Chapter 19

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Everything on the earth is connected. It makes the world be in a state of balance. We need one another to live but animals and plants can survive without humans. I can say that humans are the ones that cause havoc upon nature. Plants and animals will strive without humans but people will die without them. It is like humans are the villain, and in truth they are. But we have learned from our mistakes and are trying to find ways on how to prolong the existence of every being here on earth.
But Are we humans worthy to be living on this marvelous planet? Will the human race peril in the end and be wiped out of existence eventually? Will our own kind be the cause of our downfall? Are our species worth saving? Is there any much deeper meaning of life? What will happen after death? Will the future be-

I snapped out of my thoughts and faced the person in front of me.

"We've been calling your name 4 times already...What's up?" Tyler laughed.


"Yeah, you look like you were zoning out. Anyway, what did you do last weekend?" Morgan said. She and Tyler were sitting in front of me while Brian was beside me.

I locked gazes with Brian but quickly looked away.

I recalled the time when Brian went to the orphanage last Saturday. Aside from that incident, I was doing the usual, working on the project and other inventions.

"It was uneventful. How was yours?"I asked to divert the attention away from me.

She was about to talk when our math teacher made an entrance.

She started the lecture. I proceed to zone out halfway to the lecture when my name was being called again.


I looked at our math teacher's irritated face.

"Now that I have your full attention. I want you to answer this equation."

I looked at what was written on the board. It was calculus 2. I already tackled that a long time ago and I've moved on to the more advanced branches of calculus. I would've answered that without hesitance if I weren't feigning that I'm incapable.

"I can't"

"Just what I thought. Pay attention next time. Now, who else wants to answer?"

After that, the teacher gave us the results of the previous test we took a week ago.

"16/30, not that bad. But I still need to study more. What's your score, Brian?" Morgan looked at the items of her paper that she got wrong.

"23" he replied.

"That's not bad either, you two are smart." She pointed at Brian and Tyler.

By the time the teacher gave me back my test, she gave me a displeased look.

I looked down at my paper, 2/30.

Same low score as usual.

"Not again Claire, every time. I'm tired of telling you to study over and over again."

Everyone was now looking at us and I just looked at her. She proceeds to distribute the papers and I looked back at the window.

"If you'd like, I can tutor you. For free of course." I glanced at Tyler.

"It is nice of you to offer that, but no thanks."

"Okay, if you do want help someday just tell me."

I nodded. I appreciate him for trying to help me, even though I don't need help academically.

"For those who had a high score, Stephanie, Tyler, Dylan, and Kayla. Good job and keep up the good work." the teacher praised and we all clapped.

With what I observed in hanging out with the three. I gathered that Tyler is the one that is great in mathematics. He loves solving problems and equations, and if I were not hiding my true identity then for sure I and him would click, with the love for solving.

The bell rang and we all got up our seats.

Morgan went up to me and grabbed me by my arm. By now, I am used to skin-to-skin contact, but with Morgan only. She stays by my side all the time when we are walking places.

I let her drag me to the cafeteria.

"Don't be down because you have a low score. You can't force someone to be automatically smart at math or anything, it needs time. Everyone has their weakness but everyone also has a strong suit, you just need to find it." She smiled at me and continued to hold me by my arm.

What she said was very wise and insightful. This made me think back to my thoughts before, that there is still good in humanity.

And now I realize that I am lucky that I have encountered and surrounded myself with people like them.

I didn't realize that I was walking slowly until Morgan dragged me again to a table.

Tyler and Brian were already there.

"We bought you food," Brian said looking at me and then at Morgan while he was about to stuff a sandwich in his mouth.

He had bought me lunch 3 times already including now and I am thankful for that. I should be embarrassed cause I haven't given back the same act of kindness except showing up to meetups regarding the project and doing my part. But I don't feel embarrassed at all, he is the one that is giving. I think generosity is part of his personality. He likes giving even if he doesn't get anything in return...but he does get something and that something is happiness. I guess, seeing someone happy because of something you did causes you to become happy as well.

We were sat at a table outside. The three of them were talking and I just kept listening to them while taking small bites of the sandwich that Brian gave me.

I heard giggles near me and the next thing I know liquid was being poured on my head.

I stood up and behind me were Rachel and her friends. They laughed.

"Hey, that was not nice," Morgan shouted.

"Nothing is funny Rachel. Why are you so mean to Claire when she didn't even do anything bad to you." Brian angrily said, staring right back at Rachel who quickly stopped laughing as soon as she saw Brian glaring at her.

"Didn't do anything bad to me?!! She did and I'll continue to make her life much worse until that emotionless face of her will finally break."

With that, she left but not without sparing me a nasty glare.

I looked at Rachel's retreating figure then collected my things.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom," I said.

"Want me to come with you?" Morgan asked. The three of them looked at me with worry in their eyes.

"No I'm fine, thank you though."

I began walking and I noticed that people were staring but I ignored them just like I always do and continued my way to the bathroom.

Rachel always picks on me at times where there are no adults. Most students are used to seeing Rachel bullying an individual. They knew better than to mind their own business or else you'll be one of her targets.

I'm used to it too.

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