Legolas's Return

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I've got to say, I'm kinda shocked that everyone has started to read this book.  This chapter is dedicated to @simplychristina since they asked for it. Stay Safe :) ~Roozle

"It was a setup. A setup." I murmured to myself. "He was just trying to punish you." After Elrohir's death, I felt deflated. I was so miserable I didn't feel sad. With a huge army, my brothers had to die at the same hand. I wanted someone to hug me and tell me it was nothing but a bad dream. I knew my mother would hate me for letting her perfect sons die while her half-child watched unharmed. So I found myself unconsciously wanting Legolas. I longed to see his face again I was scared that I never would. I was frightened of what lurked on the shore of the river and after the funeral of Elrohir, I vowed that I would never cross it unnecessarily.

Each day I would wake up and try to address the problems, Food, Weapons, Clothing, and other supplies. From it, I was drained of all happiness. Gildor took the opportunity to look after me. He ran around after me getting me whatever I wanted. Sometimes it was nice to have someone to talk to and I learned he truly was good at heart despite it being annoying. I started to see him as a strong, kind, capable friend as opposed to a hopeful soldier. He claimed to be a skilled fighter despite his true passion as a healer. One day though, we were sitting on one of the balconies, and suggested that I train with him.
"No," I said firmly. Gildor said nothing waiting for me to crack. "Fine," I said sourly. We walked over to the training arena which was far fuller than Valinor. I drew my sword at Gildor did the same. We sparred for a few minutes before I began to feel alive again. The blood was pumping through my body as my brain focused on my opponent. Duck, slash, Turn stab. Gilder was good but nothing compared to Legolas. I asked another soldier to side with him to make it more interesting. They had a poor strategy and I enjoyed picking flaws in their technique. We practiced all afternoon and when the sun went down I went for a long walk around Rivendell on my own. I walked to the waterfall and sat on the rock that I had when I first snuck into Rivendell to get the ring. Legolas had found me and turned me in. Then, I switched my allegiances and later fell in love with him. I considered being with him again. I wanted it, he would too I think. I decided to ask him when he got back.

3 days later I had spent all my spare time practicing with Gildor. It was there when I heard the sound of horns. I ran to the gates to see a host of 6 riders heading hundreds of horses into Rivendell. I clapped happily when I saw Legolas with them. I ordered for the horses to be taken care of and I pushed through the sea of horses and people to get to Legolas. I spotted him standing next to Freda before he leaned over to her and kissed her softly on the mouth. She kissed back just as softly before she pulled away not breaking eye contact with him. I wanted to scream and yell "That's Not Fair!" but I restrained myself. I pretended not to have seen them and ran over to Legolas.
"Your back!" I said forcing happiness. I hugged him trying to steady my breathing. He smelt the same and I tried to focus on that. He hugged me back but it felt different, almost awkward. I could feel Freda's eyes on the back of my head I kissed him on the cheek. I checked to see if he was smiling. He was. Sort of.
" I missed you. A lot." I said.
"Me too." He said sincerely.
"And I want to apologize for my behavior on the boat and I was wondering, well, if you want to-" But I was cut off before he even heard the full sentence.
"I'm sorry Elinor, I don't think I can think about that at the moment. Freda, the others, and I are all tired and weary." He said softly.
"Oh, of course," I said humiliated.
"Thank you." He said before walking off.

I didn't know why I was acting the way I was. I think I was in denial. If Legolas had loved me then how could he even consider Freda! In honor of their return, however, I announced a feast. Everyone was eating and drinking and laughing and under different circumstances, I would have been happy but I couldn't stop watching Legolas and Freda. They seemed to have perfect ease. They answered each other's questions and seemed to know what the other was thinking. Every now and again they would share an inside joke. Did I ever have that? I asked myself. When the feast was ended I left for bed. As I was walking up the stairs I felt someone follow me. I turned around to see who it was and I felt irritated that he even wanted to talk to me.
"You know I want to get back together," I said bluntly. He did say anything. Instead, he focused his beautiful blue eyes on the ground in front of him.
"That's a no then." I summarised it to him.
"You know I'm with Freda now." He replied.
"Yes," I said unable to stop my voice from cracking.
"Let's just clear the air. No more lies. Tell it straight." He said.
"Okay," I whispered turning around and continuing walking.
"I'm sorry. I thought you didn't want me anymore." He said to my turned back.
"We only get one true love in a lifetime. I'm glad you've found yours." I said looking back. His face was sad as he turned back around and walked away. As I entered my room I felt glad that I had the last word before it melted away and hot tears streamed around my face.

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