Chapter 20

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Bryce POV//

It's the next day and it had been nice to spend the night with Blake and Addison, I don't intend to go back home anytime soon and if I do it will be to get spare clothes. Today was Riley's (again it's a fake made up girl called Riley not Riley Hubatka) court day and I couldn't wait to watch her get sent down for abusing my daughter. We were taking Blake to Addison's mom's house, I was leaving earlier than Addison so I can go and see Riley and let her know I will not bail her out. Addison was right now getting blake ready whilst I got ready, i loved watching her with Blake, they were adorable.

Blake: dadada •runs to him•
Bryce: hey baby don't you look cute?
Addison: I thought you'd like this outfit •giggles•

Blake was wearing a tiny Pau shirt but it was a bit big so she was wearing it as a dress.

Bryce: I love it, you're repping daddy's merch •laughs•
Blake: ouchy gone dada
Bryce: aw your ouchy has gone? That's good! •turns to addi• please tell me you got a photo before?
Addison: yeah I did

We needed a photo of the bruising for the court case, it was a part of evidence.

Bryce: right I'm off now, see you in a bit •kisses addi's head• bye Blakey daddy will see you tomorrow
Blake: bye dadada •waves•
Addison: see ya •smiles•

I got to the court place and I was taken to a room where I could see Riley, I was sat down waiting for them to escort her in. A few minutes passed and the door opened and in came Riley being held by two large, armed men. I stood up and she hugged me, I refused to hug back I just let her hold her arms around me, we then sat down and we were being watched by one security guard.

Riley: omg you don't know how good it is to see you, it's horrible here. I've just been waiting for my knight in shining armour to come and rescue me •smiles•
Bryce: I am not rescuing you Riley
Riley: what? But you said?
Bryce: I said before I knew the truth, I know what you have done to my daughter Riley
Riley: what ever she said, it's not true
Bryce: •chuckles• I can't believe you're trying that card? I have seen the bruises you left on my child, my one year old even told me that you have been hurting her
Riley: she's lying I swear
Bryce: no Riley, no she's not and I regret ever saying I will save you! My daughter is my priority and I'm not letting you get in the way of that
Riley: well what about Addison? She hates you
Bryce: you know nothing! Addison and I are fine
Riley: so what if I did hurt Blake, what you going to do about it? You have no evidence Bryce
Bryce: see that's where you are wrong, I have pictures of Blake's bruises and not to mention this little gadget right here •pulls out his phone• and plays something

"Well what about Addison? She hates you" "you know nothing! Addison and I are fine"
"So what if I did hurt Blake, what are you going to do about it? You have no evidence"

Bryce: phones are clever these days, they can  do all sort of things. Message, take photos...voice record
Riley: I hate you
Bryce: not as much as I hate you

And with that I got up and left

Addison POV//

We had just finished with Riley's court trial and she pleaded guilty meaning we will never have to put up with her again, she got a minimum of 10 years. We walked out of the room and Bryce hugged me.

Bryce: we beat her addi!
Addison: I know, I'm so happy
Bryce: you deserve this happiness, I love you
Addison: i love you more

•time skip 3 weeks•

Today I had an interview on the Ellen show and I was kind of nervous, this was a big deal for me. Bryce and I were going great, he basically moved in with Blake and I. Blake was so happy to have both her parents with her again, we were like one big happy family.
I was right now back stage for the Ellen show with Bryce and Blake and my manager and some of the staff who work here, Ellen has asked I bring Bryce and Blake as she might want to speak to them as well. I got called on and I was so nervous.

Ellen: and please welcome our special guest Addison Rae
Addison: hiiii •waves and sits down•
Ellen: so addison it's so nice to finally meet you
Addison: you too
Ellen: so you're an influencer and became famous off TikTok, correct?
Addison: yes that's true
Ellen: how do you find your job as a whole, are there any downsides to it?
Addison: I love my job but there are definitely some things that are hard one being all of the hate
Ellen: yeah I mean hate comments get to everybody, I think that's something people don't realise
Addison: yeah I feel like people think influencers have it easy when it's so hard managing work and also having your own life
Ellen: talking about your own life, am I correct in saying you're a mom now? •laughs•
Addison: •giggles• you are completely correct yes
Ellen: yep so you have an adorable little girl called Blake, can you tell us a bit about her?
Addison: of course, so she's almost 2, she's very cheeky and loves to dance. She's also super messy like me •laughs•
Ellen: well she's so cute, so how was becoming a mom whilst also on the rise to fame?
Addison: challenging to say the least, um it took me a while to announce it because I was so scared I was going to get hated on but I think from the moment she was born i kind of realised like why am I spending my time worrying about what other people think on my own life when I know that my life is the best I could ever make it, if you know what I mean?
Ellen: yes I totally agree with you and I think what people don't understand is that they see what 5 minutes in total of your whole day
Addison: yeah that's another thing I realised it that I know myself better than anyone else and at the end of the day I'm happy with where I am and if others are not then that's their problem not mine.

𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora