Chapter 28

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Addison POV//

Today we were supposed to be taking our baby girl home, however last night something happened, something that would be the worst thing to happen to our newborn.

{flashback to the night before}

Bryce and I had just put Aria to sleep, she is now 5 hours old and we couldn't be more in love. I was so tired as it was 10pm and I had just given birth, Bryce and I were gonna need some rest as the nurse informed us she's gonna have to come and check on Ari every 2hours or so. She had just been so the next time she would come would be around midnight.

I woke up to the nurse knocking on our door, i said she could come in and she had to wake Aria up. I wasn't completely mad since Ari did need to wake up for a feed soon anyway. The first thing the nurse did after waking her up was check her heart beat, that's when my own heart dropped.

Nurse: her breathing seems quite irregular for a newborn
Addison: is she ok?
Nurse: I mean she's getting air out of her lungs but from what I can see she isn't getting enough into her lungs...
Addison: ok...and what does that mean for her?
Nurse: im sorry but we might need to take Aria to the NICU, just to monitor and give her some help with her breathing. I have high hopes that it should be back to normal by the morning, at the latest tomorrow afternoon!
Addison: are you taking her right now? •tears up•
Nurse: I will let you feed her whilst I make sure there's a space ready for her and then unfortunately we will have to take her. Rest assured though, you will be able to come and breastfeed her every 2 hours though okay?
Addison: o-okay •wipes a tear•
Nurse: I will be back in about half an hour •leaves the room•

That's when I feel tears fall down my face and I begin to sob, I wanted to stay strong but I couldn't, I couldn't handle another one of my newborns being in the NICU. I picked Aria up and undid the top button on my hospital gown and began to nurse her, then I saw Bryce begin to wake up.

Bryce: baby are you ok?
Addison: no they are taking Ari to the NICU!
Bryce: why? She seems fine
Addison: yeah for now but the nurse isn't completely happy with her breathing and wants to monitor it •cries•
Bryce: •sits by her• babe she'll be ok! Look at what a fighter Blake was when she was there. Ari will be just as much as a fighter, okay?
Addison: •nods• but I thought that I wouldn't have to go through another baby in the NICU, I thought she was ok. •cries into his shoulder•
Bryce: I know baby, but sometimes things don't always go as planned. Now you focus on having her in your arms right now. •kisses her head•

I finished feeding Ari and then handed her to Bryce so he could have a few last cuddles and burp her. 10 minutes later the nurse and a doctor came in.

Nurse: I just need to check her breathing one more time, just to make sure she definitely needs to leave •checks• okay so I'm sorry she does have to I'm afraid

I just nod at the nurse, I give Aria one last kiss on the head before Bryce hands her to the nurse.

Addison: I don't want anyone else to feed her, please?
Nurse: of course addison. We will make sure to alert you every time she needs a feed and you can come and do that
Addison: thank you

{flashback ended}

So that's where I am now sat in the NICU with Bryce staring at our baby girl, she had a machine attached to her to help her breath easier. The nurses in here said that we will be able to leave today weather Aria comes with us or not, is a different story. When I looked around at all the other babies in here, I was extremely grateful in a way that my baby was no where near as in worse condition as some of the babies in here. Some babies where tiny, no bigger than my hand and I can relate to how scary it is having such a small baby.

It was now time for me to feed Aria and sadly they made Bryce leave since another mom had to come and feed her baby and because of covid only 2 people are allowed in here. I just sat on the couch in here whilst I held aria close to my chest as she ate. Shortly after, a mom feeding her preemie baby a bottle came and sat beside me. (The moms name was Lindsey)

Lindsey: hey?
Addison: oh hey?
Lindsey: I see you're a NICU mom as well, huh?
Addison: unfortunately yes
Lindsey: it sucks I know, is she your first?
Addison: second actually
Lindsey: really? You seem so young to have 2 kids
Addison: yeah well I had my first at 20 and now I'm 22! Is this little boy your first?
Lindsey: call me crazy but he's my fifth, this is my first time having a preemie baby though
Addison: oh sadly this is my second time •looks down•
Lindsey: that must suck, this cutie looks like a good weight though? •smiles•
Addison: oh yeah she was only 3 weeks early and weighed 7.1lbs but my first was only 4.4lbs
Lindsey: wow that is small, this dude is 5lbs on the dot but he still need to be monitored. Whats wrong with your little one?
Addison: breathing difficulties...
Lindsey: aw I'm sorry! Hey we should meet up for coffee one time? How old is your other cutie?
Addison: yeah that's sounds great and she's 2!
Lindsey: I have a 3 year old little girl, they would probably get along very well
Addison: yeah!! I always hoped she could get some more friends.

This new mom in here was really nice, nobody ever came and spoke to me when I was in here alone with Blake. It's nice to have another mom to relate to and you can let each other know that they are not alone. We exchanged numbers and then the nurse came in.

Nurse: hey Addison, we have some good news on Aria...
Addison: what is it?
Nurse: well...

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