4. Attacked

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(3rd Person Pov)

Violet winced. She took out the bandages and the alchohol. 

Suna had a knife cut about 12cm long on the left side of his stomach. The wound was obviously still fresh, looking about 2 hours old, and by looking at the amount of blood on the bandages already there, it was a deep cut.

Deep, but not deep enough to signal that it was meant to kill. Vio's eyebrows furrowed. It didn't make sense.

"Your cover didn't get blown." Aya stated, having noticed the same thing Vio had. 

Suga paced around the room. "What the fuck, Suna, what the actual fuck." He looked torn between concern for Suna and frustration that he didn't say anything until now.

"I'm sorry?" Suna winced at the alchohol being dabbed onto his wound. Suga's eyes immediately softened.

"Don't be sorry. What happened?" He ruffled the younger boy's hair and sat down in his chair again, back to his calm and caring self.

Sometimes the fact that Suga can change his emotions so fast was concerning.

Suna took a deep breath --- which he shouldn't have done as that made him wince in pain. Aya stared with surprise. Suna had a higher level of pain tolerance than she had suspected if he had been able to act normal until then.

"I finished the work for the day." He said, pressing a hand towards the cut. "I was walking to my apartment when someone attacked me." 

At this, Suga immediately looked agitated again. Aya put a hand on his shoulder.

Suna looked as if he was about to take another deep breath, but this time he stopped himself in time. "He had a gun with him, on his hip, but he didn't use it."

Vio raised her eyebrow. "So we know it was a he?" Suna nodded.

"The shoulders and chest were the typical type for a male." He continued. "I was totally surprised, and I only had a knife on me at the time. He had a knife as well, but the blade was longer." 

So Suna was up against someone who had a gun. And he survived. Relief flooded through everyone who was there.

"And the thing is..." Suna paused. "I think he knew who I was." They looked at him, curious to why he would say that.

"If he wanted to attack a policeman, he would have done it when I was on a mission of some sorts." Suna clarified. "It would have been easier to cover up. But he didn't. Probably becasue the Ice are scary people." He looked at the Sugawara siblings, who both looked back at him with an expression of perfect innocence.

"So he knew you were a double agent working for the Ice." Vio raised her eyebrows. "Seems unlikely."

There was one gang who would probably be smart enough to pull that off though... they kept themselves from going down that track. The Flames were dangerous people, and they weren't going to feel discouraged just like that.

Vio gave a small but evil smile. Aya looked at her. She knew when Vio was going to be reckless and funny at the same time. Though it always made Vio embarrassed in the end. But it seems this time the mood really does need lightening.

"SUNA..." She began. "When did you get abs?"

Aya fell. She literally fell to the ground, laughing. Suga was fighting his laughter, a fight that he was losing to. Fast. Vio had the smug look on her face while she continued to bandage Suna up.

Suna's face went extremely red. Ha. Thought Vio. "Vio! You're basically my sister! Don't hit on me!" Vio shrugged.

"I'm not hitting on you. I'm just stating facts here." Aya had to agree. Suna had gotten abs.

Then suddenly the room fell silent as Suga raised his hand. Aya widened her eyes as she realised as well. Suna and Vio looked confused.

Suga took stealthy steps towards the door. A sudden pull was enough to send Oikawa and Shirabu tumbling towards the floor. Fortunately they were both highly-trained mafia members, and caught themselves before face-planting.

Akaashi and Sakusa were right behind them, though they were evidently more composed than the other two. They both gave an apologetic smile.

Suga sighed. "Aya, check under the desk." Aya saluted and found an innocent-looking screw on the underside of the table. 

Kenma showed up a bit later, looking annoyed that he got found out.

Suga looked at the people standing in front of him. Oikawa spoke up. "So Rinrin got attcked."

Suna looked annoyed. He pulled down his shirt to cover the bandages and said, "I'm fine." Everyone looked at him, exasperated.

Suga had to nod at that.

"But the question is, who."

(And now a different perspective... and yes you will find out who attacked Rinrin)

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