6. Encounter

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(3rd Person Pov)

Daichi gently shut the door behind him and took the stairs two at a time. He always needed a walk after a 'mission'. Cassy had scolded him for it, saying he was too kind for his own good, but the feeling of guilt ran in the gang.

Knowing Cassy, she's probably shut herself in her room. Even it wasn't his fault, Samu would be blaming himself over it. 

Daichi sighed, reaching over his head to push the trapdoor open, before looking outside to make sure no one was there.

He wandered along the abandoned streets, wondering once again if doing this was right.

(Aya's Pov)

I was walking along the streets to try and clear my head. Right, so they wanted to track Suna. Why was the question. 

It was luck, pure luck that I raised my head and saw Sawamura Daichi.


I hoped he hasn't seen me. Bumping into the leader of our biggest enemy was not a thing you'd hope for. Too late. He turned his head, scanning the streets, probably a habit, I noted, and locked his gaze onto me.

I cursed under my breath and ran. There was no way I'd be able to beat him in hand-on-hand combat, but if I could get some sort of leverage, there might be a way...

There. An overhanging branch in a nearby park. I risked flipping my head around to look at him. About 10 meters, which doesn't give me a lot of options...

Not to mention that brat Atsumu probably already has my info. It was a risk I took, not wearing contacts. Those things are creepy. I don't have Suga's silvery hair, but we do have identical eye colour and eye shape.

I finally reached the branch. Easily jumping up and grabbing it with one hand, I flicked out my pocket knife with the other. Yes, I fight best with a pocket knife, though Solinger Antlers, if they were foldable, are good too. 

The different functions and the small, heavy weight filled up my hand reasurringly.

I looked at him, who sighed. One thing when fighting Ice. 

Never let them get a bit of leverage. You'll end up dead. Suga and Akaashi were the best at this kind of twisting and tumbling style.

The Ice all looked pretty frail, compared to other mafia gangs, but that didn't stop us from being one of the two most powerful mafia gangs in Miyagi. We made up for our lack of physical strength by being quick and deadly.

I twisted out of the way at the quick flash of a knife. A Mic Nemesis, like his personality. Stable, plain but nice-looking, and deadly.

Springing up to grab the branch again, I started a flurry of questions.

"Why are you attacking me?" He jumped back at the slice of my pocketknife. 

"You're the sister of Sugawara Koshi, of course I would be attacking you for information." I wanted to laugh. Your sister has all that information. But I knew Cassy would never tell.

I leaped away from the sudden jab to my right arm, the one that held the knife, and returned the gesture with a slice to his stomach. "You attacked Suna."

He spun and aimed a kick at the back of my knees. "How are you so sure? Though yes, it was Osamu." I reached for the branch, successfully dodging his attack.

"He's the decoy, though, why him?" If we weren't aiming kicks and slices of knives at each other, we would seem like great friends.

"Now, if I told you, that wouldn't be very responsible, would it?" He managed to land a glancing kick to my knee. I winced inwardly. 

I returned the favor by slashing his upper right arm, opening a thin gash. "So you decided to tell your decoy to injure our double-agent." No point in hiding it, both of us have done our fair share of research.

"My turn to ask questions." I lost my focus for a second, getting a stab to the right that I barely avoided. Was that a flash of guilt I saw? At this rate I'd lose the fight, and that's not a good thing.

I calculated the number of options. Damn it, Kenma would be a lot better at this. Okay, so I could run, which seemed pretty good right now. Or I could try and keep fighting. Eh. Call for help? No.

Run it is.

I took off, sprinting along the streets. Thankfully no one was up at this hour, and I think it was about 12. Unlike me, Sawamura didn't know this part of Miyagi, our territory, and I lost him.

Breathing a sigh of relief, I made my way back into the house, and looked at my knee. That would probably bruise tomorrow. 

I decided to tell Cassy what happend.

To: Cassy, From: Aya

Your brother attacked me. Not how I imagined meeting the family :)

To: Aya, From: Cassy

WOW OK are u ok?

To: Cassy, From Aya

I'm fine dont worry

To: Aya, From: Cassy

lol gnight

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