chappy 7

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"Boss! I don't want to be in a relationship!" I cried out since the boss came by today.

"Just do it! For the sake of your mission and besides, think about the foods you'll buy!" the boss said.

I went silent and thought for a moment, then lifted my head and chuckled while scratching my nape. "Hehe, I guess I'll do it. Don't worry, I've got this. What an easy task," I said.

I giggled and gave the boss a thumbs up. So I talked to Seulgi and decided to be her girlfriend.

It wasn't an easy task.

The boss never mentioned that I had to get intimate with her.

"But... we just started dating last week, don't you think it's too fast?" I stammered as Seulgi rubbed my waist sensually. I let out a moan when she began kissing my neck. "Then... it's all kissing for now?" Seulgi asked, and I nodded my head in reply.

"Okay, I'm fine with that," I said.

Seulgi pressed her lips against mine and shoved her tongue without any caution. I held her shoulders and moaned through the kiss.

Everything was going smoothly, but not until a woman decided to transfer out of the blue and tried to fight Seulgi.

I walked out of the infirmary with a flushed face because that woman's long fingers are holding my waist, and it made my legs tremble for some reason!

"Ugh, what is wrong with that woman? She isn't afraid of a gun either," I muttered and walked grumpily through the halls.

I felt like I was forgetting something...

Fuck, I forgot about Seulgi!

I immediately took a turn and went to the cafeteria, seeing Seulgi sitting on the chair.

She regained her consciousness, that's good.

"Irene, where were you? I heard she took you with her, did she do something?" Seulgi asked while examining me.

"I don't have any injuries or anything like that, let's go and treat your cuts," I said.

I dragged her towards my dorm and treated her well, making sure that face was treated or else the boss might scold me for not protecting her.

"Why do you have to bully her anyway?" I muttered.

She sat there with her head on my shoulder, pouting. "I was just jealous because she made a move on you. What if she steals you away?" she said.

"You need to go, classes Seul. You have class," I pulled away and dragged her towards the door.

"I'll see you later, beautiful," Seulgi kissed my forehead and I smiled before closing the door.

"I need a shower; I feel sticky," I mumbled and began stripping my clothes.

Who cares? I don't have a roommate anyway. I can do whatever I want.

I sang very loudly because no one was around, even dancing despite being bad at it. When I finished taking a shower, I got out still singing my lungs out.

"Oh, Midget! This is where you've been hiding," Miss Pervert said, her gaze then traveling to the floor and she smirked when she saw my panties lying around there."Nice thongs," she said.

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