18. Problem

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(3rd Person Pov)


"Argh." Koshi ran his hand through his hair in frustration. "That's really not helpful."

"I'll try taking it down, but that might warn them of our presence." Kenma squinted at the screen of his computer. "Are we willing to risk that?"

Koshi thought. "Probably not."

"Then there isn't a way." Kenma sighed heavily. "Damn their field."

"But why is there a field? Is it magnetic?" Aya asked, confused. "Is there something important there?"

"I don't know, but we better get on with it." Koshi shrugged.

"I'll go and try to catcch up to Akaashi." Sakusa dropped, already sprinting to try and catch up. "Stay safe."

"You too!" Koshi called back. "Or else I'm grounding you!"

Rare laughter could be heard from Kiyoomi. "So unreasonable, Suga."

"I'm looking out for you." He sent back. "Being a nice person and all that."

"Yeah yeah." They could hear the smile in Kiyoomi's voice as he sped away.

"Right. Now for the second part." Kenjiro said, waving a hand to Oikawa. "See ya."

"Damn, aren't you glad to get rid of me." Oikawa teased, ruffling the younger boy's hair. "So much attitude."

"Where do you think I learnt it from?" Kenjiro asked him, raising an eyebrow. He waved at Oikawa, who set off with a wink.

"Me of course." Vio said, patting her brother on the back. "You learn from your younger sister."

"Like hell I do." He rolled his eyes, with a small smile.

"Alright, I'll be going too." Koshi looked worried. "You're sure you'll be fine? Look after each other. I can't communicate with that damn field, but ---"

Aya interrupted him. "We'll be just fineeeeeeeeee." She said, dragging the -ine. "Seriously, you're like this worried single parent."

"Escuse me what?" Koshi asked, immediately losing his worried-parent look. Everyone except the siblings exchanged looks. This is when they doubt that Koshi was the older one. "I do not. Insulting me won't make me any less fabulous."

Aya snorted. "We both know I'm the better in our family."

"Keep lying to yourself, Aya." Everyone sighed at this, which the siblings were both ignorant to, as they were both rolling their eyes at each other.

"Bye." She said, waving a hand.

"Ugh. See ya." Koshi sighed, back to his normal self. "Keep yourselves safe."

"Let's go." Aya nodded, watching her brother worriedly. "Don't you think he's a bit..."

"Tense? That's strange." Kenma said, snapping his earphones on. "That's really abnormal, especially before something important."

"Kenma." Kenjiro sighed. "We don't need that dry humour right now."

"Got it."

"Are you guys coming?" Vio asked, hanging onto a nearby rainpipe with one hand and raising her eyebrow. 

Kenjiro glared at her. "Use both hands!" He called.

"This is legit what you do!" She called back. Everyone sighed. 

"Can we calm down on the sibling rivalry for a bit?" Aya yelled.

Suna laughed. "You're one to talk. Come on."

"Right." She sighed, grabbing a nearby railing on a building and pulling herself up and over it.

"Why are we taking the roof-top route?" Kenma protested. "Can't we just take taxis like normal people? Or the bus if they're still up at this hour?"

"Ah, sorry KenKen." Aya called back down. 

"I have no words." Kenma grumbled, copying her.

"Hey, wait for me." Suna sighed, taking stairs instead. "Can't we be normal human beings and take stairs?"

"No, we're a mafia gang." Vio informed him, leaping across the tops of buildings and calling back. "Obviously."

"Damn, that smart-ass-ness runs in the family." Aya laughed, sprinting after Vio.

"Can we just use the normal route instead of trying to clear 1.5 meter jumps?" Kenma yelled at the girls, who were having a competition of who can jump the furthest.

"What's the fun in that?" Vio yelled back, dragging her brother into it as well.

"People, as much as I hate to break it to you, we actually have a job to do." Suna called, running to catch up. 

"Lead the way, RinRin." Aya told him, falling into step behind. "I actually have no idea where we're going."

"I can't deal with this. It's too late in the night." Kenma muttered. 

"Please, KenKen, you stay up till 3 to play video games." Kenjiro told him. "This is fine."

"Okay, see the light in front?" Suna said, taking on the double-agent role. "That's the night-watch. I've always thought it was strange to have a night-watch since this was just a small station that mostly no one cares about."

"Interesting." Aya has also gone into scouting mood, which made everyone breathe in relief. "Any hypothetical ideas?"

"The reason the Flames are attacking them." Vio suggested. "Though that doesn't really get us anywhere, except we know that they have something important."

Aya froze. 

They looked towards her, expectant.

"We should get off the roof." She suggested, looking down. "Just in case. Afterall, we're supposed to be a bunch of normal teenagers."

They looked towards where she was looking, and saw none other than the small group of Flames, evidently going through their plan.

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