Chapter 31

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Addison POV//

It had been 1 week since we've brought Aria home, and it's hasn't been easy. Blake is still young so doesn't fully understand the whole situation and the jealousy is getting to her a little, We have to be lenient about her behaviour! Last night Bryce had to go on an emergency trip to see his mom for 2 days as she hurt her leg and needs someone to look after her. Although he feels terrible for leaving me with the kids, I was the one who told him to go, his mom was everything to him, I can handle the kids for 2 days.

Today I needed to get out the house, the past 4 days it's actually been very rainy in LA so it's been very hard to take the girls out but today the sun is out and it's very warm so we can go out.

Blake: mommy?
Addison: yeah bubba?
Blake: we go ice cweam and ark?(ice cream and park)
Addison: sure baby, I'm just going to feed Ari and then we can go okay?
Blake: otay! Ari sad
Addison: yeah she needs a diaper change and she's hungry
Blake: it's otay Ari mommy is very nice •rubs her head•

It was rare occasion for Blake to comfort Aria usually she would just tell her to be quiet. She actually continued to try and comfort her whilst I got her changed. I then started to feed Aria and she fully calmed down.

Addison: Blakey can you please get Ari's blankie and paci from mommy's room? It should be on my bed?
Blake: otay mommy

She toddled off upstairs and then a few minutes later cam down with Aria's blanket and pacifier

Blake: here mommy
Addison: wow thank you. You're being very helpful

I finished feeding Aria and then burped her. She had fallen asleep so I got her in her stroller and got Blake's shoes and jacket on before I did my own. The park wasn't that far and neither was the ice cream shop so we were going to walk.

Addison: Blake ice cream or park first?
Blake: parkkkk pease

We reach the park and Blake runs off to the slide to do what she always does and goes up the ladder and down the slide about 500 times. I stood near and watched her making sure she didn't fall. There was a little boy doing the exact same thing as her although he was almost making it a race which I don't think Blake was catching on to. He kept gently pushing past her, it was making me a bit paranoid that she's gonna fall.

A few moments later I heard Aria starting to fuss so I turned and held her paci in her mouth for a few moments until I heard a child scream. Just not any was my child. I never turned around so quickly before in my life to see Blake on her back on the floor crying. I bent down and picked her up.

Blake: m-mommy •choking on sobs•
Addison: Blake what happened? •comforts her• 
Blake: he push me •screaming, crying•

I turn to the little boy who was previously pushing past Blake a minute ago to see him at the top of the slide looking quite concerned and then his mom ran over to me. I recognised her, she was the mom I met in the NICU with aria.

Lindsey: omg I'm so sorry!! Max get down here now and apologise to this little girl! •she kinda yelled•
Addison: Lindsey?
Lindsey: oh my goodness? Addison? From the
Addison: yeah that's me
Lindsey: honestly I'm so sorry! Is she okay? Is she hurt?
Addison: don't worry about it! He's only a kid he doesn't understand and I think she okay aren't you Blake? •rubs Blake's back•
Blake: mhm •sniffles•
Lindsey: he knows better though, he's 4! Max say sorry
Max: I sorry •crying•
Addison: it's okay sweetheart just be careful next time.
Lindsey: yes be a lot more careful please max, you're lucky Addison and Blake are being so understanding.

I did feel a little bit bad for this little boy as like I said he's only a kid and was just trying to have fun, it was an accident and I know he didn't mean to.

Blake: mommy ice cweam? •rubs her eyes•
Addison: yeah we can go get ice cream now! Anyway bye you two
Lindsey: bye Addison, I hope Blake recovers fast
Addison: I assure you she will •giggles•

I carried on holding Blake as she had her head in the crook of my neck, I pushed Aria's stroller with my free hand and we went to the ice cream place.

Addison: Blakey what flavour do you want?
Blake: blue pease mommy

I ordered her ice cream, and then gave it to her. I didn't get any as I wasn't really in the mood, I sat down with Blake and she began eating her ice cream. I then heard my phone start ringing and I saw I was getting a FaceTime from Bryce.

•on FaceTime•

Bryce: hey baby
Addison: hey babe
Bryce: oh are you out? It's okay I can call back later?
Addison: no it's fine, Blake's just having ice cream
Bryce: aww let me see her?
Addison: •flips the phone to Blake can see Bryce•
Blakey say hello to daddy
Blake: hewo dadda
Bryce: hi Blakey? You look like you're enjoying your ice cream •chuckles because she has a rim of bubblegum ice cream round her mouth•
Blake: it yummy
Bryce: aw I'm glad, well you enjoy that and I will speak to you soon
Blake: otay daddy, bye!!! •waves•
Bryce: bye princess!! So babe how are you and Aria
Addison: we're good! We've just taken Blake to the park
Bryce: aw did she have fun?
Addison: she did yeah until a little boy accidentally pushed her but she recovered quick after I said we could go and get ice cream •laughs•
Bryce:  •laughs• I bet!

Bryce and I spoke for a few more minutes before saying goodbye, I looked up from my phone across to where Blake was sat and she was gone.
I thought maybe she was hiding under the table so I checked and she wasn't... maybe she went to the bathroom but she usually is scared to go without me.

Addison: Blake? Where'd you go?
Worker: everything okay?
Addison: no I've lost my daughter, she's g-gone
Worker: how old? Does she have brown hair?
Addison: she's 2, she does have light brown hair kinda more blonde and was wearing a pink coat and grey pants
Worker: oh I think I saw her walk out the door about 3 minutes ago?
Addison: what? Why didn't you stop her?
Worker: you're the one who was being a bad mom and lost your daughter because you weren't watching her
Addison: whatever! I'm going to find her!! •gets up and pushes Aria's stroller out the door•

I begin to cry! Please Blake, please don't tell me you've gone far. I can't lose you!

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