A Price to Pay

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When I told Faramir it was Robin's wish for us to leave he didn't seem to be surprised, but he still opposed the idea to Robin. Faramir then later told me that they didn't want us to be primary targets but would agree that they would send word if they were they needed our aid. I wanted to tell him that wasn't really the way it worked but I kept quiet and focused on finding myself a horse. The best I could do was buy a plow horse from a farmer (turned soldier). It wasn't very fast but it was better than a pony. I could not believe we had been in the shire for only a day before we were on the move again. As I rode out of the shire at midday I took one last look at the remains of the Green Dragon Inn and realized that their determined spirits would not win them a war. With a final nod to Robin and Faramir, we left the shire lands at a walk. I knew we needed horses but for the best, we would need to walk to Rohan. I calculated a 26-day walk to empty an Rivendell where we could regather and send word out to the other kings of our arrival. I was deep in thought when a voice interrupted my thoughts.
"My lady, I was wondering if I could ask you about our later plans."
I looked at the elf walking next to my horse, I noticed he was the elf that sat near Elrohir and Elladen. He had blond hair and blue eyes, complimenting a soft face that radiated a sort of kindness that most people didn't have. He raised an expectant eyebrow at me, waiting for an answer.
"Oh, um, we need horses but we also need a place to of defence, possibly Rivendell. Once we are there we can start to think ahead, maybe Gondor." I babbled.
"Rivendell is a good choice. The mountains will conceal us and  the ford will serve as a defense." He replied.
"I doubt it will take a river to stop Melkor," I said softly.
"Maybe so, but I trust you to make good choices leading us." He said seriously.
"I don't know if I can," I said surprised about how quickly the words threw themselves out of my mouth.
"You know the dark ways, but you are loyal to the Valar, your smart and complex but impulse and quick thinking. The day you demanded justice at the Govvenath, I've been looking forward to meeting you." He confessed. I sat stunned, Nobody had ever looked forward to meeting me, not even my mother. I had just pushed my way into people's affection. Unable to say anything I looked down at the horse's mane.
"What is your name, soldier." I emphasized, hoping that he would remember his place.
"Gildor." He replied. "Gildor Inglorion."
"Gildor, please send my brothers from the back." He looked a little crestfallen but barely let it show.
"Yes, my lady." He said leaving my side in a hurry. I bit my lip and wondered if Legolas saw the interaction. I spotted him not far from me, his hands still bound and guards walking beside me. When he saw me watching him is glare answered my question.

We camped alongside the Brandywine river that night and I was tired from the day and night before so I took little time to fall asleep. Like before, dreams haunted me and plague my head with visions. I was standing at Helms Deep watching the army in the night draw closer. Legolas, Gimli and Aragorn  were standing next to me and we were wishing each other luck. Legolas kissed me hard on the mouth but this time I kissed back, suddenly his lips were replaced my Gildors, I pushed away but now I was standing in Valinor except it was burning, suddenly flames began to engulf me but I didn't burn, I watched as my mother screamed in terror and turned into a dark walker. I let out a yell which woke me up as I sat up panting heavily. There were shouts coming from outside the tent and I pulled on my boots to see what was going on. Everyone was running to the top of the sentry hill and pointing. I ran a joined them to see a huge fire burning in the distance. Where Hobbiton was. I swallowed a gasp as a  saw what had happened.
"Get my horse! I need my horse to help them!" I yelled at someone.
"Elinor! It's too late! It's too late and you  know it." Said Elladens soft voice.
"I can't believe I let them down," I whispered.
"They made there choice." He said embracing me.
"We just have to wait for morning."

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