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Brian's POV

I stared at the girl, the quiet, reserved, smart girl, which is an understatement cause she's more than smart, she's a genius. That's the most fitting word to describe her.

The chance of me meeting another girl like her is zero. She's the type of person that would come across your life only once in a lifetime. A complete mystery, that she is. I never had the time to fully figure her out, so in the meantime, she remains an enigma. Among the many mysteries in this world, she is the one that I find really worth it to ponder upon. The greatest mysteries of all time that I hope one day I get to solve.

Meeting her has brought excitement into my rather dull life. She's a person in my life that comes in unexpectedly and then leaves, unexpectedly too...Not knowing when you will ever meet again, leaving only a memory and the impact she had in my life.

"I'll miss you." Morgan cried on Claire's shoulders. They stood near Claire's car which is filled with boxes and other stuff. We were outside the school, it was barren because students were in class. We skipped 2nd period to bid Claire goodbye.

Tyler and Morgan said their farewells and now it is time for me to say goodbye too. I approached her and we gazed into each other's eyes for a moment. I don't know if I was just imagining it, but I think I saw a hint of sadness in those striking blue eyes of hers.

"Meeting someone like you is the rarest occurrence ever in a world full of people who want to be like everyone else... It is a privilege to have known you, Claire. I'm glad that our paths crossed even though our time together was short."

"Likewise, Brian. Honestly, I never thought that I would have...friends." She looked at Morgan and Tyler who stood behind me. "But here you guys are, and for the first time in my life, I get to experience what it is like to... To live. Thank you for everything... I need to get going..." She said, getting in the car and waving goodbye to Tyler and Morgan.

"So long Claire." I waved my palm and it just stayed there.

"So long, Brian" she said softly. We gazed into each other's eyes for the very last time. I wanted to say something but I kept my mouth shut.
She broke eye contact and started the vehicle then drove off. I continued to look at her in the side mirror as the car moved farther away until it was finally out of sight.

"And even if you're not here to stay, I'm happy the universe allowed your soul to stop by."

The end...

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