Chapter 19

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The Emotion By BORNS


"Come on dude you gotta admit, that shit was fucking funny" Niall says, we're talking about the fight with Ruby and Diana, we're walking at the park where I run, but then we stopped for a while.

I usually always run on Sundays, Niall called me and wanted to join. I'm surprised he called me because he's a lazy person when it comes to Exercising, but it's nice for him to join I can use the company. I'm not so happy he brought up the fight between Diana and Ruby, I'm still pissed off that happened.

"No it fucking wasn't, there were teachers all around it wasn't cool," I say

I don't care if I'm being a dick, it's true. They shouldn't have done that it's not okay. Diana does get into fights from time to time, but Ruby getting into one doesn't sit well with me.

She's a mother for crying out loud, she could've got seriously Injured, she should think about her child before getting violent.

"Oh please, who gives a shit you know Diana started it, she's fucking like that," he says

"I don't care who fucking started it, I'm not talking about this anymore," I tell him meaning it.

"Alright fine"

I don't care right now if we're walking in silence at the moment. I just want him to shut the fuck up about yesterday.

What I said to Ruby last night I fucking ment it, if she's gonna act like this again, I'll go right back and break her harder than ever. I hate that she brought up if I don't date or I'm too scared to commit to someone. Like who the fuck does she think she is? she has no right to say that. I'm not scared I just don't wanna be in one, when my parents got divorced I just don't believe in love anymore or that shit. It's not for me and we'll never be. Yes maybe it would be nice to find someone, but not anymore dating isn't for me, never was.

I think Diana has feelings for me and that's not okay, I don't like her in that way. I know I'm probably an ass for doing that, but I don't like playing with her emotions. I think I'm gonna have to end it with her today, I called her to talk later for coffee, hopefully, she shows up.

I honestly still think Ruby is jealous, but she can't be, right? I mean yes I see her differently now because she's a mom, but I don't like her that way.

Man, I fucking regret that wet dream and jerking off to her in the shower in Vegas. What a big fucking mistake that was. But that dress she wore last night was something else, she's playing with my emotions and I don't fucking like it. We were fine Friday night, but then of course she had to eavesdrop on me when I was talking to my mother. I'm fucking angry she called, I love my sister but of course she had to bring it up to her about my fight with dad. I have gotta speak to my sister this week, I'm very angry at her.

"You have that look, what's going on?" Niall says looking at me, he always knows when something is wrong.

I don't feel like bringing this up to him at the moment, he knows about my family drama, not everything just some. But I will bring up something that will either give him a heart attack or make him extremely fucking nervous.

"Nothing, but I forgot to mention my sister says happy birthday"

After that he's in mid-stop, he looks like he's about to have a panic attack.

"Dude" he hits me on the shoulder. "What the fuck, why didn't you say anything?"

"Because I forgot between the fight with Ruby and the stuff we were doing, I forgot sorry"

"You could have told me in the morning when you picked me up asshole"

He's right, but honestly, I don't care, he's so wired up over this.

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