chappy 5

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I stared at her pissed expression and I let out a laugh, knowing that the one I'll be killing is not the innocent Irene, but the two-faced one.

"Hey, I asked you a question," she said.

She immediately pulled out a gun from her small bag and pointed it at my head. And it seems, she's not just a normal student.

"Wow, I always thought that you're innocent," I said.

I chuckled and held the gun, but she slapped my hand away. I hummed and my eyes scanned her body.

"Too bad, bozo. Sorry for ruining your dirty imagination," she spat harshly, causing me to laugh my ass off. God, she's really funny, and she's cuter when she's mad.

"Why don't you sit here and let's talk it out?" I pulled her 

arm and made her sit on my thighs.

What? I just want her to seat on me. I'm not a pervert or anything, but I'm a bit of a perv - not too much.

"What the heck are you doing?!" Her cheeks turned red, and I smirked and hugged her small waist.

"This is sexual assault!" I hummed as she continued to squirm on my grip.

"I'm not even doing anything. It'll be a problem if you squirm like that," I mumbled and just held her in place. She stayed quiet for a couple of minutes, and me thinking she calmed down, I let her go.

Well, not until she turned around in a swift motion and punched my stomach, hard.

"Bitch, did that feel good? Oh, I hope it does," she snickered and walked out of the infirmary humming happily.

"Fuck..." I groaned in pain as I held my stomach, she punched my stomach like it was nothing!

"Oh, are you in pain?" I lifted my head to see the nurse. "I'm dying," I mumbled. "I think one of my rib is broken. I feel like im going to vomit" I whimpered and the nurse stared at me confused.

"I-I think one my rib is broken," I corrected myself.

"I'm dying," I repeated. "I think one of my rib is broken. I'm going to vomit" I whimpered and the nurse checked me as soon as possible.


I walked out of the infirmary with a stern expression, once I catch that midget. I will stab her with my favorite dagger.

I skipped afternoon classes because I couldn't wait for my things to arrive. This academy has dorms, and I hope I won't be paired with a weirdo or a stuck-up bitch.

It was night, and I had to wait outside. It was freezing, but the boss said she'd do it personally. "Ugh, finally."

I groaned once a black car stopped in front of me. I opened the door and was greeted by the boss - my foster mother.

"What took you so long? It's freezing here," I mumbled.

The boss gave me my usual large briefcase and my black backpack. "And please, would you hide that scar of yours?" My eyes widened when the boss said the s-word.

"Mother! I won't wear a skirt!" I complained but she smacked my shoulders and I pouted.

"It's for getting the attention of guys! For information, idiot. And remember: I will only give you a year," she said.

"Goodbye, Boss. Yes, I will wear a skirt tomorrow," I sighed and the boss had a successful smile. Now where are the dorms again?


I spent hours finding my door but finally found it. I didn't bother to knock and burst the door open, revealing a girl only in a towel singing her lungs out."Oh, midget! This is where you've been hiding!"

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