The Long Night

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I'm baaaaaaaack! Sorry for not updating in a few months. I actually had like 10 chapters pre written so now it's just a matter of releasing them! Hope you enjoy!

I wished I had got more wood to block someone from the smashed Windows as I lay shivering in the cold that night. I wanted to sleep but I couldn't bring myself to shut my eyes. I had taken all the precaution I could to avoid unwanted visitors but I knew not to trust pieces of dead wood against a firey monster or an army of the dead. I had even lain some china on the ground in the dark so it would smash it is was stepped but as I tried not to think about it, I realized if I was attacked, I would not survive the night. I was frightened to sleep near the corpse of Elladen but he remained very much dead. I had gathered soft wool blankets from the bedrooms but they provided no warmth so considered risking lighting the fireplace. The smoke would not be visible in the night sky, but still thought against it. Every few minutes I would half walk, half crawl to the windows and the door, and peer around them. Once I swore there saw a shadow but as I looked further, it was nothing but a dark patch of ash. I wanted to know that I was safe more then anything but tears just lingered in eyes again. I tried to imagine Elrohir leading the rest of the elves back into the shire to rescue me and ward away anything that was around. I tried to imagine Legolas' face in front of me telling me to stay strong.
"Okay," I said to imaginary Legolas. "I can do that." It was about midnight when I spotted them. Dark walkers. They had grown in numbers and were walking silently up the hill towards me. In a panic, I ran to Elladens body and rolled him off the table dragging him back to the pool of his blood where he had died. I removed the fabric from around his neand tried to make it look like he hadn't been moved from there. Then I ran to the stone cold fire place and tried to scramble up the chimney pot. It was a tight squeeze and if I wasn't in danger I doubt I could off done it. I half, stood half sat in the tiny narrow space and tried to steady my breathing. A few minutes passed an my legs began to cramp. I tried to block it out just as I heard a floor board creak. I went rigid and held my breath thinking that it would be to noisy to breath. I heard a long "hisss" Sound before armour clanked and I realised they had raised Elladen from the dead.
"What of the girl." Said a raspy voice.
"She's fled." Said another.
"Barricaded her friends body in took off. The master said she would. Used to be married to her." They made a sound which may have been a laugh but there distorted voices made it hard to tell.
"Better search the place anyway. Don't want to her slip through." After that I think they spread out. I couldn't hear anything but it was like a heard a fifth sense, I could almost feel there presence. After what could of been hours or only a few seconds I heard the faint out of,
"She's not here. Move out." I tried not to sigh to loudly but I wave of relief swept through my stiff body. I stayed in the chimney for a few more minutes but my legs soon gave into the immense pain I was feeling. Now that I thought the coast was clear, I tried to crawl out without making much noise but the scrape of the end of my sword holster made a loud ugly sound. I swore under my breath and quickly wiggled myself out of the fire place.
"You always did look better in black." Said a voice standing above me. I looked up horrified as Khamul gave me a smug smirk.
"Go on, Kill me." I said softly.
"I think not." He replied silkily. "A man should not harm his wife."
"You are no man, Witch King!" He placed a cold hand on my sooty cheek.
"Why! I am more man then ever. No I will not kill you. Not directly anyway. First I will take you to my master, remember him? Oh yes! Your father! And then, he will give you up to Melkor."
"Why am I so valuable?" I scowled as Khamul bount my hands.He only chuckled,
"You were always so naive." He said and walked me out the door.
"If I could kill you, I would." I informed him.
"I didn't need for you to tell me, for me to know." He said amused. This Khamul was more human I noted, he had more liveliness then the old one. But both times, I could imagine anybody I hated more.

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