chappy 31

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It's been 3 years since the day we said our vows on the altar. It was magical, even though half of my mother's people attended my marriage.

We left the academy and moved to our house that I bought three years ago. Irene was overjoyed at my surprise and ended up moving in.

I still have my job as an assassin, although Irene quit being a spy since she was pregnant, and I had to go home every day just to check on her.

She has a lot of cravings—a weird one too. It was too confusing, but I understood her in a few weeks.

Jisoo went to France to pursue her dream of being a fashion designer, and I supported her as her best friend.

She even likes to send us pictures of hers and, of course, her girlfriends.

Mother was cold towards Irene at first, but once she tasted her dishes, she came here often.

I hope she will settle down someday.

You wouldn't even be surprised if you saw her around the house.

After a tiring day, I released a tired sigh and opened the door to my house. I was then greeted by an angel pulling me in for a hug.

"Lali, welcome back. How's your day?" She asked, and I planted a kiss on her lips.

"It was tiring, but I finished it all up by myself to make things easier."

I sighed, and she led me to the kitchen to eat. My mouth then watered at the sight and smell of the delicious food.

"You waited for me?" I asked, and she nodded her head with a smile.

God, I really love this woman.

"I love you; let's eat. Our little Lia must be hungry."

I grinned, and we are in peace—no fights, just peace.


I sat on the floor as my ears were on Irene's stomach, waiting to see if little Lia would kick again.

And it did.

The first IVF didn't work, and we were devastated. Hyun was depressed for months, and I consoled her those days. I didn't leave her side and just stayed there so she wouldn't feel alone. I hate seeing her sad, especially crying.

After a year, we tried again, and we had good results. Baby Lia is now 7 months old in my wife's womb.

"I felt it! Our daughter must be a future soccer player."

I smiled widely and held Irene's stomach to wait for another kick. She then stroked my hair as I waited for the unborn baby to kick.

"Lali, we should sleep. I'm sleepy now."

Irene mumbled while rubbing her eyes sleepily. I sighed, and we both lay on the bed.

"Good night, sweetheart; good night to you too, my little angel."

I mumbled and kissed her stomach, then we cuddled and slept.

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