7. Distraction

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(Aya's Pov)

I yawned. The mornings were the worse. Picking up my phone to check the time, I pushed a T-shirt over my head and sighed. 8:00.

My door burst open. "Aya!" Vio whisper-yelled. "Ash-" I gestured for her to quiet down and come in. "He said he loved me!" I smiled.

That Asher better not break her heart. "That's great! Tell me about it."

The cafe dates and the amusement park visits just made Vio more in love. Sometimes I wondered what could have been if she wasn't the sister of our strategiser. Maybe she could have lived a normal life? Married Asher? Had some kids?

"...And he said, 'Love you too." Vio gushed. Then she calmed down. "Okay. I can tell from your expression something's going on."

I hesitated. Still, this was Vio. "I may have ran into Sawamura Daichi and got into a fight."

Silence. Scary silence. I was afraid to look at her.

"So that's what's wrong with your knee." Two seconds later I was walking to Suga's office. "Your brother is hearing about this."

FUCK. "No no no. He is not."

"He is."

"He doesn't need something else to worry about after Suna!" I tried to pull away. No chance. Vio was short, yes, thin, yes, but she was not lacking in strength. "Vio. No." 

The door opened. I prepared myself for hell.

"Hi." Suga looked, confused at Vio's expression and her tight grip on my forearm. "Uh, what's going on?" 

"Your sister got into a fight with Sawamura Daichi." Hell was coming. Wait no, this was worse than hell.

(slight timeskip)

"SO. You got into a fight with Sawamura in the middle of the the night." Suga's expression was unreadable. "I have no words." I winced. 

"I got info, though." I offered.

He sighed. "To be honest, I'm just glad you're alive." Both me and Vio breathed a sigh of relief. Looks like I'm getting away with it this one time. 

"And it would be good if you got info." Koshi admitted. "So?"

"Okay, first of all, Miya Osamu was the one that attacked him." I listed. "Sawamura uses a Mic Nemesis. He knows you by name. He's also not bad at fighting." Big understatement. 

"Wait, the decoy?" Suga's brows furrowed. "Weird. Also, Mic Nemesis, huh."

"I came up with several theories." I shrugged. "Either Suna threw them off the game, so they were forced to use the decoy, or they were planning something else, and used that as the distraction?" Neither of those made enought sense to be the real reason, though. There's got to be something I'm missing here. "Why our double-agent though?"

Koshi nodded. "Something doesn't add up."

Vio sighed. "Listening to you two discuss is like trying to read Kenma's binary codes. Why can't you just talk like normal human beings?" I grinned at her sheepishly. "Heh."

She looked at us. "You both are overthinking it. What's the big picture? First collect the facts. Suna was attacked. He had a wound that wasn't deep enough to be fatal. The decoy from the enemy gang was the one that attacked him."

"This is why she's the secretary." Koshi whispered to me. "So calm."

"Now comes the questions. Why Suna? Why the decoy? Why not try and kill Suna?" She continued. "We can safely say they want him alive."

Suga's eyes widened with realization. "I'll get Suna." 

(slight timeskip)

"There's a tracking device in there." Vio announced. "Thin scrap of metal, probably liquified then hardened inside the cut."

Suna winced. "Great. So I get cut. Then I get tracked. Why me though?"

"You're the double agent... Confuses police... Confuses enemy gangs... Leaves false tracks." I connected the dots. "They want a clear way to get rid of us."'

Everyone looked at me in surprise. "All the evidence points to it. We're their biggest enemy, they would obviously try and get rid off us one by one, like we've been trying to do." I sighed. "Though they're bascally announcing war, and trying to take us out."

Koshi's warm brown eyes, identical to mine, hardened into bronze stones. "Not if we get rid of them first."

(3rd Person Pov)

Suna winced. The removal of the tracking device meant they had to open the wound again, and it hurts like hell. 

So the decoy was the one who attacked him... huh. 

(BONUS SCENE; Mistakes, mistakes: 1)

It was a normal day at 'work'. Suna walked along the pavement, wondering if he can go back to the mansion now. Knowing their plans, they're probably planning to rob the small jewellery shop near the cross road a bit further from here.

The police station work was really a bore. Though he wasn't complaining. The feeling of accomplishment was a good one; he had convinced the people the Ice were in Tokyo, quite a bit from Miyagi.

The light from the nearby lamps shone down, casting his shadow behind him. The first mistake he made.

The second was to linger under the streetlights. 

The third was to be distracted. 

All these things made him a pretty easy target, thought Osamu. Something is on his mind. That's fine. Made things easier for me.

Suna walked by the streetlight closer to Samu. He got ready. 

Osamu's first mistake was to get distracted. Suna's figure, lean but not thin, bathed in golden light. The way his hair gently blew around the tips of his ears. Fox-like, pretty eyes---

No. He was not thinking about that. Definitely not.

That was his only mistake. He deftly sprang out from the shadows, aiming his slice of the dagger at Suna's right forearm, so he woudn't be able to reach for his knife, as the slice would cause temporary parlysis.

However, Suna was fast. Even faster than he had expected. He jumped out of the way in time to reach for his knife.

Suna cursed himself. The attacker had the obvious advantage here. After tackling Suna to the ground, Osamu tilted his knife and aimed for the stomach, slicing down.

And then he was gone. 

Guess he was going to see his friends a lot sooner than expected, Suna thought.

As he walked, pulling out the spare bandages in his backpack, he couldn't stop thinking about the blue-gray eyes, the mussed hair, the ---

Suna, stop. He told himself. 

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