10. Attraction

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(3rd Person Pov)

"Well?" Vio asked, her foot impatiently tapping the ground. "Explain."

"Kawa was attacked by Iwaizumi Haijme." Aya said, lying on the couch of the bakery. "He texted somehow, was barely holding it together."

Alarm flashed in Vio's eyes. "Any blood?" 

"A thin cut up his forearm." Vio's brows furrowed She looked at Irene. A silent question. Irene sighed and left them, busying herself with baking.

"Think he's getting tracked too?" Vio asked. Aya hesitated. "I don't think it was planned, and..."

"And?" Vio prompted.

"Kawa was falling at the end of the fight. But he didn't, because Iwaizumi caught his wrist." Aya let out a breath.

"HUH?" Violet was shocked. "Wait, what?"

"I don't know what happened, Vio. If I didn't know any better, I'd have guessed they were a couple." Aya sighed, confused. "And then there's Rinrin. Don't you agree he's been acting really weird?"

"Mutual attraction, huh?" Irene walked out of the kitchen. "Heard everything."

Both Aya and Vio rolled their eyes. "Just don't say a thing, or you'll wake up with a knife in your stomach." Aya warned. Irene nodded at her.

"Well, no one can help feeling attracted." Irene said with a shrug. "It's life."

"Wise words, my friend, wise words." Aya gave a small grin, which was quickly replaced by a look of reluctance. "They can't do this."

Violet sighed. "Can you really blame them though? Horny teenagers that are only allowed one-night stands?"

Irene started coughing. "Wait WHAT?"

Aya laughed. "Don't die, you're nice." She went somber again. "But Flames? Really? Couldn't have chose someone better."

Vio hesitated. "I sometimes wish none of them are caught up in this." She looked at the ceiling wistfully. "I mean, maybe then they could have met the Flames, got married or something."

"Calm down guys, attraction doesn't always lead to liking someone, or loving them." Irene sighed. "But, one-night stands? Really? At 16?"

"I really don't know whether to confront them. They probably don't realise it themselves." Aya looked at her hands, unconciously reaching for her pocket knife. 

Vio looked at her. "You know, the Flames are known to be ruthless fighters, but that could be a lie. People say we're heartless killers, after all."

Aya closed her eyes. "I just don't want my family suffering heartbreak."

(different perspective)

Cassy paced around the 'living room', as they called it. "So you got into a fight with Oikawa Toru. Great. Just great. What happened?"

Iwaizumi sighed, sinking further into the couch he was sitting on. "I had more stamina than him, but he was really good at analysing. Strategy seems to be the way he fights."

He left out the bit where he had stopped the boy from falling. He himself didn't know why. But there was just a sense of... rightness. Iwaizumi sighed and told himself to hold it together.

"First name that comes to mind. Go." Cassy demanded.

"Oikawa Toru." The name slipped out before he realised what was happening. "Damn it."

Cassy had a satisfied smirk on her face. "Aha. So you ARE thinking about him." Argh. I wish I had Aya's ability to tell lies from truth. Cassy took a chance. "What are you not telling me?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing." Iwaizumi said, avoiding her eyes. Now THAT was a definite lie. But Cassy decided to let it go. 

He seemed distracted. Iwaizumi was thinking about the chocolate brown hair and eyes. Those were the kind of eyes you could stare for hours into...

IWAIZUMI HAJIME WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING. He was surprised at himself. So this is what Osamu is going through. He sighed and went to his room.

Cassy watched him. The first signs of love, she was guessing. Well damn, the Ice was taking her family's hearts one by one, it seemed.

She pulled out her phone.

From: Aya, To: Cassy

Cassy get yourself over to the bakery in city centre. Please. There's someone you HAVE to meet.

From: Cassy, To: Aya

This person better be someone worth going to.

Aya smiled as she saw Cassy's message. She matched Irene's personality perfectly. While Irene was 'cold' (not really), salty, and confident, Cassy had the dark sense of humour, the nice personality, and the I-do-what-I-want-attitude.

"Vio, don't you agree that those two are a perfect fit?" Aya asked, bursting with excitement.

Vio sighed. "You're starting up your shipping service again?" 

Aya stuck out her tongue. "My shipping service is what got you and Asher together." That made Vio shut up.

The shop door flew open, with Cassy, the stylist as usual, dressed in a loose black T-shirt, a blue jacket, and a pair of black denim jeans. She had her hair in a high bun, an extreme contrast to her signature hairstyle: two french braids.

Aya heard a sharp intake of breath behind her. Irene. Ha. Cassy's even more pretty in real life than the pictures that must have been going around, isn't she. 

Cassy's eyes skimmed across Aya and Vio, before landing on the pretty brunette with her hair in a side low ponytail. "Can I come in? Thank you." 

She flopped down on the couch Aya was currently sitting on and looked around. "Hi. Is there a reason we're all staring at me?" 

Burning Ice (A Haikyuu AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ