5. Tracking

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(3rd Person Pov)

Osamu picked his way through the dark alleyways of Miyagi. His steps were less sure than usual.

As he approached the entrance to their hideout, he looked around to make sure no one was watching. The entrance was a trapdoor. The mess of branches and woods around it was in reality robotic, meaning it can snap back into place after the entrance has been opened and closed.

He took the stairs down towards their underground bunker. Based on the condition outside, you'd expect the stairs to be lighted with flaiming torches and creepy shadows.

However, that is not the case. The white lights looked business-like and the whole trip down was enveloped in the bright light. 

As he reached the bottom of the staircase, he tapped in the code: 1-4-1-4-3-7-11-C [Does anyone get this?] The lock clicked and he shut it behind him.

He was almost immediately wrapped into a group hug. Which scared him. His friends/family were definitely not the hugging kind.

"Where the hell were you?" Daichi asked, concerned. "We were worried."

Atsumu snorted. "Was not." Though the expression on his face said otherwise. "Well, what happened?"

"It was fine, though he put up more of a fight than expected." Understatement of the year. The Ice were known for cold-blooded murders, so it was surprising to know that they could fight as well as that.

"Ha, told you not to underestimate them." Cassy threw over her shoulder as she walked back to get the first aid kit. "The gash on the shoulder looks bad." Then again, they were used to the fights.

The underground coven was soon filled with the sound of talking and laughing. They were all relieved that Samu was back. 

Cassy sighed. Aya was probably going to demand some answers, but they had the mutual understanding that neither of them will reveal their plans to the other. 

It was hard being friends with the sister of a mafia boss, and even harder when your own brother was their enemy gang's boss.

She started texting a message to Aya, who was flooding her phone.

From: Aya, To: Cassy

What the fuck. Suna came home with a 12 cm cut. Was it you guys.

From: Aya, To: Cassy


From: Aya, To: Cassy


From: Cassy, To: Aya

Fine fine it was.

From: Aya, To: Cassy

Okay. Why.

From: Cassy, To: Aya

Sorry, you know I can't tell you.

From: Aya, To: Cassy


From: Cassy, To: Aya

Calm down.

From: Aya, To: Cassy

Vio needs to know if it was poisonous. And it's not like I can just go up and tell Koshi: Oh yeah, my best friend you never knew about, who is Flames' boss's sister, btw, has told me this.

From: Cassy, To: Aya

Alright but you know Daichi would have my head for this if he finds out.

From: Aya, To: Cassy

Cassy, you've known me for years.

From: Cassy, To: Aya

True that. Anyways, no it is not poisonous. There was tracking metal on the knife, so basically we can track Suna now.

From: Aya, To: Cassy

Why would you be tracking Suna? Also, do you find it creepy that we never told each other anything about the members in our gang, nor their positions, but we feel like we know them as well as our own gang?

From: Cassy, To: Aya

He's a double agent, so duh. And yes, but you're a information seeker and I've spent years listening to Atsumu rant about his research, so meh.

From: Aya, To: Cassy

You have a point.

Cassy raised her head at the sudden noise. It seemed that Bokuto has decided to pour water on Kuroo's head, and Daichi was trying to stop them.

Osamu was spacing out. No way in hell was he going to admit it to anyone, but the boy was hot.

Nope. He was not going to start thinking about a pair of certain grayish amber eyes which incidentally belonged to their worst enemy.

Not happening.

Atsumu, damn his twin senses, started poking Samu, causing the twins to start yet another fight, which made Daichi start yelling at everyone, which made everyone go quiet and escape to their rooms.

Ha. Though Cassy. Knowing Suna, he would probably be taking a video. How do I know Suna so well? Still questioning herself, she went to her room and all was quiet.

(A/N): Here are some rules I made up.  

Ice Rules: 

1. Everyone else is about as trustworthy as you. 

2. Silence is more meaningful than words.

3. Your enemies are your enemies for a reason.

4. The calmest person in the room is often the most dangerous. Therefore, be the calmest person.

5. One cannot be betrayed if one does not trust anyone besides one's gang.

Flames Rules: 

1. Fighting is not a desperation. It is an art.

2. A punch to the gut is efficient because it is surprsing.

3. To be careless is like signing your name on your tombstone.

4. The gang has standards higher than the Catholic Churches.

5. Don't let anyone define you. That's your job.

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