17. Ambush

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(3rd Person Pov)

Right. Koshi thought, mentally planning their route. On our way to save a bunch of blockheads. How nice. He sighed. 

"I planned our formation." Kenjiro informed him. "If we have Aya and Vio take the left side, the rest of us can cover around. You, Kiyoomi, and Akaashi would have to carve ways to the center and meet us from there. Is that achievable?" 

His eyes searched Koshi's, who hesitated. Risking his life was one thing, but risking Kiyoomi's and Akaashi's was another, even if they were the best fighters in the gang.

"Sure." Akaashi answered for him, cutting in their conversation. 

"Why not." Kiyoomi agreed, before Koshi could say no. 

"I swear, it's like you guys are trying to kill yourselves." Suga murmured under his breath.

Aya shoved them both. "Can you guys stop trying actively to kill yourselves? I'd happily take your place any time."

"Your brother's gonna kill us first." Kaashi replied, glancing over to Suga. "He's already planning our murder right now."

"Right." Suga said. Admittedly, he did have a murderous expression on his face. "Hurry it up."

"Yessir." Aya saluted him. It was their inside joke and it brought a small smile to Koshi's otherwise worried face. "It'll be fine."

"Uh huh." Suga sounded unsure, but he did nod at Akaashi to go ahead. 

[For those who've forgotten, Kaashi's the scout]

Suga glanced at the time. 

"Let's go." Two simple words, but everyone immediately snapped to attention. 

They set off, some sprinting along unknown valleys, others walking and chatting for disguise, and Suga gunned the engine of their van.

(So this might get a little confusing, as they've seperated)

Akaashi set off, sprinting as fast as he could to try and catch up to Flames. They've set off a little later than them, just in case.

There. He slowed down to a stroll and analysed the people in front. He could see a white and black hair, and another with bed hair. Seriously, how much hair gel do those people use?

As he got closer, he realized that they were missing someone.

"Iwaizumi's split off." He whispered to the radio. "Need to monitor two groups."

He couldn't hear Kenma as he had to slide into the shadows of a nearby building to avoid being seen. Damn, how he wished he had that mask now.

"Repeat?" Akaashi asked.

"Connection is losing. Where are you?" Kenma asked. Akaashi looked around. 

"Can't tell." He furrowed his brow. "500 meters from the station?" 

"Right." Kenma could barely be heard. "You're caught up in the static field around the station, it might throw us out of contact."

"Got it. Any back-up plans?" Akaashi waited. Nothing from Kenma. "Kenma?"

Great. Their connection was probably lost already.

"Kenma?" No luck. He sighed. Guess he'll just have to go for it.

He caught the snippets of their conversation, and tried to piece them into sentences that actually made sense.

"... Warning... Ignore...?" Ignoring their warning.

"... Need... Files..." They need the files.

Wait, what files? Akaashi thought about it. None of their information has anything about files.

"... Going... Mind?" 

Akaashi stared at the shadows in front of him in confusion. What?

What could 'going mind' possibly mean?

He shook his head. Overthinking was one of his best skills, and it wasn't always helpful.


Suga stared ahead, still worried after Akaashi had dropped out of connection. "Kenma, is there any way we could regain connection?"

Kenma shook his head, also worried. "Not if he doesn't back out of the field. And I don't think he'd do that, since his position is pretty close."

"That's not helpful, Kenma." Aya informed him. "But he'll be fine. We went over the plan like, what? 92 times?"

"You need to stop being so carefree." Vio slapped her on the back. "Be a lil more considerate."

"This is me being considerate!" Aya protested, though she did die down on the comments a little. 

"That's you being considerate?" Vio rolled her eyes.

"People, in the middle of something, can we not have a who-is-better-at-comebacks competitions?" Kenjiro asked.

"You just joined it." Kiyoomi informed him.

"So did you?" Suna asked. "And yes, I am aware that I've just joined it, but that's not the point."

"No, stop, or else this is gonna get out of hand." Kenma waved a hand. "Just stop it right there."

"KenKen, when have we ever stopped when something's getting out of hand?" Oikawa asked, joining in.

"Exactly." Suga mentioned. "Though I'd suggest we stop right now. Making this a one-time thing."

Everyone immediately quieted down. Koshi was scary when he got angry.

"I'm ignoring the sudden silence and instead trying to plan around this field." Suga told them, amused. "Any ideas, Kenma?"

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