The Rising Dead

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This is not a racist chapter btw. If you see it as a racist chapter then know it is not intentional.

"Fire!" Yelled Robins's raspy voice, echoed by Faramir's softer melodic one.  The air became full of flaming arrows which lit the ground revealing the Dark Walkers furthermore to see their horrific appearance. Their skin was black as was their hair and clothes. Even their eyes and mouth were the same type of dark color as their bodies. They moved more gracefully than hobbits, each step looked like they were floating but they were far from graceful, they were menacing and evil and dead.
"Draw Swords!" I yelled. There was the sound of metal being scraped out of holsters and hands being gripped onto handles.
"Attack!" I yelled. It was easy to cut them down, they had no weapons except for their touch. We were getting through the wave of them with minimal losses. I ran over to Bagend and climbed on top. We had nearly won. My eyes focused on one elf who was surrounded. I took out my bow but it was too late. The elf made contact with the walker and he turned black, armor and all. He dropped his sword and joined them. My heart throbbed, if I had been a bit quicker I might have helped him. But this is war now, and you're not running, your leading I reminded myself. I ran back down Bagend just as the sun began to come out from out of the over the horizon. The dark walkers began to falter, they were showing more weakness. I stabbed three and realized they had lost their grace and menacing movement. The sunlight was weakening them!
"No Mercy!" I screamed loudly trying to rally the soldiers. Finally, we had them defeated. What was left fell back to where they came from but the hobbits did not let them get away, following them in perfect ranks. I looked at my army. We had won the fight with minimal loss but something told me that could not be right. We were fighting Melkor! I found Elladen and Elrohir examining an elven sword that was laying on the ground at there feet.
"Elinor, this sword belonged to one of the fallen, do you you think we should burn it, it may be holding the sorcery."
"No!" I said aghast! "How dare you. I order you to pick it up- No, With your two hands, and bury it in a grave."
"Is that wise?" Elladen asked timidly. "We all know that that fight was to easily won, what if this comes back to trouble us later." I bit my lip and sighed,
"Bury it, but don't touch it." They nodded and I walked past them to Robin and Faramir.
"A grand victory!" Faramir announced happily. "And the sun has risen to a beautiful day. I feel like sausages!" He walked off muttering cheery tones to everyone he passed.
I looked at Robin hoping he could back my theory up.
"Faramir is wrong to be happy. This force was sent as reconnaissance, to find out where our numbers lay." Robin said in his gruff voice. "By you coming here you have just endangered us." I opened my in protest but he cut me off.
"I would ask you and your people to leave."
"What!" I shouted. "That's foolish! Why! Why? It makes no sense!" I protested.
"Tell your people that you will leave by midday." I sat stunned before I opened my mouth again. Like before he cut me off. "If you at my service I ask you to leave."
"Very Well. You will not see us again." I said angrily walking away."
"Another harsh rejection." Someone cooed behind me. I spun around angrily,
"I had you ordered to be contained Legolas" I snapped at him.
" My captives knew that I was an asset to your little battle." He continued. "And what a battle it was about four deaths?"
"They were still people." I snapped angrily.
"You've gone soft. War is hard." He said mockingly. I slapped him hard on the mouth and sent us gust of wind so strong that knocked him over.
"Just leave me alone!" I told him. He got up and said nothing, looking me intently in the eye. I avoided his gaze and walked away angry and confused and full of mistrust.

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