22. Really

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(Aya's Pov)

I could tell that Kenma was regretting not bringing his mask. Wait. I furrowed my brow. Didn't we all have masks?


I studied the others. There wasn't any tell-tale signs. Not really. I narrowed my eyes. Was that a smudge of dirt on Kenjiro's shirt sleeve? And wisps of hair coming out from Vio's bun? A small scratch on Suna's cheek? Or maybe I'm just overthinking?

Probably the last one. 

I calmed my thoughts. Right now, the focus was getting past a bunch of mafia members who were probably watching us and wondering whether murder would solve the problem.

I tried not to narrow my eyes at them. Instinct was hard to overcome.

My chatter was mindless now; what was I even talking about? Hopefully, I don't have a mind-blank --- that would screw us all up. 

We were passing by. Said mind-blank was just around the corner, but I repressed it and studied where the Flames just were. 

Hmm. Interesting. They seemed to have gone on to the roof, which I guess was an easy solution. That sucked for me though --- raising my head up would look way too suspicious. 

I took Vio's hand. 

After what seemed like how long the Sun has been around for, we got to the end of the alley. A relief for everyone, I'm sure, but I didn't know whether we were still being watched or not.

I squeezed Vio's hand, feeling a familiar squeeze back. 

Safe distance for me was 600 meters, or double that if I was careful. We were currently about 200 meters away from the mouth of the alley, which meant 400 meters more of careful acting and chatter. That didn't sound too bad. 

Suna cut slightly in front, a small reassurance that he knew this place from having worked here two months. The rest of us slowed down.

100 more, 50, and boom. We're done. I breathed in relief and went into another valley. 

"Everyone alright?" I asked, seeing nods from my friends who slipped in after, still too tense to speak.

Kenjiro shivered. "Can we not do that, like ever, again?"

Kenma shook his head. "Was the approach really necassary?"

I sighed. "Provides a good cover. If they recognize us, getting drunk isn't too uncommon these days."

"So getting drunk is suddenly an excuse for fighting police with martial arts and carrying guns or daggers now?" Vio sighed. "Why do I not have a better excuse?"

Suna motioned for us to follow him. "Come on. We don't want Akaashi to be left alone too long."

I really wanted a look at those files. "Kenma, can you pull up a floor plan of the station?"

Kenma pulled out his Ipad. "Give me five minutes."

As promised, five minutes later, I was looking at a plan of what seemed like any normal police station. "This looks normal." 

"It is normal." Suna furrowed his brow. "But I think that after some proof," He looked at me. "Matthew Carter is in charge of this one. It's probably why it's tempting to break into."

That made sense. 

"What do you think they're looking for?" Vio asked, studying the plan as well. 

"No idea." I shrugged and looked for the treasury. "Are you fucking serious. The treasury is on the top floor."

Kenma pressed his index finger to his temple. "Don't tell me they're planning to break into that."

"Looks like it." Kenjiro shrugged. "I bet it's like 8 Vios at once."

"What do you mean by that?" Vio narrowed her eyes. "I do not do risky things for no reason."

Four pairs of eyes turned to her with amusement. 

"Fine. Maybe I do." She admitted. "But that's not the point."

"Satisfied with the plan?" Kenma asked. "I'm kinda scared my Ipad's going to get hacked." He looked at his treasure worriedly. 

"Yep." I nodded. Then I looked towards Suna. "You know how to get into the treasury, right?"

He looked back with resignation. "It doesn't really matter, does it?"

I smiled back cheerfully. "Yep! But it would really be helpful!"

He sighed and turned to walk towards where lights were coming from. 

We turned several corners and at last came to a station filled with lights. 

It wasn't a particularly large station, but it wasn't a small one either. Bright white light shone through the windows like the space was too small for it to be contained, and my eyes struggled to get used to the sudden brightness.

A dark blue sign hung on the front door, and the whole thing ironically reminded me of a hotel, with a clean lobby, air conditioning, and smart colours and signs. 

I raised an eyebrow at Suna. "Doesn't seem too bad."

He looked back wryly. "Sure."

We hid behind bushes, like the cliches. These bushes were meant to be hidden behind, grown on round patches of soil in the concrete ground, and taller than even Kiyo.

I pressed my back against the small tree, and ran my mind through the plan of the station. This was when I wished I had Koshi's memory, but for the moment my crappy one would have to do.

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