16. Strange

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(3rd Person Pov)

"I don't know if I should be furious or relieved you did that." Was Koshi's response when Aya told him she'd warned Atsumu.

"Be relieved." She suggested.

"Knowing them, they're probably going to go anyways." Kenma said, thoughtfully. "So it made no difference, really."

"I would have done the same." Oikawa admitted.

"I would, too." Suna agreed.

Would that possibly because of some certain handsome boys from Flames? It would seem so. Aya thought.


"Okay." Daichi sat down. 

"Okay?" Cassy raised an eyebrow. "Just okay?"

"We need those files." He shrugged. "Tsumu would agree."

"It's true." Atsumu admitted. "Important for reasearch."

"And how do we know she wasn't telling a lie?" Kuroo put in. "From what I heard Aya Sugawara is one of the most skilled liars in the country."

Cassy winced inwardly. They weren't wrong, but... Aya had a reputation.

"What are we going to do about this?" Semi questioned. "It could very well be a trap, and we'd be outnumbered by far, if Sugawara was genuine."

"I'll see what I can do if that happens." Osamu mentioned off-handedly, unaware of the glares that were sent his way. 

"No way." Daichi's tone was final.

"We'd have to make adjustments." Bokuto put in, being serious for once.

"We certainly do." Iwaizumi was polishing his gun with a piece of cloth.

"So should we trust them or not?" Cassy sighed. She knew Aya was telling the truth, but there was no way she could prove it to the rest of her gang members.

"Either way, we need those files." Daichi repeated his argument.

"So annoying though." Semi looked deep in thought. "We were less careful than we should have been."

"I've got interesting info." Atsumu said suddenly, seemingly to just remember something. In truth, he had turned it over and over again in his head, wondering if he should bring it up. 

He decided to, against his inner voice that told him he'd never be free from the guilt again.

Everyone leaned forward.

"So..." He began.

(yes we are going to timeskip on the cliffhanger I'm sorry)



"News. Well, not really news." Kenma annouced, staring at his computer. "From what I can see on the camera, they've decided to do it. Figures with red shirts and black masks." Under the cover of night, they really did look like flames.

"Stubborn people, aren't they." Akaashi sighed. 

"Hmm." Kiyo agreed. He's probably thinking about an encounter with a certain boy.

"Well?" Suna asked, peering over Kenma's shoulder. "So they're going to get themselves killed. Why am I not surprised?" There was a resignation in his voice.

Aya hesitated. What she was about to suggest was the stupidest she's ever come up with.

It can't be helped. Some of her friends were going to be heartbroken if something isn't done.

"We could help them." She whispered, half-hoping Koshi wasn't going to hear it.

He did. "Aya, that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard you say." Though he did criticize her foolish idea with a small smile.

"It could work..." Aya tried, a small glimmer of hope in her voice.

"It could." Kawa put in.

Suga looked shaken. "But..."

"It could." Suna said.

"Uh huh." Kiyo added.

"What has gotten into you guys?" Suga complained. "You're all being so... so..."

"So?" Kenma raised an eyebrow.

"Fine." He sighed heavily. "But why so intent to save our enemy? That would just appear weak."

"They don't have to know it was us." Aya pointed out. "They only know our usual dressing style as Ice." It was true. They never revealed it was them if not in disguise, or, more accurately, Ice disguise.

"What you're suggesting is crazy. Truely crazy." Kenjiro told me. "I'd have to put in planning for that, you know."

"And fighting in normal clothes? Really?" Akaashi looked doubtful. "Revealing."

"Aww, look at that, our precious Kaashi showing vulnerability!" Aya crushed him in a hug. She might not know Akaashi's backstory, but she gave him that extra kindness just in case.

"So annoying." He scowled.

"Well, guess that's decided?" Koshi interrupted. "I'm not going to suggest a raise of hands because that's dumb."

Vio laughed. "Nice."

"Everyone, look as normal as you can, or not normal. I don't know. Choose one." Suga shooed them from the meeting room. "And bring weapons. Obviously."

"Yessir." Aya saluted him and went to change like everyone else.

(Okay so you are about to get a detailed description of what they're wearing)

Oikawa, the stylist like Cassy, came out in a pair of ripped jeans and a loose black shirt with the words 'Hotter than Microwaves' on it. 

Kiyo was the lowkey one, a normal black T-shirt and a pair of black pants.

Akaashi wore a cotton blue shirt and some grey pants. He avoided wearing black as that, according to his friends, brought out his eyes too much.

Shirabu chucked on a black cap to hide his signature copper-coloured hair, black shirt and grey pants.

Vio dressed in white jeans, a contrast to everyone else, and a dark blue shirt.

Aya put on dark blue leggings and a white T-shirt to compliment Vio's outfit.

Suga put on a blue cap, black shirt, and dark blue pants.

Kenma had a long sleeved shirt, dark blue, and a pair of black trackpants. He also put on a beanie to hide his hair.

Suna dressed in all grey, except for his shoes. (I'm lazy so not gonna describe everyone's shoes)

Aya looked at everyone. "A mixture of grey, black, and blue. With light blue masks. Totally not suspicious." Oh well. She thought.

Suga seemed to think the same thing, and they set off.

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