27. Discovered

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(3rd Person)

Asher? Who the hell is Asher? Akaashi flipped through the names in his mind. None came up. But from the sound of the man, they were gonna get discovered pretty soon.

He turned to the boy beside him, who was texting on his phone idly. Seriously?

He looked over, resting his chin gently on the other boys shoulder. It was a bit of a stretch, and he only saw a name flash past before he switched tabs.

Bokuto flinched slightly, and silently laughed. He typed into a search bar: Aren't you going to try and kill me, Akaashi Keiji?

Akaashi rolled his eyes and shook his head. He took the phone from the taller boy's hands. Nope. Too much energy wasted. Also, my enemy's enemy is my friend.

Bokuto's golden eyes landed on his brilliant blue ones. Do you know who the man that was talking before was?


Matthew Carter.

(another perspective)

Aya took a look outside. She waved to the others and mouthed 'all clear'.

The three took careful steps, as if walking on eggshells, and made it across the corridor to the other side, where there was a stairwell going down. 

They had agreed that they should head to the entrance and be ready when Flames arrive. The more Aya thought about it, the more she realised how badly-thought out this mission was.

Shadows haunted the crevices of the staircase. Then Aya saw something that made her stop dead. 

A pair of grey eyes.

"KOSHI!" She hissed, making the others behind her stop as well. "HELLO."

"Hello to you too." He replied, looking over her head at the people behind her. "Vio, Suna. Where are the others?"

"Kiyo is on the roof, hell knows where Kenma is, Kenjiro is following Flames." Suna did a quick count. "Where's Kawa?"

Koshi blinked. "I sent him to..." Realisation dawned his face. "To be on lookout?" He said it almost like a question. "And no one's seen him?"


"I hate to split you up." Koshi said, in a measured voice. "But Aya, go join Kiyo on the roof. Vio, find Kenma. I'm taking Suna."

They nodded. Setting off in different directions.

(different perspective)

Semi crossed his arms and shifted his weight onto his right leg, a habit that makes itself known when he was thinking, or distracted. Or both.

Cassy watched the receding figure, the slender back of Shirabu Kenjiro.

"I almost couldn't tell." Semi admitted. "Without the copper hair."

Cassy made a noise of agreement. 

Truth is, they were both feeling a bit guilty. Atsumu had told them earlier that Shirabu and his sister had a place they frequented every year on the day their parents abandoned them. 

"Any ideas on why he was here?" She asked to break the heavy silence.

"Nope." Brown, defiant eyes were haunting Semi's mind. He ignored them as best as he could. 

(different perspective)

Aya joined Kiyo on the roof. "Who...?" She stopped.

They watched in silence as the flashes of red approached the station. 

"Found the others yet?" Kiyo asked, not taking his eyes of the group. "I couldn't find Akaashi or Oikawa." 

"We met up with Koshi. I don't know where Kenken went."

Suddenly, a black car pulled up beside the station. The flashes of red disappeared as if they had never been there. Aya shifted her backpack. "What's that?"

They watched as Matthew Carter walked out of the station, in all his intimidating aura and black leather shoes. He radiated power and authority from the tips of his perfectly styled brown hair, so similar to Asher's, down to the edges of his suit trousers.

He gave some directions to the police patrolling at the front entrance, his very presence making some of them cower.  

Sakusa flinched, hands shaking, as seconds later, they pulled a handcuffed Oikawa out of the building. His defiance could be felt from all the way at the top of the building. Aya made a choked sound in her throat.

Kawa looked around, finally landing his eyes on Aya and Kiyo's shocked faces. A bruise was forming on his elegant cheekbone, and his brown hair was more tousled than usual. He gave a tiny shake of his head. A warning.

The police shoved him into the van, after letting two people out. Asher. The other one being, Aya assumed in dazed logic, his mother. She was beautiful in a stereotypical way, with long, silky black hair falling down to her shoulder blades and the same brown eyes as her son's.

The family of three, looking perfectly composed, headed into the station. Aya sat down.

"We have to warn the others." Kiyo put his hands in his pockets, hiding the shaking. That was always a bad habit of his. He thought he had gotten rid of it. A sniper can't have shaky hands.

Aya nodded, blinking back whatever was building in her eyes, and got up again. They don't have the time to sulk on the rooftop. "Vio is a good bet. I say Kenma is on bottom floor."

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