20. Shock

421 12 0

(Aya's Pov)

I sighed. Climbing Ivy was harder than it looks, and the backpack I had on wasn't helping it that much. I slipped off the outer wall and cursed, for what seemed like the millionth time already, the mansion that was hard to get into.

Finally the front gate seemed approachable. Slipping into the shadows, I checked the lock. Thank the fucking gods it was a normal lock instead of one of those fancy ones with numbers.

While I reached for the paper clip, I glanced at the windows that I could see from this angle. They were dark, which was good.

I worked on the lock; it was a normal lock but it had new mechanics. Security wasn't backing off.

However, I've picked harder locks than that one. Keeping my footsteps soft on the carpeted floor, I stepped inside, gently closing the door behind me.

No one came with a gun, so I took that as a good sign. Taking gentle, considered steps, I creeped slowly towards the left.

There was a door there, meaning I should go towards the right. I felt along the wall until coming to a set of stairs. Ah.

Slowly climbing the stairs, I kept a firm grip on the handrail, just in case someone came downstairs and I had to do something.

I don't know what, though.

After what seemed like the the billionth stair, I finally reached the top. Rich people and their stairs. I sighed and felt along the wall. 

There was more light coming from the right, so I guessed that was the roof. Well, to the left we go. From previous experience, younger people prefered the second floor.

And if I judged correctly, that person admired Vio. Most possibly a teenager.

I just hoped it wasn't that person.

The edge of my palm hit something cold and hard. I furrowed my brow. A doorknob? Yep. Turnable. Hoping it wasn't going to creak, I slowly turned it.

It wasn't a bedroom, and I didn't know whether to be glad or disappointed. A study of some sort. Ah, to be rich. There was at least a hundred books on the old, oak shelf on the side of the wall. 

There was the outline of a desk at the far side of the room, where there were windows too. I deemed it safe to turn on the flashlight which I got from my backpack.

There were files. A lot of files in that dusty drawer. I was confused. Why would there be files?

They were files on people. Disappearances. More confusion was swirling around in my head. Huh? 

Hinata Shoyo, Kageyama Tobio, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Tsukishima Kei... Who are these people and why are files about them here?

One caught my eye. My blood ran cold. 

Akaashi Keiji, age 12. Suspected to be still in the city. Unsure of where he is. Last seen at the city mall, talking with a thin boy whose identity is unknown.

What is this? Might be why Akaashi never talked about his identity and what had happened before he joined. I assumed the thin boy was Kenma.

Tucking his file into my bag, I organized the others into a pile. A name at the top shone in the light, in silver ink.

Inspector on case: Matthew Carter

OH SHIT. That guy. 

The police were in two gangs, basically. One was the one that ran when they saw us, while the other was the reason we hid our identities; they were the real cold-blooded killers. Matthew Carter was one of the leaders. Of that group.

Well shit. I had just broke into fucking Matthew Carter's house. That didn't stop my curiousity though. I still hadn't found out who this admirer was.

Creeping slowly out of the room and making sure everything looked untouched, I stepped out into the corridor again.

This time, I found a doorhandle. Interesting. From what I could see, there was a bed with a sleeping firgure on it.

I opened my flashlight again, and shone it on the space near the head. Brown hair, brown eyes.



It all made sense now. Asher Carter. Well shit.

My best friend's boyfriend was Matthew Carter's son.

I backed away from the bed, closing my torch. This can't be real. But my mind knew it was. How am I supposed to break the news to Vio? Not possible. 

I looked around the room, almost panicked. Did Vio know? That her boyfriend was Inspector Carter's son? 

Once, Koshi had came back bleeding from a gash on his temple. That had been Carter's doing, I remembered. Back then, we were still 14 year old kids terrified with nothing. It was like a reality slap. 

And Akaashi had something to do with him too. How are we meant to explain that his son was going to obviously marry Vio one day? 

I shook my head. I needed to get something out of Akaashi. That was for sure. First I had to get out of this house. 

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