37. Car Chase

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3rd Person Pov

"Alright." Koshi asked, gesturing towards the lock on the door. This was where they had all agreed Kuroo was most likely to be kept. "Kenma? You wanna do the honours?"

Within minutes, Kenma had it picked and they could open the door.

The door to a completely empty room and an equally empty chair.

"Fuck." Atsumu ran a hand through his hair. 

"Everything alright in there?" Iwaizumi asked, voice crackling over the comms unit Atsumu was gripping in his hand with white knuckles. Must be nice to have someone as backup, Kenma thought. Could they consider such an idea?

"They must have moved him." Sawamura said. He seemed to hesitate, but only for a second. "Sugawara, can you see anything?"

Koshi raised an eyebrow. "Me?"

Kenma settled in for a good show. He knew where this was going.

"Yes you." Sawamura looked like he was fighting a sigh.

Koshi shook his head, hair swishing to hide the devilish look in his eyes. "I'm not that observant. It would be better to ask ---"

"Sugawara Koshi, I don't have time for your mind games." Daichi said, voice pitched dangerously low.

"Oh?" The corner of Koshi's mouth tilts up ever so slightly. "What mind games?"

There was a frosty silence. 

Then Sawamura sighed and ran a hand over his face. "On behalf of the Flames, I, Sawamura Daichi, offer my deepest apologies to you for the kidnapping and imprisonment of one Shirabu Kenjiro." He gave Koshi a look. "Happy?"

"Barely." Koshi said, smirk kicking up a notch higher. Then he proceeded to scan the room, sharp grey eyes catching on each and every detail. At one point, he started walking around, occasionally brushing the floor with pale fingers. He was so focused on his work that he didn't notice Sawamura's gaze following his every move, warm with begrudging respect.

Kenma did, though.

"He's been knocked around a little, but should be mostly intact." Koshi started speaking out of nowhere, making every jump. Except for Kenma, who was used to it. "No trace of blood." 

He pointed to the arm of the metal chair, where a piece of black string had been caught on one of the rusted edges. "He's been pulled sharply out of the chair by someone in front of him, slightly to the left. Usually, policemen have at least two people escorting the captive, but only one pulled him out of his chair. Evidently, they left in a hurry."

Sawamura's jaw went tense. "They were warned?"

"Not the important question right now." Koshi said, eyes still scanning the room like a predator. "Kenma, chair please?"

Kenma sprung off the wall he'd been leaning on and held onto the unstable metal chair while Koshi stood on it. He watched Koshi touch the lightbulb with his fingertips.

"It's warm, not hot. They haven't been gone too long." He said, jumping off and landing silently. "And it's still on. Again, proves they left quickly. The nearest police safehouses are all quite a while away." He paced along the wall. "Kenma, call Aya?"

Kenma pulled out his phone and dialled her number. She picked up before it even had a chance to ring. "What's up?"

"What type of car does Matthew Carter drive?" Koshi asked, from across the room. Kenma dutifully put her voice on speaker.

"What situation are we looking at?"

"Transporting captives."

There was a brief pause. "White BMW, license plate 49-17."

"Heard that?" Koshi asked the two Flames members. "Get everyone on lookout for that car."

"Since when did you get to give me orders?" Sawamura asked. But the way he said it was good natured, almost jokingly. And he did start ordering people around through his comms unit.


"A car chase? What are we, James Bond?" Shirabu scoffed. After the initial relief of reuniting with his friends-in-crime, he was back to his usual snarky self. 

"Name's Bond. James Bond." Suna mimicked. Kenma rolled his eyes. In front of him, Sakusa was driving, hands steady and experienced on the steering wheel even as they weaved through the traffic with a speed that was probably double the limit. Suga sat besides him, occasionally cracking a joke or two, and giving directions. 

They had left Oikawa, Vio, Aya, and Akaashi behind, because the five-seat car they had borrowed from Sawamura was not going to fit all of their gang. Koshi had taken one look at the Flames and left the talkative, friendly people with them, stuffing all his anti-social kid brothers in the car and calling it a day.

The Flames had agreed to meeting up at the safehouse, because they needed to 'gear up' apparently. Kenma was slightly concerned about Bokuto squealing and yelling about a chance to use his 'favourite gun', but whatever.

"There." Koshi's single syllable was enough to quiet them. "Kiyoomi?"

"Yep." They slowed down enough to hide in the stream of traffic. 

As they watched, the BMW in question swerved and changed lanes. The grey car following close behind it did the same with ease. 

"And here I thought we were being James Bond enough." Shirabu said. "Didn't know Miya had that kind of driving up his sleeve."

Kenma felt Suna jump beside him. "Miya Osamu's driving that car?" Said car did a beautiful sharp turn, still directly on the BMW's tail. Suna cleared his throat.

"Apparently." Kenma was intrigued. It's not everyday you find Suna 'cat-eyed, smug smirk, I get all the bitches' Rintaro being affected by some nice car manoevures. He decides to pry a little more. "He's the one that stabbed you?"

"Hm." Suna said.

Eventually, Miya's car lags behind, giving the illusion that they've successfully shaken him off their tail. Soon, Osamu was cruising along beside them, window open. He was wearing a white shirt with the top two buttons undone, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He glanced their way and nodded in hello. 

Suna made a quiet choking sound next to Kenma, but when he looked over, all seemed well. He was almost convinced that he had imagined it when Osamu shifted his hands on the steering wheel and Suna all but dropped his head into his hands in despair, the tips of his ears turning red.

Kenma smirked. "Something you wanna share with the class, rinrin?"

Suga turned around in his seat, mischief sparkling in his eyes. "I disapprove of flirting with the enemy, but since the enemy's enemy is our friend, I'll let it go."

Shirabu wore a matching smirk to Kenma's. "I mean, fair enough. Look at those forearms ---"

The rest of his sentence was lost as Suna slapped a hand over Shirabu's mouth, scowling. "I do not think he's hot."

"I can't see you and I know that's bullshit." Sakusa's dry voice floated from the front. 

"Shut up."

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