Chpater 18

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Bryce POV//

I was laying in bed with Riley after dropping Blake home, addison was very mad at me for bringing Riley out with us, I didn't understand why? We were just relaxing watching Netflix when there was a knock on the door, I went downstairs to open it.

Bryce: hello?
Police: hello sir, I'm PC Pike and I'm here to speak with Riley Lowe please?
Bryce: she's my girlfriend and why?
Police: I'm afraid I cannot share confidential information, I just need to question the suspect
Bryce: right I will grab her

Why the fuck have the please showed up at my door?

Bryce: Ryls um the police are here to question you?
Riley: what why?
Bryce: I'm not sure but let's check
Riley: ok

I take her hand and walk her downstairs to the police officer.

Police: Riley Lowe, you are under arrest for suspected child abuse, you do not have to say anything but what you do say will later be reliant evidence given in court •hand cuffs her•
Bryce: what no!? You said she just needed to be questioned
Police: yes at the police station, I'm sorry sir but anything you say will also be given in evidence at court
Riley: I love you •mouths•
Bryce: I will save you Riley, I will

I watched as they drove off with Riley in the back of there car, it saddened me and I knew addison had something to do with this, I'm confronting her right now at her house.

Addison POV//

I had just gotten home after taking Blake to the hospital, I wanted to know how far they will take Riley's name. I had just gotten Blake to sleep after a long hour of her crying in pain and not being soothed, I didn't want anything to wake her up. There was then a knock at the door, it was Bryce! He kept knocking for ages.

Addison: ok ok •opens the door•
Bryce: what did you do?
Addison: what do you mean?
Bryce: with Riley? She's been arrested for child abuse what have you said?
Addison: woah woah woah don't come jumping down my throat like that, if you ask me to explain I would have
Bryce: fine! Explain!
Addison: so you left earlier and Blake was crying in plain and pointing to her stomach and I checked and she had a bruise which was starting to swell! I asked her what happened and she said Riley did it so I took her to the doctors to get something to treat it, the doctor asked for your name because she was under your care but I knew you would never do such a thing and Blake said it was Riley so I didn't want you taking her blame!
Bryce: I don't believe you addison, you're making up lies again.
Addison: I swear I'm not
Bryce: fine if you're not you will bring Blake here and show me this 'bruise' of hers
Addison: she's just fallen asleep after hours of crying in pain, I can't wake her up
Bryce: yeah right •storms in•

Bryce made his way intrusively to Blakes room, I didn't want him to wake her up

Addison: Bryce please let her sleep
Bryce: why are you scared I'm gonna find the truth?

He reached Blake's room and stormed in, she was sound asleep and he just turned the light on and she woke and began to cry.

Blake: mamama •cries•
Bryce: shhh baby it's daddy •picks her up and accidentally brushes her stomach against the crib•
Blake: dada ouchie, ouchie •cries•
Bryce: let daddy see?
Addison: Bryce leave her
Bryce: NO! Blake let me see
Blake: mhm

Bryce lifts up her pyjama shirt and it reveals the bruise, he starts to push down on it to see if it was actually hurting her, like of course it will, it not make up is it dumbass!

Addison: Bryce stop you're clearly hurting her
Blake: mamamamama!! •grabby hands• dada ouchy •screams•

My heart broke for her, why was he putting her through this!

Addison: BRYCE! STOP •cries•

Bryce POV//

I lifted Blake's shirt up and it revealed a bruise, I couldn't be completely sure addison hadn't put make up on her for the act, so it pressed it slightly and Blake cried so I rock her a little but I didn't realised her bruise was rubbing against the zip on my hoodie causing her pain.

Addison: Bryce stop you're clearly hurting her
Blake: mamamamama!! •grabby hands• dada ouchy •screams•

Shit I didn't mean to hurt her like that! I changed hut position and she calms down a little.

Addison: BRYCE! STOP •cries•

That's when I realised I truly fucked up, I'm so stupid, I should have just believed addison in the first place and none of this would have happened.

Bryce: no no no I'm sorry addison and Blake, I'm so sorry •pulls addi in and hugs her•
Addison: why did it take you so long to realise? •cries•
Bryce: cause I'm a dick and the truth is I always loved you, being with Riley was just my way of distracting that love •kisses her head•
Addison: •cries into his chest•
Blake: mama sad? •upset•
Addison: I'm ok baby •wipes tears•
Bryce: Blakey, daddy is very sorry that he let Riley hurt you, and that he hurt you ok?
Blake: mhm
Bryce: do you still love me?
Blake: I wuv you dada
Bryce: I love you more
Blake: no Wiley?
Bryce: nope we are never seeing Riley again
Blake: yayyyy •claps•
Addison: Bryce I forgive you
Bryce: you do?
Addison: I do, none of this was really your fault, yes you had a blind eye to it and called me a liar but I forgive you for those mistakes
Bryce: you know addison, you're so mature and forgiving sometimes I don't deserve that love but you still offer it to me as though I do nothing wrong and I love you for that
Addison: I love you Bryce
Blake: I wuv mama and dada
Addison: we love you more

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