Chapter 2

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Mads POV//

I just saw Addison Rae. Although I was also considered famous I loved that girl, however I never knew she had a kid maybe it was her cousin or little sister but then I swear I also heard the little girl call her mommy. I was also sure that Addison had dated my friend Bryce a year or 2 ago. Well, I lived at sway with Bryce so maybe I would ask him when I got home.

I got home and I immediately went up to Bryce.

M: 'hey Bryce random question'
B:'yeah shoot'
M: 'how long ago did you date Addison Rae?'
B: 'I think it was about just under 2 years ago! Why?'
M: 'I saw her at target but she had a little girl with her, it could be her little sister or something but I swear heard the girl call her mommy'

Bryce POV//

Addison had a kid?? I doubt it was mine.

B: 'how old was the kid?'
M: 'she looked about 1 maybe a little older'

I had to investigate this. There is a possibility that kid is mine. I mean I dated her 2 years ago if that kid is 1 that means she was born a year ago and then for Addison to be pregnant for 9 months would add up to around 2 years. Why wouldn't she tell me this though? I decided to go onto Instagram and check. I unblocked Addison after what felt like a life time. I previously blocked her after we broke up. I scrolled down and saw pictures of her and this little girl with captions 'mommy's girl' that kid must be hers. One caption immediately caught my eye. I decided to keep scrolling to see if there was any pics of Addison pregnant because for all I know she could have adopted the kid. One thing I also noticed was that there was no pics of that little girl and her dad, even more reason for me to believe she's mine. I continued to scroll and to no surprise I saw pics of Addison pregnant. So it was 100% her biological kid. Even through the pictures of Addison pregnant there wasn't one with a man.
Is this kid my biological daughter?

Addison POV//

I had just gotten home, I unpacked the groceries and put Blake down for her nap. I decided to go onto Instagram and I saw Bryce hall had unblocked me. WHAT!! He wouldn't ever do this what's he heard? I just realised that the girl that Blake ran into was Mads Lewis. I had seen her on my for you page sometimes. Also I believe she was friends with Bryce. Oh no. What if she's told Bryce she saw me with a kid. That's not good. I dated Bryce 2 years ago he broke up with me the day after I fell pregnant. We broke up as there was a rumour he cheated on me. Although I didn't believe the rumour the full amount of trust with him wasn't there. He ended it with me before I had a chance to tell him I was pregnant. The thing is I was pregnant with his baby. My little Blakey was his daughter. I didn't tell him as when he left me he seemed really mad, I thought telling him would make him more mad so as a result I just decided not to tell him. It hurt me that he wasn't there with me. He couldn't find out the gender with me, feel her first kicks, he wasn't even there when she was born. My mom was there and Dixie but I knew it wasn't the same as Bryce. He hasn't been able to see her grow up. This began to make me feel so bad, I really should have told him but I just thought he wasn't ready and I didn't want to bombard him with a kid that he didn't want. I had to change this though. I had to tell him. I was going to tell him later this week.

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