36. Together

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"(3rd Person)

"We're seriously having a picnic?" Iwaizumi muttered, mostly to himself, because everyone else seemed to be taking it in stride with ease. Maybe they needed a picnic. Maybe he needed a picnic.

"It's a pretty day today." Someone said, next to him. Iwaizumi looked up to see a familiar face that was too good-looking for his own good. "Not as pretty as you though."

"The flirting's not working." Iwaizumi said. It was only half a lie.

"Guess I'll have to try harder." Oikawa smiled, sitting down.


"Omi-kun!" Atsumu grinned, a million rays of sunshine in his smile. "Missed me?"

"For fuck's sake." Sakusa sighed. "No."

"Not even a little bit?"



"Am I going to have to let go of your shoulders now?" Semi asked quietly, a hint of amusement in his voice. His hands were warm, and they were all Shirabu was aware of. "Aw. They're such nice shoulders, too."

Shirabu shrugged his warm hands off, and put a good few feet of distance between them so he could breathe again. He looked back just in time to catch Semi's grin.


Aya and Cassy were facing off. "You lied to me." Aya accused.

"Yep." She shrugged.

"You took advantage of their trips."


There was a frosty pause. 

Then Aya burst into smile. "You're so smart! I'm proud."

They both crack up, hugging each other tightly.

"I'm sorry." Cassy said, quietly. "We weren't going to hurt him, I promise."

"I know." Aya squeezed, all but crushing Cassy's diaphragm. "I know. But you put Vio through a pretty bad scare. Might wanna apologise to her as well."


Suna eyed Osamu. Osamu eyed him right back.

"I think I deserve an apology for getting stabbed." Suna declared.

"I had a bruise on my stomach for days." Osamu replied. "I think we're even. Pass the onigiri?"


"There's no poison in the food." Suga said. "Unfortunately."

"And here I though you were finally warming up to us." Daichi said, with a small chuckle. "Does your shirt say 'potato'?"

"Yes." Suga deadpanned. "It's my favourite shirt."


"I remember you!" Bokuto yelled, and Akaashi winced at how loud he was. "Kaashi?"

"Akaashi." He corrected.

"Kaashi!" Bokuto grinned. "Have some food!"


When everyone had gotten some food into their stomachs and were at varying degrees of relaxation, they started to plan. Getting into the Miyagi centre wasn't going to be easy, but they were two of the best gangs in the city for good reason.

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