Chapter 36

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Bryce POV//

It had been a week and Addison and I have fully made up from what happened, today I was doing something for the first time. I was looking after both girls for the day as Addison has a few meetings to go to. I was a little nervous not going to lie, I'd looked after Blake before but not both of them.

Addison: okay babe, I'm leaving now. I pumped 6 bottles for Aria that are in the fridge, she probably won't eat that much but there are extra incase.
Bryce: okay babe, don't worry we'll be fine •kisses Addison on the head•
Addison: right! Bye Blakey •picks Blake up and kisses her•
Blake: bye momma!! •hugs her•
Addison: bye bye Ari! •kisses her head• And bye babe •kisses his lips•

And with that, Addison left and it was just us 3; me and my girls! I knew Blake wouldn't mind addison being gone since she is a daddy's girl but Aria is completely opposite and is attached to Addison 24/7 so this could be hard for her.

Blake: dadda me want go to boys
Bryce: you wanna go to sway?
Blake: mhm
Bryce: sure we can do that! I need to get you girls ready first

I take both of them upstairs and get the dressed.

I take both of them upstairs and get the dressed

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^blake outfit^

^blake outfit^

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^Aria Outfit^

Now it was the struggles of trying to do Blake's hair, addison always does it and I have no idea what she does so I'm gonna give it my best shot!

Bryce: Blakey? Any idea how momma does your hair?
Blake: she braid it
Bryce: yeah but daddy can't do that

I just decided to do a bun and put a bow to hide all the ugly, I mean Blake still looked adorable. I got everything I needed for the day into a bag, gosh I didn't realise how much effort this was and got both girls into the car.

We arrived at sway and the some of the boys cars were there which was good because it meant I got to catch up with then, and some hadn't met Aria yet. I got Blake out the car and put her on my hip and then got Ari's carseat before walking into the house.

Josh: yo Bryce, it's been so long •dabs him up•
Bryce: i know right
Noah: looks like you've got your hands full •chuckles•
Blake: uncy Noah!!! •reaches for him•
Noah: hey kiddo •takes her• you've gotten so big
Josh: so who's this new addition?
Bryce: oh yeah this is Aria!
Noah: she's so small
Bryce: well duh dumbass she's a newborn
Blake: daddy no bad words!
Bryce: oh my bad sorry Blakey!
Josh: she told you •laughs•
Bryce: gets her feistiness from her mom •chuckles•
Noah: how is Addison anyway?
Bryce: she's doing good, although we are fighting a lot recently over stupid things

At that moment, Aria began to cry so I decided to pick her up and try to calm her down but it wasn't working. I decided she may be hungry so got a bottle out the car and heated it up for a few seconds. I try to feed it to her but she wanted none of it. I felt as though I tried everything and nothing was working.

Josh: is she normally like this?
Bryce: nope but it's the first time Addison hasn't been here
Noah: can you not call Addison?
Bryce: she's in and out of meetings, maybe I will try to soothe her first

I rocked Aria and changed her diaper but she still continued to cry, then I had Blake telling me she was hungry so that was great. My last resort would be to call Addison but I felt as though I had not choice.

•on call•

Addison: hey babe, can you make it quick I'm about to have a meeting
Bryce: yeah well Aria will not settle without you. I've tried everything, she won't take her bottle either
Addison: oh shit! Well I can always come and grab her and just take her to my meeting with me?
Bryce: but that will disrupt your work?
Addison: my managers won't mind plus once I nurse her she will probably be asleep?
Bryce: I feel bad though because I can't even look after my own children
Addison: aw baby, it's not about your lack of skill it's just Ari being the mommy's girl she is. I will be over in 5 minutes.
Bryce: wait I'm at sway
Addison: oh ok I will be there! Love you
Bryce: love you too bye! •hangs up•

Aria: •still crying•
Bryce: shhh •rocks her• I know princess but mommy will be here soon
Josh: she's really got some lungs •giggles•
Bryce: tell me about it •laughs•
Noah: Dixie is here, she can make Blake something to eat if you want whilst you deal with Ari?
Bryce: yes please. That would be good, thanks!
Noah: no problem! She just had a blast playing soccer with me outside
Bryce: Noah don't turn my pouty animal into a soccer player •laughs•

Within ten minutes, Addison arrived and came to the door. I past a screaming Ari off to her and less than 30 seconds later the crying stopped.

Addison: hey bubba! You're proving to be a mommy's girl huh? •giggles•
Bryce: looks like it •chuckles•
Addison: right I have to dash, but I love you •kisses Bryce's cheek•
Bryce: love you more!

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