Chapter 7

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Bryce POV//

Addison just finished getting Blake changed and we headed to her car. I sat in the passenger seat whilst Addi buckled Blake in before coming into the drivers seat. On the drive there blake babbled to herself whilst Addison and I chatted.


Once we arrived immediately there were paparazzi and they instantly noticed Addison's car. I knew Addison and I being with eachother is going to go viral some way or another. I grabbed Blake, and then went round to addison a grabbed her hand just so I knew she was near and wasn't going to get left behind. I think this took her by surprise but I will explain once we get in. Paparazzi bombarded us with questions like:

'Are you guys back together?'
'Is Blake Bryce's daughter?'
'Why are you on a date'
'Is this the return of braddison?'
And so on

We ignored them all and just made our way to the restaurant, finally once we were in Addison grabbed a high chair for Blake and we sat down.

Bl: mama me out
A: no because we are going to eat dinner.
Bl: dada me out?
B: no, mommy said no
Bl: hmph •she tried to fold her arms as she huffed causing both addison and I to laugh•
Bl: I fwunny?(funny)
A: yes you are funny baby •addison said moving Blake's hair of her face•
B: what are you ordering?
A: I was going to get the chicken, what about you?
B: steak!
A: of course you haven't changed •she giggles•
B: what about Blake?
A: um I don't know why don't we ask her?
B: Blakey, what do you want to eat?
Bl: dwinos(Dino)
A: babe they don't have Dino nuggets here silly
Bl: gettis (spaghetti)
B: ok they do sell spaghetti so you can get that
Bl: mama oysss (toysss)
A: you only brung Skye (that's the paw patrol dog you know the girl one and she has it in like figurines)
Bl: oh me have pwease? (Please)
A: yeah •addison says getting it out the bag•

We ordered our food and me and Addison just caught up. We waited 10 minutes and then our food arrived.

Bl: to wot(hot)
A: blow on it baby
Bl: otay •she says huffing on her pasta•
A: now try
B: it bwetter
A: good now eat it it's yummy.

Addison POV//

We finished our food and paid. I picked up Blake and Bryce grabbed my hand again. I don't really think much about it because I think with the paparazzi he is just making sure he doesn't lose us. We walked out to the car and I buckled Blake in and quickly got in the front ignoring everything question thrown at me. We immediately drove off and I had to get Bryce to keep checking that Blake wasn't asleep because if she fell asleep she wouldn't sleep tonight.


We had just gotten in and we sat down on the couch whilst Blake played.

A: where is Blake going to sleep tonight?
B: Can she sleep in a bed?
A: i mean she usually sleeps in a crib but we can try her in a bed as long as we make it so she doesn't fall off.
B: yeah that's fine but if she isn't settled she can always sleep with us?
A: yeah or she can fall asleep with us and I will take her through after.
B: yeah ok •he smiles•
A: anyway bath time Blakey
Bl: noooo mama
A: you don't want to smell do you?
Bl: me no mell(smell) and me no want bwath(bath)
B: what about if dada gives you a bath?

Blake's face lights up

Bl: yesh
B: ok come on •he says picking her up•
A: thank you •I mouth you him•

We go upstairs and I turn the bath on putting in some of Blake's baby bubble bath I bought with us.

A: ok Blakey baths ready! I will get her pyjamas and towel so let me know when she wants to get out.
B: ok

I leave them in the bathroom whilst I got Blake's bedtime things ready. I got her paci out and her blanket and then a diaper, her lotion and pyjamas and towel. I then heard a whole lot of giggles coming from the bathroom. Blake sounded so happy with Bryce, it melted my heart.

B: Addi Blake's ready to get out •I hear Bryce yell•

I walked into the bathroom to see Blake still giggling. I picked her up and wrapped her in a towel.

B: you can get her dressed on my bed if you want
A: thanks

I went to Bryce room and laid Blake down on the bed and started drying off. I put on her diaper and rubbed lotion over her body. Then
I put her in her pyjamas and brushed out her tiny bit of hair she had. I saw her start to get cranky so I gave her a paci.

Bl: bwanky (blankey that what she calls her pink blanket)
A: here beb •I say passing it to her•
Bl: me sweepy(sleepy)
A: let mommy go make you a bottle ok?
Bl: dada •she says making grabby hands to Bryce•

Bryce POV//

Blake asked for me so I picked her up and she rested her head on my shoulder whilst addi went and made her a bottle. Blake started blabbing to me but I had no idea what she was saying.

Bl: dada?
B: yes baby?
Bl: blwakey wuv(love) you
B: aww I love Blakey
Bl: i wuv mama
B: I love mama to- •I instantly realised what I said I hope Blake doesn't tell addison•
Bl: you wuv mama?
B: yeah I do •I sigh•
A: okay Blakey let's go to bed
Bl: otay(ok) night dada •she says kissing my cheek before I pass her to addison•

Addison POV//

I took Blake from Bryce and we went to the spare room. I sat down on the bed and fed her the bottle and she fell asleep in my arms. I gently laid her down on the bed and put a barrier of pillows around her so she didn't fall out of bed. I kissed her on the head and pulled the covers over her, turning the lights off and walking out. I left the door open so I could hear her if she woke up. I went back to Bryce's room and I guess he was in the shower so I took the opportunity to get changed. Once I was changed I sat on the edge of Bryce's bed on my phone.


Finally Bryce walked out of the bathroom but I wasn't expecting him to be in his boxers.

A: um I'm going to sleep on the couch, nigh-
B: no stay in here....please
A: are you sure?
B: yeah it's fine
A: ok then

I sat down in bed and Bryce sat next to me and looked at me weirdly

A: what? •I say laughing•
B: you just look so hot •he smirks•
A: thanks you don't look to bad yourself

I instantly felt him pull my body close to his. I stared into his eyes. And our lip touched and we kissed, very passionately. God I missed this kiss. After about a 20 seconds(idk how long you kiss for XD) we pulled apart.

B: I'm so sorr-
A: Bryce it's fine I liked it
B: you did?
A: yeah... Bryce I missed you

Brook speaks
So yeah that happened lol
Also ignore my really bad
Editing in the cover of this
I tried my best lmao✌️💀

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