23. Patrol

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(Aya's Pov)

"Do we need to split up?" I asked quietly and looked back. Nods of agreement were going around our little circle. "Alright."

"There's no means of communication once we do though." Kenma pointed out. "I think we're in some sort of magnetic field." He furrowed his brow. "I have no idea if I can get any kind of signal."

I sighed. We hadn't planned for this. "Okay, Suna, since you know the place, can you...?"

He nodded. "The treasury has three doors, I think. There's a communication tower up there too."

"I think we're ahead of Flames." Vio said. "That's the whole point, isn't it?"

I thought about it. "But breaking into the treasury is more than a little tempting." Shrugging, I turned to Kenjiro. "Think you can keep an eye on their progress?"

He rolled his eyes. "Sure."

I looked at Vio. "Akaashi's in there somewhere, see if you can get to him. Kiyo and Koshi should be there too."

Vio nodded.

I took a deep breath. "Alright. Stay safe, don't do anything obnoxious."

"Hm." Vio nodded, then proceeded to edge around the station, before disappearing out of view. Kenjiro stepped back into the shadows with a small wave, before leaving to go back the way we came.

Kenma looked at me questioningly.

I thought about it. "Is there any way to disrupt the field without them noticing? Like any possible way?"

"Only from inside." Kenma replied. "Any outside disturbance is pretty obvious."

"Right." I patted him on the back. "Good luck."

"Seriously?" He protested, sighing. "Alright. Best way for you to get in is through the rooftop. I'll go in through the back door, and maybe hopefully catch up with Vio."

I looked at Suna. "Where is the entrance from the roof into the building?"

He looked up and furrowed his brow. "Should be on the left side from where we are standing. There's an electric fence around the roof itself."

I narrowed my eyes. "That's a problem. Any way we can jump it?"

He looked inquiringly to Kenma. "Can you disable it? The fence is 2 meter high."

I winced. That's a lot of fence. And a lot of trouble.

"I'll see what I can do from here." Kenma furrowed his brow. "But apart from that you've got nothing to do except wait."

Sighing, I looked up. "Mind pulling up the night-patrolling schedule up while you're at it?"

"That's a lot of work you're setting me." He sounded amused. "For our worst enemy."

"Not just that." I reminded. "That treasury run by Matthew Carter is too tempting to pass up."

Kenma scrolled through his screen, intent on whatever he was doing. "The night patrol is here." He turned his Ipad so I could see the screen.

I read through it. "They change every hour?" That was impressive. "A lot of work. It seems like we've stumbled on something very interesting."

Suna looked surprised. "They've changed the schedule since I was here. Used to be every 2 hours."

My brain hurt from all this thinking. "There are a lot of things that don't make sense. What changed?" I felt like we were in some sort of tangled web that made no sense at all --- the strings were being pulled by others.

"I'll get started on the fence now." Kenma told me. "My Ipad is burning up though. It's being pushed to limits at the moment."

"We'll get you another one." I smiled. "You know, being mafia members and all that."

Suna looked worriedly towards the building. "Wonder how everyone else is?"

Having no communication is difficult, but there isn't anything we can do about that. My mind flew to the files in my backpack, almost burning my back.

I shifted the backpack.

Suna looked over, slightly confused, I could tell. I shook my head.

The files weren't that heavy, sure, but it was like carrying a bomb on my back. A bomb that was confusing as fuck.

Kenma started tapping at his Ipad. "I think I've got something. There's a whole series that I need to recode though. At the moment it's blocking me out." He raised his head. "Any passcodes that you've got?" He asked Suna.

Suna thought about it. "Not for the security system. I only know a few."

"We can't risk standing here for minutes trying to disable the fence." I stated. "Work on the treasury instead? Me and Suna will just have to take our chances."

"Alright." Kenma answered, rapidly changing apps and systems and the keypad into another jumbled code that made my head hurt just looking at it.

Suna sighed. "First, we have to get onto the building itself." Looking around the bush, he added. "Without being seen."

"That alone is a massive block." I sighed as well. "This mission is proving to be a lot more stressful than I had expected."

"Well yeah." Kenma rolled his eyes. "What else would you expect? Getting Flames out of trouble is no easy feat."

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