26. Books

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(3rd Person)

Suna turned around --- he hadn't noticed Vio standing there, in the dusty room surrounded by books. "Hi."

Vio was gesturing at the books. "Look." All the books had brightly coloured covers and letterings. "They're all fairytales and picture books. There are a few novels too."

Aya looked at the books. Picking one up, she flipped through it. "There are doodles in them. From children, I think."

"Really?" Vio asked, picking one up. "You're right. Who could they be from?" 

"Probably one of the workers' children?" Suna suggested. "Some police officers bring their kids in during the holidays." 

"Yeah..." Aya narrowed her eyes at the one she was holding. "But would they be doodling knives on fairytales?"

"Uh." Vio looked concerned. 

"... Maybe?" Suna answered. 

"And guns." Aya added, flipping to another page. "Oh my god. This is the stuff that the military learns. But they still look like kids' drawings."

It was true. There were dissections of guns and bombs.

"Take one in your backpack." Vio suggested. "We might be able to do some more research on why kids would be doodling guns on fairytales in a fucking police station."

(another perspective)

"I'm lost." That was the half-truth, Kenjiro thought. The other half of the truth was that he got himself lost.

"Very believable." Cassledia noted. "Let's take you to Semi."

Semi? Oh, right. The interrogator. What a comforting thought.

"Who's Semi?" He asked innocently, knowing that to Cassy's ears, it sounds like she just shared a vital piece of information to a random stranger. 

"Shit." Cassy said under her breath, just loud enough for Kenjiro to hear and hide a small grin of victory.

A boy, looking slightly older than him, looked up from the ground as they approached a group of people. He had nice hair, Kenjiro noticed. Light grey with dark ends. He hadn't seen a picture of Semi Eita yet, but the person in front was obviously him.

"What do we have here?" He asked with a small smile. "Spy?"

"Don't know yet. Says he's lost." Cassy shrugged, her firm hand still on his shoulder.

"Such a cliche excuse." The boy tsked and walked towards them. Semi looked a lot younger than he had imagined, Kenjiro thought. More good-looking, too.

"Shut the hell up." Kenjiro narrowed his eyes at him, earning himself an amused chuckle. 

What did Aya say? Uh, show your palms and take deep breaths, but don't make either of those things too obvious. He turned his wrists slightly to flash his palms.

Semi's brown eyes flickered down, then back up to his face again. "I'm willing to hear what you're going to say." He said, brushing his hair back idly. 

That caught Kenjiro's attention. He really did have nice hair. 

"Well, I was going to a party." Kenjiro sighed. "My sister and her friend dragged me along, then preceeded to leave me outside the door because, apparently, my personality would kill the mood."

"I wonder why." Semi commented dryly.

Kenjiro repressed the urge to strangle him into another universe. "I strolled around in the fog and POOF! I was lost."

"That's a very believable story." Semi noted. Kenjiro couldn't tell if that was genuine or not.

"Who are you guys?" He began his own questioning. "And what is this talk about spies?"

"Nothing at all really." Cassy said from behind him, waving a hand airily. "Why don't we help you find the house again?"

"I think I'll be fine on my own." Kenjiro said, a little too quickly. But that could pass off as nerves at being interrogated.

"Alright. See you later." 

Well that was easy. 

A bit TOO easy.

(another perspective) 

Suga fiddled with the switches and buttons. He wasn't a hacker like Kenma, but still knew a bit about control panels.

"How the hell do you turn off security cameras?" He muttered to himself. 

He had filtrated the control room, at the very heart of the police station. This was definitely no ordinary station --- the thousands of buttons, knobs, dials, keyboards were proof.

He looked around for something; maybe a big red button named 'security cameras', but sadly, it wasn't that obvious.

He pushed a rectangular, grey button. All the lights went off. Uh. Suga edged towards the door. At least that's kind of helpful.

He finally found the security footage on one of the computer screens. The security camera showed the roof --- Kiyo was safe, thank goodness. He found Suna, Aya, and Vio standing around and looking at books, ready to head out of the room again. There was no sign of Akaashi.

He couldn't see Kawa either, which worried him.

Suga narrowed his eyes. Best to meet up with Kiyo first, as he seemed stationary.

(another perspective)

Akaashi fidgeted with his fingers. The leather shoes had stopped sounding and a person could be heard settling into a chair. He winced. High chance that they, the boy and him, were stuck here for the rest of the night.

Talking of the boy, Bokuto had said nothing since his arrival. Akaashi ignored the feeling of warm body heat and the pair of golden eyes still looking at him.

The man started talking. Seems like he was on the phone. "Yes, honey, that's right." He paused. "Wake Asher. We're going to find out exactly who is in here."

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