Chapter 19

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Bryce POV//

I felt so bad for all that I had put Addison and Blake through, I was such a dick. I had to deeply make it up to them, it's the least I could do.

Bryce: I'm so sorry, what can I do to make it up to you?
Addison: stay here with us
Bryce: that would be an honour
Blake: dada, day?(stay)
Bryce: yes I am baby, and im sorry daddy hurt you
Blake: dat otay, Wiley did
Bryce: I know she did and daddy isn't going to let her get away with it! •turns to addi• do you forgive me?
Addison: well if Blake does then I will •hugs him•
Bryce: thank you •kisses her head• what if I take you both out for ice cream?
Blake: yeshhhhh
Addison: •giggled• sounds good
Bryce: •grabs her hand• come on then
Addison: Blake's in pyjamas •laughs•
Bryce: oh shoot I will get her changed •laughs•
Addison: good idea •giggles•
Blake: noooo ouchie
Bryce: I won't hurt it I promise princess
Addison: Blakey daddy will do it just like mommy does, very gently okay?
Blake: otay..

I got Blake's changed and I was very careful and she was fine, she looked adorable!

I got Blake's changed and I was very careful and she was fine, she looked adorable!

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(We love Payson haha)

Addison POV//

Bryce is taking Blake and I for ice cream, I do forgive him because I know he is truly sorry and he would never intentionally hurt us like that. For the benefit of Blake, I want us to be on good terms. We were right now in the car driving and Blake had fallen asleep, I wasn't surprised as she barely napped today but I was a little concerned because it was 3pm meaning she might not sleep later however it's Friday so maybe we could have a little movie night? We reached the ice cream place but Blake was not gonna wake up.

Bryce: •looks in his mirror• oh damn it, she's asleep
Addison: yeah but if you want we can put her in the stroller and go shopping before she wake up
Bryce: shopping? Clothes shopping? Nah I didn't sign up for that •laughs•
Addison: oh please •pouty face• pretty please
Bryce: ugh you win me over with that face every single time, fine
Addison: yayy •giggles•

We got out of the car and Bryce set up Blake's stroller and I slowly moved her from the car seat into the stroller without making any sudden movements. I successfully got her in and we began to walk down Melrose.

Addison: hey we should do a game where you pick an outfit for Blake?
Bryce: yeah!! Where should we do it?
Addison: well Zara has good baby clothes or H&M
Bryce: we will go Zara!
Addison: ok

We walked into Zara and I took Bryce to the baby clothes bit (I'm pretty sure baby clothes go up to like 3 years in some places, idk tho)

Addison: right pick out an outfit for Blake
Bryce: let's go

Bryce starts looking at random things that I do not like. He then finds something cute.

Bryce: overalls? •shows addison•
Addison: I like that one
Bryce what size is she? •looks at tags• not 9 months, not 3 years, they don't have her size!
Addison: do they have 18 months?
Bryce: nope
Addison: ok next

We move on and then he finds a weird dress.

Bryce: little outfit for winter •laughs•
Addison: that's so ugly
Bryce: I know •puts it back•
Bryce: wow look at that jacket •walks to it and sees the price• $49 dollars on clothes for my kid?
Addison: she's just gonna get that super messy
Bryce: yeah no I'm not wasting my money, what about this skirt •picks it up•
Addison: she owns that •laughs•
Bryce: she does?! •Addison giggles• of course she does

Jeez this man takes so long to shop

Bryce: little turtleneck •holds it up and chuckles•
Addison: why did I suggest you do this •laughs•

Finally after forever he actually picks up some cute pants.

Bryce: so I'm thinking this and... •walks over to a rail of clothes and picks up and oversized sweater• and this?
Addison: no that's really cute, I approve
Bryce: oh my god I did it!
Addison: yeah now let's pay before you change your mind
Bryce: wait Im checking if they are all 18 months in size •looks• yep perfect

Bryce POV//

Addison and I did a little bit more shopping before Blake woke up, she had a little snack addison had brung for her and then we went back to the ice cream shop?

Bryce: Blakey what flavour do you want?
Blake: pinkkk!
Addison: thats bubblegum flavour you might no like it? Shall we do Oreo instead?
Blake: ya pees(please)
Bryce: ok and addi?
Addison: mint choc chip please?
Bryce: cool, I'm gonna get reeses

We got our ice cream and sat down and ate, this afternoon had been fun little family time and I was very happy about it!

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