13. Trap

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(3rd Person Pov)

"Did you know, the Flames and Ice are fighting now!" The woman continued in a stage-like voice. "And the Flames are planning something, my dear, take my word for it!"

"Will they try and hurt us?" Aya asked, in a sweet voice.

"I don't think so, my sweet girl, but one can never be sure, can they?" She sighed, then bent down as if to tell me a secret.

"You see, my husband works for the police, and he says that he has an idea of where the Flames might be planning to strike next!" She said mysteriously, acting like she was telling me how to cure cancer. "He is the chief, after all."

The chief, huh. Interesting. "Oh, a policeman! How cool!" Aya poured liters of enthusiasm into her voice. "Will you tell me more about him?"

"Well, he says that Flames's attacks have been centered around a particular building." She revealed.

She nearly laughed in relief. Finally something important. Though she continued to pretend to be disinterested in the topic.

The woman continued, falling right into her trap. You always wanted someone to care about what you're saying, leading to you giving them more things than you should.

"Oh and they have said that it was going to be a building with important files in them. Planning to blackmail the police, eh?"

Aya decided she would push her luck a little longer. "Oh, that's nice." She mentioned absent-mindedly. 

As expected, the woman threw down her trump card. "And they know where the building is."

Aya was now immensely interested. She let a little of that shine through. "Wow, the police are really amazing!"

The woman nodded appreciatively, now satisfied at the slight curiousity of the girl. "Yes. They say it will be at a police station. Not too far from here, really." She gave Aya the address.

Aya connected the dots. So they were wanting to attack the police station Suna was working at. It was a kind of relief that Suna was attacked so he wouldn't get caught in the cross-fire... Maybe that was the Flames' plan all along?

She nearly snorted. No. It was one thing to doubt it they really were brutes, but it was a whole different matter to believe they were kind-hearted gentleman with good intentions.

Having gotten her info, she said her goodbyes with the escuse that she has to get back before her parents got worried. Another stab of hurt. 

She sighed. What was she to do? Sometimes having knowledge isn't the best feeling. On one hand, she could try and help Flames --- knowing their numbers, they were going to be overpowered.

On the other, here was a chance to get rid of their enemy.

Could she really do that though? Let them be killed because they were fighting to survive like they were? 

And Cassy. 

Cassy would never forgive her if she knew her brother was going to be killed, and that Aya had let it happen.

There. Her mind was made. There was one more stop though. 

As she reached the bakery, she noted something extremely interesting. 

Was that Kiyo... By any chance?

She shook her head to clear the thoughts. Kiyo had no reason to be out. However, she was going to follow him as soon as she finish talking with Irene.

"Irene!" She greeted said person, who rolled her eyes. 

"What?" She asked, handing Aya a creamed bun. 

"There's something you need to know..."

(BONUS SCENE; How Aya and Cassy met: 3)

Aya stared at him back. "You like Cassy." It wasn't a question.

He sighed. "What gave it away?" Aya shrugged. 

"Midget, there are things you don't know." As the boy looked annoyed at being called a midget, she cracked a grin. It was true; he was shorter than Aya by about 5cm.

"Shut up." He mumbled, flipping her off. 

Aya started laughing.


"Nothing. Just so you know, Cassy isn't the kind to have a crush. She probably friend-zones you." When silence greeted her, she raised an eyebrow. "Am I right?"

"You're so fucking annoying." He mumbled again. 

"At least I have the height to back it up. Midget." She shot back, watching him walk away. A shame really. If he wasn't so taken with Cassy, she might have convinced him to join.

"Oh what's your name?" He threw over his shoulder.

"Aya. Yours?"

"Loki. After the Greek god."

She snorted. "Fits you well. Trickster."

"Will you ever shut up? Like ever?"

"When you're tall enough, sure!" 

She smiled at his indignant expression and poked her tongue out at him. 

Burning Ice (A Haikyuu AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें