14. Decision

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(Aya's Pov)

"What is it?" Irene asked after sitting down and biting into a slice of chocolate cake.

I hesitated. "Okay. So I was out gathering info." She nodded, seeming to understand. "Then this lady told me that the Flames were going to get attacked when they break into the police station nearby." I kept my voice quiet and so did Irene.

"Oh. I see. It's a question of morality, right?" She connected the dots. "You don't know if you should warn them or let them get attacked." 

"Exactly." I sighed. "But Cassy is going to cut my throat herself if she finds out that I've knowingly let her brother die. I would do the same."

Irene looked deep in thought. "Personally, I'd help them, but it depends on what you want to do. And what your gang wants to do."

"So wise, Irene, so wise." I let a smile slip through. "I'd better be going. I saw Kiyo."

"Who?" Oh yeah, normal citizens don't do research on potential enemy gangs. "Nevermind."

I waved goodbye and chased after the direction Kiyo had gone to. 

"... Omi-kun."

I was confused. Omi-kun? A boy with dyed blond hair seemed to be chatting with Kiyo from a nearby roof. Kiyo looked pissed.

If the boy wasn't Atsumu Miya, I'd laugh. 

I didn't.

Looking around, I hesitated. Kiyo was taking discreet steps towards the stairs on the side of the building. He should be fine. At the moment he has the upper hand.

Astumu Miya... I rummaged through my brain. Aha. The researcher. Oh damn. He probably has everyone's info imprinted into his mind.

 I tuned in to the conversation while sneaking around the back of the building he was standing on. Just in case.

"Omi-kun? You've never met me, Miya." Kiyo sounded like he wanted to strangle the other boy.

"Does that change anything?" A sly, drawling voice came from somewhere above me. 

I tried to glean hints from the voice. All I can tell was that he was hiding his true feelings. And emotions. The venom in his voice was obviously covering something.

I started climbing the ladder I saw behind the building.

"You're an annoying one." Was Kiyo's reply. 

"Proud of it." He laughed, full of confidence. I could tell the girls fawned over him. Narrowing my eyes, I took careful steps toward him.

I could see Kiyo's eyes flicker for a millisecond. But he quickly hid his surprise.

"Why are you here, Miya?" He asked. I slipped out my pocket knife.

A shrug.

Kiyo watched both of us now, as I was a hand's length from Atsumu. "One word of advice."

"That would be?" Miya asked. I could almost hear his raised brow.

"Always look behind you before you get cocky." Kiyo revealed, just after my knife cut through the air and landed beneath his jaw. I heard a surprised intake of breath.

Kiyo hauled himself over the ledge at the edge of the roof, looking smug. He took over my spot, sliding his knife underneath Miya's chin.

He shivered at the cold metal. I noted Kiyo falter for half a second. Huh. Interesting.

I walked over to the front so I could see Atumu's face. He had a defiant look on his face.

"What happened?" I aimed my question at Kiyo, but kept my gaze on Atsumu. He was skilled, but the Ice were known for their emotionless gestures and expressions. Those were the people I had practiced with.

His eyes glanced down at his jacket pocket. Aha.

I reached into it and pulled out a Remington Outdoor gun. Admiring it, I told him, "Nice taste."

He rolled his eyes.

I skimmed over his face again while listening to Kiyo. There was a hitch in the way he was talking.

"I was walking. Saw this guy." He paused to tell Astumu his disguise sucked. "Then followed him." Atsumu pouted.

My eyes widened, though not enough for either of them to notice as they are both distracted.

By the contact, huh.

Not surprising. From what I could see, Atumu could probably feel a chest pressing into his back. 

Rinrin[Suna], Kawa, now Kiyo.

Feelings really hit like a truck.

"Aya?" I shook my head and got pulled back to reality. 

"Kiyo." I hesitated. "Pull out the gun."

He slipped a hand into his pocket while raising an eyebrow at me.

"Miya, don't move." He stood still. "Now remember, there are two people with training and weapons standing here. Don't try anything."

He nodded slowly, careful not to draw blood on the dagger still under his chin.

I sighed. Guess it's now.

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