Chapter 2

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This is my last year of high school. Freedom will await me as soon as I finish.
I wake up at 4 am as always. I like being disciplined even when it comes to waking up.

I was graced by the pleasures of not having a roommate so it is alright to be noisy at this time of the day, but not too noisy cause I might wake up other children in their respective rooms.

I got ready, brushed my teeth, took a shower, and changed into my everyday wear. A hoodie underneath is a long-sleeved shirt, pants, then a pair of black converse shoes. All of my clothes are hand-me-downs from people who give donations. So they are worn down or old. 

I grabbed my bag and looked at my watch. A watch that I upgraded, it was a broken watch that has a small screen just like a phone. I just tinkered on it a little, I added some wirings and speakers which I took from broken headphones so that it connects to Garret so I am able to talk into it.


I went to the roof. No one goes up here because we're not allowed to but I go up anyways. In order to go up, you need to climb a ladder, it's a little bit of a hassle but it's worth knowing that I consider this my place where there are no other children.

I didn't get caught after 7 years of going here every early morning and night. I climbed the ladder, hoisted myself up, and opened the door.
There is a shed here on the roof, I put my big projects here that don't fit in my room.  It's a tarpaulin shed near the wall of the small room that has the ladder.

I took out my laptop from my bag and powered it on, which I upgraded too. Everyone who's above 13 here in the orphanage was given a laptop for free. I connected to the internet and read some of my messages, which consisted of people who message me to fix appliances like, TVs, washing machines, everything electrical. It's my way of getting money so that I can buy equipment for my inventions and other significant things.

So after school, I go to Mrs. Johnsons' house to fix her vacuum cleaner.

I've been helping people fix their appliances and automobiles for 3 years now. Since I live in a small town everybody practically knew each other, that's why people come to me for services. My first customer was Mrs. Robin, I found her one day 3 years ago while I was biking towards the junkyard outside of town to get car parts. Her car broke down in a secluded area where only trees surround us so I stopped to help her.

After successfully fixing it, she was so thankful and offered me some money. I refused to accept it but after much talking me into accepting it I gave way and accepted it. We talked for a while and she asked me if I could fix other things besides cars, I said yes because I thought that I can gain something from repairing. I already thought about the downfalls of giving her my email and the responsibilities that come with it so I was prepared. She asked for my email and I gave it to her, already have gone through the consequences.
After that, she told people about me fixing her car then a week later Mrs. Robin's neighbor asked me to fix her car and asked me for my number and email also. From that day on I keep fixing appliances and automobiles and they pay me decent amounts of money. I didn't let myself be close with any of my customers, I just do my job and that's it.
I shut my laptop after reading all the emails and proceeded on upgrading Garret, the robot. I turned it on and Garret came to life.

"Good morning Claire"(robotic voice)
"Morning Garret " I continued fixing the speaker.
"I need to get you another speaker, this one is broken.", Garret's voice keeps on stopping then returns to normal then stops again.

I looked for any broken wirings or something that needs to be resolved. I found some defects and repaired them, after that, I looked at the time, 7:00. I've been here for 2 hours.

I turned off Garret then put my laptop back inside my bag and went down the ladder. I went inside my room to get some tools needed to repair Mrs. Johnsons' vacuum then proceeded to go down the stairs for breakfast.
I went inside the kitchen, nodding to Ms. Rita, the one who usually cooks food for the children, as a greeting, then grabbed an apple for breakfast. The other kids that reside here in the orphanage are at the dining hall already.

I don't eat there for breakfast because I don't have any human friends that's why I go directly to the kitchen. Ms. Rita already knows that I don't eat there so she lets me get my food here.
After finishing the apple, I went to get my bike from the garage and rode it to school. School is a 10-minute bike from the orphanage.


I parked my bike then got inside to retrieve my schedule for this year. I easily located the room of my first period which is history. I took a seat at the back just as the bell rang, the rest of the students came piling in the room.

Then the teacher came seconds later and said some introduction, it wasn't necessary because we already knew him from last year. There weren't any new students either but I guess he was just following protocol.
I just sat at the back tuning everything out.

After the history teacher sets the rules and other things he began starting the first lesson. I zoned out again cause I already know the lesson. I already read about it a few years back at the library.
I sighed, this is gonna be a regular cycle about my uneventful days in class. With me constantly zoning out.

I'm ahead of my class, but nobody knows it. But I'd like to keep it that way. I don't like the unwanted attention, to be praised or being used, that's why I pretend like I don't have the capability of thinking critically.
That's what I've been doing since first grade since I realized that humans can be cruel. People can use you for their benefit. I don't want that for myself, I don't want fake friends. I have been avoiding people my whole life, it's not because I find people incompetent but because I'm afraid. I have seen the things that evil people do to persons like me. And I'm not about to be their next victim.

So I don't answer tests or do projects so that I don't attract attention to myself but when I do I choose the wrong answer or do it badly to get a low grade.

People who are my customer like Mrs. Robin. Doesn't even know my name or where I'm from. They just know my email. They don't know I'm an orphan. No one from school knows.

The next period came by then the other then lunch which I just went to the library then the afternoon period then the next, it's just a cycle.

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