2. Mission

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(3rd Person Pov)

The Ice were getting ready to launch their raid on the small jewelery shop. They were behind a car parked on the side of the road. Everyone listened intently as Kenjiro went over the plans and the possible routes of retreat one last time. Sugawara glanced towards Akaashi, who nodded once back to him before dissapearing quietly and silently into the shadows.

Suga let out a sigh. He always hated this part of every mission, having to send all his friends off one by one, knowing full well that they might not come back. Aya sent him a look. 

THe sound of static came on all their earphones as Akaashi's whispered words were heard. "I'm here at the back entrance. Kenma?" Kenma opened his laptop to hack the security cameras.

After typing furiously for a few minutes, during which everyone quietly prepared themselves for the tasks ahead, Kenma whispered a quiet 'got it' to Akaashi, who then closed off the connection and presumbly went inside.

Aya breathed a sigh of relief. See, Koshi, it's alright. She said silently inside her head. Sometimes her brother was too soft for his own good. She silently exchanged a look with Vio. Violet gets it. Her brother might act like a salty bitch, but in reality he was sweet and caring.

Akaashi's voice came over the connection again. Everyone held their breath. 

"All clear." Everyone breathed visible sighs of relief, which were quickly replaced by looks of concentration. Sakusa pulled out his Walther PPK [It's a type of gun] and pulled his hood up, his mask already in place, and quietly went over to his assigned point after nodding to Suga.

Oikawa also slipped his mask on, pulled his hood over his head, and went over to his spot after checking in with Suga. Aya gave her brother a hug, then went inside the shop to help Akaashi, along with Shirabu, who got a kiss on the cheek. Though everyone in the gang has their assigned role, there was no chosen attacker, so Akaashi, Aya and Kenjiro made up for that.

The shop was dark. Akaashi was put in charge of the necklace section, Aya would do the rings, and Shirabu had the watches. They worked silently, making sure to leave no fingerprints which is what the gloves are for. 

Meanwhile, Oikawa was shivering slightly in the cold. This didn't affect his concentration, however. His eyes were still scanning the roads and the shops dilligently, nothing escaping from his keen gaze.

Sakusa lifted his gun. There was no immediate threat to be seen, and, unlike what the rumours said, the Ice were humane, meaning theu don't kill unless they have to, and there was no torturing. But it was always better to be safe than sorry.

Suga worried his lower lip and furrowed his brow. Violet sent him look, just like Aya did. Although she knew that nothing at the moment is going to help, she couldn't help the urge to reach out and pat his shoulder. She's known the Sugawara siblings for so long she feels like Koshi's a second brother.

Kenma tapped on his laptop every now and then, to make sure the security system is still down, and made sure to keep a clear signal connection between all of them.

Suddenly, Akaashi picked up something. "Look, it's the Flames." He handed the newspaper that was left on a desk to Aya, who was in charge of collecting info.

Aya skimmed through it. "They still have no idea who these people are, they are trying their hardest, but they apparently have some sort of headway on the Ice." She reported. "Apparently we're in Tokyo." Shirabu grinned. 

"Suna's done a great job." He said. Akaashi nodded. Then Aya's eyes widened. "They have a photo of our symbol!" She said. The Ice painted their symbol everywhere they rob, just to frustrate the police. It is a diamond shape with a waterline in the middle, the bottom half coloured in with light blue. "They finally noticed it."

Akaashi laughed quietly. "Took them long enough." He looked at the time. "I think we should hurry up. I think Suga might be getting worried." They all agreed. After finishing their part, the trio tucked the several small pouches they had put the jewellery into away and ran quietly to the back door. 

Then they heard Oikawa's voice. "I see a figure coming towards me. Slightly short, slender, dark hair from what I can see, and he's not bothering to hide at all."

Aya looked immensely happy. "Is it who I think it is?" Oikawa paused. Then took a sharp breath. "Suna?" 

Akaashi and Shirabu's heads snapped up at the mention of Suna's name. They could hear the whole conversation as all their earphones were connected. He's been away for about 2 weeks to do undercover work at the local police station. Seems like he did a pretty good job, as the Ice were not in Tokyo.

Static sounded briefly to signal a new person joining their current system. Then Suna's voice came over.

"Jeez, forgotten me already?"

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