8. War

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(3rd Person Pov)

Iwaizumi was worried. Osamu hasn't been talking ever since he came back from the attack. This was not unusual, but there was a scared, but tender look on his face that made him think.

Iwaizumi wasn't stupid. He was sometimes hot-headed, sure, but he knew the first signs of love.

Osamu was going through that stage.

"Iwaizumi Hajime!" Iwaizumi was shaken out of his trance. "Have you been listening to a thing I've been saying?" Daichi sighed. "What is it?"

Daichi was the master at reading people. Not surprising. Iwaizumi paused. Should he tell Daichi?

"If this is about Osamu being in love, I've seen it." Iwaizumi gave a wry smile. Trust Daichi to know everthing. "But I don't think he knows it himself."

Iwaizumi took a deep breath. "We all know not to get attached. But no one can help it, can they?" He stood up abruptly.

Daichi looked at him with concern. There were times like this. Watching your parents dying in a gunshot fight is no easy experience, he knew that.

Iwaizumi walked out of Daichi's office, saying he needed some air, and went straight to the trapdoor. 

He hoped Osamu wasn't going to get hurt.

(another perspective)

Aya was bored. Going out to scout information seemed extremely appealing right now.

"I'm going out!" She announced. Suga rolled his eyes. "Please?"

"But after what happened to Suna..." But Aya was shaking his resolve. "Fine, only if you brought someone with you, though."

"Thanks Koshi!" Aya gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Let's go Vio!"

Violet was silently thanking Aya for getting them out of this situation. Since war was being waged, there was no way they would stand by and do nothing, but as the secretary and the info seeker, they both felt pretty useless.

Aya was slipping on a black jacket and light blue mask, both of which are signature Ice gear. "We're going as Ice?" Vio asked, surprised. Aya nodded.

"It would better. After all, attracting the snake is the best tactic of getting it close and kill it." 

Vio nodded, tying her hair up into her signature Ice style, space buns. Aya copied, deftly braiding hers into a long braid at the back.

The good thing about wearing signature hairstyles and clothes was that, if they ever needed to act as normal citizens, they could become unrecognizable at anytime.

Vio put her black denim shorts on, while Aya chose her black tracksuit pants. Now they were ready to go.

"Get ready for the stares." Aya informed her friend. "And people running away from you."

Before they left, they checked the house for anyone outside, before running and dodging to get as far away from their hideout before someone saw them.

Now they've reached the center of the city, where most of the population gathered. This was where Aya got most of her info by sneaking in different disguises.

Vio barely came on her expeditions, so Aya was always excited to show her around. "Okay, so here's the florist shop. Normally, gossips collect around here, but we can't do that today." She eyed the people walking away as fast as they could.

"You really weren't kidding, huh." Vio mused as they walked past the police, who looked scared. Vio gave them a glare, sending them running for their lives. "That was fun."

"Vio." Aya said, exasperated. "Let's go."

They spent time going through the different malls, stalls, before coming to a stop in front of a bakery. No one was in front of the shop, or inside it for that matter. Probably due to them.

A girl walked out, looking annoyed. "Can you guys leave? You're taking my customers." Vio raised an eyebrow. This was new.

Aya smiled. "I like you. It's annoying walking around town with everyone running away from us." Vio nodded. 

The girl laughed. "After abusive parents and a brother who got himself in jail, nothing much scares me anymore." She offered her hand. "Irene. Didn't expect the Ice to be so nice."

Vio smiled, taking her hand. "Oh, it's just one of our good days." She looked around. "Sorry for taking your customers."

Irene brushed away the concern. "Meh, it's fine. Come inside before someone sees the feared gang being all nice and like normal girls."

Aya walked inside. The walls were painted a sage green, and the overall feeling wasn't exactly cosy and warm, but it was very pleasing and felt like a breeze of cool air after the pinks and reds of the florists and the restaurants.

"Nice shop." Vio commented, flopping down on one of the couches. "Can you close the blinds?"

Irene raised an eyebrow. "Bold, are we? And why?"

"The mask." She explained. "It's a hindrance keeping it on all the time."

Irene sighed and closed the blinds. "Yeah yeah, make yourselves at home, who am I to stop the almighty Ice? Next thing I know Flames might be invading my shop."

Aya gave a devious smile. "I'll call Cassy." Vio laughed.

Irene looked confused. "Who the hell is Cassy?"

"Cassledia Sawamura?" Aya clarified. "Heard of her?"

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