a heir. I should have disciplined you more!"

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