Chapter 13

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Bryce POV//

I woke up next to Riley who was still fast asleep, I had almost forgotten that Blake had to go home tonight. Speaking of Blake I couldn't see her in the bed, I decided to check the guest room incase Riley had taken her through to her travel crib but she wasn't in there. I started to get worried, how could I tell Addiosn I had lost our daughter? I decided to wake Riley incase she knew of something, I went through to my bedroom.

Bryce: Ryls •shakes her•
Riley: hmm •wakes up•
Bryce: where is Blake?
Riley: she was in my arms when I fell asleep, I felt someone pick her up but I just thought it was you taking her to the crib.
Bryce: WHAT!
Riley: what's the matter, was it not you?
Bryce: no it wasn't me I woke up and she had disappeared
Riley: check your phone maybe addison has her
Bryce: good idea

I looked at my Lock Screen and I had 3 missed calls from Addison and a message saying 'im on my way to grab Blake', surely she would have woken us if she took Blake. I decided to call her and check, it rang for 10 seconds before I was hit with a decline from her. I decided to text her instead.

Do you have Blake, please
answer I'm worried!

Yes I do

Jeez addison you
Had me worried

Sorry I did call you
3 times and message
You, you were too busy
With Riley.

Why are you being
So dry?

Addison 🥰💄
Maybe because when I
Came to collect our
Daughter she was fast
Asleep and cuddling into
Riley's chest!

Riley was comforting her
what's the problem?

You know the exact problem
Bryce, you already know how
Much Blake has been pushing
Me to the side recently and then
To walk in and see that made
Me feel 100% worse!!

I'm sorry I didn't
Realise that was such
A big deal to you

Whatever Bryce

Well I guess addison was mad at me again, I didn't actually understand why this time like all Blake was doing was sleeping in Riley's arms, why did that bother her so much?

Addison POV//

I had just gotten home with Blake and she was awake now doing some drawing whilst I cooked her some dinner, Bryce was getting on my nerves so I decided to end our text conversation for now. I was cooking Blake some Dino nuggets and cutting up some cucumbers for her, it was all prepped so I just was waiting for the nuggets to finish cooking. I went to see what drawing Blake was doing.

Addison: Blake what are you drawing?
Blake: famwee(family)
Addison: aww who is who?
Blake: dada •points to a tall scribbles• Blakey •points to a small scribbles• and Riwee(Riley) •points to a medium scribbles•
Addison: what about me, mama?
Blake: dere(there) •points to what she said Riley was•
Addison: you said that was Riley
Blake: Wes(yes) Riwee(Riley) is mama

That's when it hit me, she now thinks Riley is her mom! Great! Literally I have spent the last almost 2 years of her life with her and she meets Riley TODAY and that's the end for me, Riley is now apparently her mom. I understood the was probably all quite confusing for a one year old but it still upset me that she didn't know who her own mom was.

Addison: honey, I'm your mama, not Riley!
Blake: no Riwee(Riley)
Addison: •sighs• who told you Riley was your mama?
Blake: me no no, addi

Shit!! Now she is calling me by my first name, I don't understand how can this all of a sudden change, who said something to her?


Blake POV//

I was sat with Riley in bed and dada was on a call, I liked Riley she was nice but I missed my mommy. Riley started talking to me but I wasn't really listening.

Riley: so do you know your moms real name honey?
Blake: addi
Riley: do you know that you should call her that from now on
Blake: me say mama
Riley: no you have to call her my her real name now it's a rule
Blake: whyyyyyy?
Riley: because if you don't she will die

Die?? I didn't want my mommy to die, I have to listen to Riley otherwise mommy is gonna die.

Riley: you can't tell her though
Blake: otay Riwee I won't
Riley: good girl but you can't call me Riley anymore, you have to call me mama otherwise addi will die
Blake: o-otay I got it

Before I knew it Riley scooped me up and I fell asleep in her arms.

(Not one bit of hate to Riley I love her so much but I just wanted a bit for drama and this is the only way I can incorporate it)


Addison POV//

Blake had just finished eating and she was still calling me addi, it was upsetting me even more each time she said it. I doubt Bryce would tell her to say that but then I also didn't think Riley would do such a thing, me and Riley were always on good terms before. I got blake into the bath and washed her, I made her milk and then took her into her bedroom. I lied her in my arms as she drank and I was watched her little lips drink her milk.

I had memories of doing this when she was first born and I brought her home from the hospital. She was a tiny baby only weighing 4lbs 4oz, she was actually quite premature as she was born at 34 weeks. I did try and nurse her but she wasn't gaining enough weight and she had to gain some weight before she could leave the hospital. I didn't have a c- section but we had to stay over a week so she could gain weight in the NICU and I also needed time to recover. I missed her being that small though, she was almost 2 now and it saddened me she was gonna get big and now that she was calling me by my first name I felt even worse.

Bryce POV//

Riley: does Addison have Blake?
Bryce: yes she took her whilst we were asleep
Riley: she could have told us
Bryce: she could have but she didn't
Riley: is she always that rude?
Bryce: no not always but she's been mad at Blake lately
Riley: how come?
Bryce: cause I stopped seeing Blake for over a month and apparently Blake was crying for me everyday and night and addison couldn't cope so that's why she brought Blake round to me.
Riley: oh when you said mad I thought you meant yelling and hitting Blake
Bryce: nooo, what are you trying to imply? Yes addison can be rude to me sometimes but she's the best mom to Blake and she does everything she can to look after her properly.
Riley: she seem like a mom to get mad at her kids to be honest
Bryce: uhhh I love you Riley but I don't appreciate you bad mouthing my ex's parenting skills when you haven't seen them before
Riley: you speak so fondly of your ex even when she hates you
Bryce: we share a daughter Riley, we have to slightly like each other, I'm not speaking fondly of her I'm just telling you that she is a really good mom
Riley: whatever you say

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