Chapter 5

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Addison POV//

The dm was from the one and only Bryce hall!!

Bryce hall
Hey Addison, we
Haven't spoken in a
While. I wondered if
You wanted to collab or
Meet up soon?

Addison Rae
Hey Bryce, yeah that
Sounds cool. I'm free

Bryce hall
Perfect I will send
You the address to my
House and be round at
About 12?

Addison Rae
Yup that's fine
With me, see you

Bryce hall
Great see you!

Well I guess I was meeting Bryce tomorrow. I had no other choice but to take Blake, I wasn't going to tell Bryce she was his yet though. I shut my phone off and slowly fell asleep.

Blake POV//

I woke up in my room, it was really dark and I was scared. I think it was still night time but I wasn't sure. My only option so I wasn't scared was to yell for mommy. I started to cry.

Addison POV//

I woke up drowsy when I heard whimpers form Blake's room. She never woke up in the night so I decided to check what time it was. 3:29am. Great. I got myself up and made my way to Blake's room where I saw her sat in her crib crying. I went up to her and picked her up.

A: hey shh it's okay mommy is here now •I tell her as she cried into my chest, I rubbed her back to try and calm her down•
B: m-me s-scary

When she said that it broke my heart. I carried her back to my room and placed her next to me in bed.

B: aci(paci)

Shit I left it back in her room, I knew if I left her in here she would have a break down and I only just got her to calm down slightly but I knew if I didn't give her one I wasn't going to get any sleep.

A: mommy is going to get it, will you be ok?
B: yesh

I quickly ran across the hall to her room and grabbed the paci out of her crib and then ran back in. When I got in Blake was crying which I expected so I crawled back into bed putting the paci in her mouth. I pulled her into my chest and rubbed her back. Her crying subsided and she began to fall asleep cuddled into me. I kept her close so she knew was safe before falling asleep myself.

I woke up slightly tired the next morning. Blake was still cuddled into me. I went to move away but it caused Blake to fuss.

B: no go mama
A: I have to get ready bub
B: but blwakey want uddles(cuddles) •she pouted•
A: fine I can't say no to that face.

She crawled into my lap and rested her head on my chest. I kissed the top of her head. We cuddled for an extra 10 minute before I got up and took her to the couch to watch cartoons. I began to make her breakfast, I just was her some toast and cut up some strawberries for her and placed it onto her plate. I put her in her high chair and she began eating. I just ate a banana as I wasn't hungry and then I decided we needed to get ready. I got dressed and did a little makeup before i decided to get Blake dressed. I changed her diaper and then put on her clothes and some socks.

^blakes outfit^

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^blakes outfit^

^blakes outfit^

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^addis outfit^

Once we were ready it was almost time to leave so I got my shoes on along with Blake's and I put her in a coat as it was chilly today. We made our way down to the car and I buckled Blake in placing her diaper bag the passenger seat before getting in myself. I put Bryce's house address into my satnav on my Tesla and drove there.

Bryce POV//

Addison was coming over today. I invited her and I was surprised she was up for it. I wondered if she was going to bring this daughter of hers, she never mentioned it. I kinda hoped she did. She just messaged me she was leaving so I just tidied a little. I saw her pull up so I went and opened the door, she gave me a warm smile before going into the back seat, I'm guessing to get her daughter out. Yep she did. She placed this adorable little baby on her hip and walked up to me.

B: hey
A: hi Bryce
B: who is this little cutie
A: oh um this is my daughter Blake, say hi Blake!
B: hewo •she said burying her head into addi's neck. I'm guessing she was shy.•
A: sorry I completely forgot to ask if it was ok she came
B: no no it's fine I'm glad you bought her! Anyway come in.

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