Chapter 26

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• time skip: 10 weeks •

Bryce POV// 

Today I planned for my mom, my sister and her boyfriend, Tayler to fly out and meet Blake before our soon to arrive baby girl arrives. My sister, Emersyn and Tayler had moved out to Miami so Emersyn could do another season of cheer, so i'm excited to see her and of course my best friend and mom as well. Blake and Addison are still sleeping as it is currently 5 in the morning, and im heading out to pick up Emersyn, and Tayler from the airport.

Bryce: Emmy! I've missed you so much! •hugs his sister•
Emersyn: •hugs him back• i miss you too B
Tayler: hey what about me? •jokes•
Bryce: i could never forget about you, i've missed you as well •daps him up•
Emersyn: how's Addison doing? we haven't talked in a while
Bryce: she's doing well, we have another baby on the way •smiles while talking about Addison•
Emersyn: did you say another baby?! •confused•
Tayler: yea, how is Blake doing? •continues the conversation•
Emersyn: you and Addison have a daughter already?! •shocked•
Bryce: did you not tell Em? •looks at Tayler•
Tayler: i swear i told her, but maybe not •laughs•
Emersyn: yea you definitely didn't, but can we head to the house, im tired •complains as she changes subjects•
Bryce: yea of course

Leaving the airport to head home felt like forever as it was now a little past 6 in the morning and it was airport rush hour, so the drive back to Addison and I's house was about an hour instead of 30 minutes. Emersyn had ended up falling asleep during the ride home, so Tayler had to wake her up once we arrived.

Addison POV//

I woke up around 6:15 to Blake crawling onto my chest whining for Bryce, which confused me a little bit because I never heard him get up this morning, or know what time he woke up.

Blake: mommyyy •whines•
Addison: good morning princess •yawns•
Blake: where's dada?
Addison: i'm not sure baby, shall we see if daddy texted momma? •picks up her phone•
Blake: yesh pwease •lays next to Addison•

I grabbed my phone off my nightstand and saw that Bryce had texted me saying he had gone to the airport to pick up a couple of guests that would be staying with us for a week, and that I would enjoy seeing them again.

Bryce POV//

When we finally got back to the house, I could hear Blake get all excited that I was home. Emersyn, Tayler, and I walked inside surprising Addison and making Blake come and hid behind my leg.

Addison: Emersyn?! what are you doing here •surprised and shocked•
Emersyn: had to come see my best friend, who is a baby mamma without telling me •hugs her•
Addison: ugh i missed you so much! •pulls away and whipes her tears•
Emersyn: aw babes don't cry
Addison: sorry •laughs• it's the pregnancy hormones
Blake: dada who dis? •looks at Bryce•
Bryce: •picks her up• they are daddy's sister who is your mom's best friend, then my best friend. Say hello Blakey.
Blake: hewo •hides in his shoulder•
Bryce: this is your auntie Emersyn, do you wanna give her a hug?
Blake: •nods and Emersyn takes her•
Emerysn: aww she's so adorable, she looks just like you Addison
Addison: you think? •giggles•
Tayler: oh definitely Adds, y'all are twins
Blake: me look like mommy?
Bryce: you do look just like your mommy •tickles her•
Blake: dada stawppp •giggles hard•
Emerysn: definitely has your dimples though B!
Bryce: I know that's the one feature she did inherit from me •laughs•
Blake: Emmy!! mommy having a baby sissy •excited•
Emersyn: wow that's so good •acts surprised even though she already knows•

Then my mom walked in behind addison, addison hadn't noticed at first.

Lisa: heard the party was missing me •laughs•
Addison: omg Lisa •turns around•
Lisa: hey honey •smiles and opens her arms•
Addison: •hugs her• I had no idea you were here
Lisa: I like to surprise people •turns to Bryce holding Blake• and hello little cutie
Addison: Blakey this is your Grandma Lisa
Blake: Hewo Gwandma •smiles and reaches for her•
Lisa: •carries her• I've heard a lot about you, you're even cuter in person •kisses her head•
Blake: Gwandma mommy is having a baby sissy

That made us all laugh as Blake told everyone new that addison was pregnant, she was very proud and excited to say it.

Lisa: •giggles• I know she is, sweet girl! You're gonna be the best big sister
Emersyn: she told us that as well when we walked in •laughs•
Blake: I silly •smiles•
Tayler: you are so silly Blakey!

Addison POV//

I was very happy that Bryce had flown in his mom, sister and Tayler. Emersyn was one of my best friends and when she moved we lost a lot of contact especially after Bryce and I first broke up just after I was pregnant with Blake. We had ordered breakfast and now Emmy, Lisa and I were all chatting, Blake was playing in front of
us and Bryce and Tayler were working out.

Emersyn: I can't believe you didn't tell me that you had a child and you were pregnant adds •is grumpy but in a jokey way•
Addison: we lost contact and I was so worried and busy I didn't really tell anyone
Emersyn: oh don't worry I understand addi!
Lisa: so adds, any baby names for this princess?
Addison: we are still deciding
Emersyn: how far along are you?
Addison: 30 weeks •smiles•
Lisa: did Bryce have any good suggestions?
Addison: a few good ones but they are mainly all stupid like Brycina or Blake junior
Lisa: that kid, he's a pain in the ass I don't know how you have put up with him •laughs•
Addison: to be honest me neither
Emersyn: Blake's very excited about having a baby sister •laughs•
Addison: I know right, like everyone we meet she tells them and she's very proud of it •giggles•
Lisa: aww it's sweet that's she's excited, Bryce wasn't when he found out about Em.
Bryce: •walks in• I mean do you blame me
Emerysn: oh shut it you, I didn't ask for you to be my brother or to like me
Lisa: right that's quite enough, I'm sure Addi's baby brain doesn't want to put of with you two squabbling.

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