28. Deal

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(Aya's Pov)

I shook my head at Kiyo across the corridor. Nothing. I mouthed. 

We had ended up scaling back over the side of the building and slipped in through the front entrance --- no one's paying any attention to the outside of the station now that they know people were inside.

The black van had stayed right outside the door, dark and foreboding like storm clouds on the horizon. I had to resist the urge to throw rocks, or better yet, explosives at it, but Kawa was still inside.

"Ah. Found you." Kiyo said, just as I was about to suggest we move to the next floor in the search for Kenma. "Where's Vio?"

"What do you mean where's Vio?" Kenma uncurled himself from on top of the storage cabinet, a small sliver of space barely there, but somehow he managed to make himself comfortable. "Did they get anyone yet?"

"Kawa." I said, and swallowed. "Did Vio not get to you?"

Kenma's expression was unreadable at most times, but now even an untrained eye could see his panic. "No?"

Ok. Aya, calm down. Vio's probably still in the station. "Should we check the next ---"

"Hey." Kenjiro stepped next to us, hair and clothes looking like he was sprinting for his life just seconds ago. Which he probably was. There was a flush in his cheeks like he'd been running.

"Four people." Kiyo said. "That's pretty good. Now we just find the next 4." 

The weight of that one missing person settled on my shoulders, heavy and cold. I knew this was a bad idea, but I still convinced them to break in here. And now here we are --- only Satan knows what they're doing to Kawa now.

"Next floor." I stated. I moved my legs. I watch my feet take one step after another. I climbed the stairs. Beside me, I hear the others do the same. Don't think, just act.

We find Vio hanging to a protruding water pipe with one hand. Kenji didn't bother scolding her. We find Koshi, who still manage to surprise us from behind, and Suna, right behind him. Their grim expressions requires no further explanation. 

Akaashi was found behind a shelf, looking more flustered than I had ever seen him before. Not the time to wonder. 

I did, however, have the time to wonder why the police haven't found us yet. It was a wonder they still have their jobs.

It was just seconds after that when I walk into the next room, almost tripping over a body. I catch my footing and look up into the golden eyes of ---

Bokuto Koutaro. My brain supplies. Even while spending 90% of my brain energy on thinking of ways to rescue Kawa, my brain still knows the face of the enemy's attacker when they see it. And my body still knows the correct fighting stance.

He grinned at me. "Hello there!" I blinked, then drew my knife. From the corner of my eye, I pick out Kiyo drawing his gun. 

Bokuto raised his hands. "Oh woah calm down." He dropped the gun he was holding. "We come in peace."


As if on cue, Kuroo Tetsuro poked his head from the corner of the room, then dropped his gun too when he saw us. "Hey!"

I narrowed my eyes. Not in the mood to deal with this bullshit. "What do you want."

"Nothing!" Kuroo shrugged, then smirked. "Well, just a few documents." He twirled a keychain around his finger. "This is the key to the black van outside." 

I pull my arm back to throw the pocket knife at him. Not in the mood to play their games either. A hand gripped my wrist. Vio's slim but strong fingers tighten, a silent warning.

"Drop it." She hissed. When I refused to let go, she twisted my wrist until the blade fell from my hand.

Kuroo watched the knife fall to the ground with a clatter. He turned his unwavering gaze to Koshi, who looks perfectly composed, even to me.

He threw the keys in a high arc, straight into Koshi's hands. "That's the thanks for warning us." A favour for a favour, huh. "Help us with the documents, we help you rescue Mr Oikawa." He grinned at a deal that we've agreed to.

A deal we're obviously going to agree to.

I pick up the knife and throw it in one smooth motion, landing at the same time as Koshi's knife. A figure nimbly dodge both. I can hear Vio's exasperated sigh. 

"Hey, that wasn't too nice." Daichi Sawamura says, running a hand through his brown hair. 

"Deal." Koshi replies, averting his gaze. Of course neither of us would let them force us to agree without showing off first. I grin in my mind.

Most importantly, we had a way to save Kawa --- provided that the Flames can be trusted. Well, it isn't like we had much of a choice, did we?

"Clean up this mess first." Semi Eita's voice drawled from the corridor. I look down to see the sprawled bodies of the police laying across the floor. Right. That's why they didn't find us.

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