21. Background

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(3rd Person Pov)

Aya went back to where she left her friends with a heavy heart. Then she realized that, oh right, Akaashi lost contact about 10 minutes ago.


"Yo, how was it?" Vio's voice asked. Where her friend physically was, Aya wasn't sure.

"I just broke into fucking Matthew Carter's house." Aya told her, sighing. Not the whole truth, but then again, that was unnecessary.

Shock seeped into her friend's voice. "Are you serious? Why the fuck would you do that?"

"In my defense, I didn't know." I shivered. That was why the house was so huge and looked so rich. Of course Matthew Carter would be rich.

That means Vio was literally dating the heir to a millionaire, and not just a millionaire --- the son of a man who was basically a killing machine. That's scary to think about.

I tore my mind from that topic and focused instead on where my friend was; she's somewhere in the corner. "Where are you?"

"Right here." She laughed quietly, still evidently shocked by how I had broke into that guy's house. I mean, so am I. "In the corner."

"Well that was obvious." I sighed, wondering how I had missed that. "Where ---"

"Hi." Suna said behind me. "Why did you break into Matthew Carter's house?" 

My blood ran cold as I realized, right, Koshi was definitely hearing about this. "SHIT."

"Too late." Kenjiro sighed. "You've just realized."

"Too fucking late." Kenma agreed. "Seriously, you're looking like you've just seen a mass murderer murdering all life on Earth."

"That's not because I've broken into Carter's house." I replied. More like what I've seen there and what I have in my bag. I added silently.

"Well, no point in dwelling on that." Kenjiro told us. "It's been 10 minutes already, we've gotta hurry to be on schedule." He raised an eyebrow. "And the approach?

"Right." I took a deep breath. All this can wait. "Let's go." 

Minutes later, we were at the entry of that dark alleyway. Flames have lost several members --- there was only Iwaizumi Hajime, Tetsuro Kuroo, Miya Atsumu, and Semi Eita.

"I'm not ready for this." Kenma whispered unwillingly and reached up a hand to gingerly make sure his beanie is still in place, almost like he was touching a bomb.

"I'm sorry." Aya whispered back. Kenma was a scary hacker with skillz (typo intended), but he was also a shy boy.

"Kenma, I dare you." Suna shrugged. Admittedly, Kenma did look more determined. Competitiveness ran in the gang.

"Kenjiro, that cap doesn't..." Vio sighed. She was probably just being too restless, but edges of Kenjiro's hair shone in the night.

"Too much time wasted." Aya determined. "Sorry guys." She lifted her chin and Vio watched her friend disappear, and a high school popular girl appear in her place.

"We can't all do that, you know." She murmured. "Acting isn't easy for me."

Aya waved a hand, all cheerfulness and sunlight. "Eh."

"That always shock me." Suna shook his head, walking ahead towards the figures of Flames.

"What shocks you?" Aya asked, floaty voice and a sweet smile. "The fact that I'm not that into guys?"

Suna spluttered.

"That's left to you." She continued, making Vio hide a smile and attempt a disguise as good as that. "Girls are just hotter."

"Can't agree with you on that one." Vio played along. "There are nice guys."

"How did our whole topic become nice guys?" Kenjiro sighed. For him, being salty was his true personality, but it also made a handy act.

"Don't act like that." Vio warned. "I know things that will ruin you."

Kenma stayed silent. He was feeling pretty exposed with no mask to hide his features.

The figures were getting nearer. The group knew that they were about to be analysed.

Aya was pulling the act off for everyone. "Hey, anyone you wanna bring up just before we get to the party?" She deliberately brought up the volume.

"Are you serious?" Kenjiro protested, his hazel eyes annoyed. "Why on Earth would I do that?"

"Oh, I don't know." Suna joined the conversation. "Though please share."

From Flames' point of view, this was an extremely unwanted nuisance. "Why would people be passing through this part of Miyagi?" Iwaizumi looked confused. "Is there some sort of massive party we don't know about?"

"What are they talking about?" Semi narrowed his eyes. "Voices sound extremely familiar. Want me to ask them a few questions?"

"Nah." Daichi paused. "This makes no sense, really."

"One of the voices sound very familiar." Atsumu listened in concentration. "Not sure from where though."

"Obviously popular girls." Iwaizumi analysed. "Not sure about the guys."

Semi kept to himself the fact that the black cap made that boy look tempting.

"Looks fit." Kuroo added. "Identities?"

Atsumu sighed. "I don't know the identity of everyone in our city, bro. Could do some research."

"Do we need to hide?" Kuroo pointed out. "They're heading this way."

"Rooftop." Daichi decided. "Safest option."

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