Chapter 22

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Addison POV//

It had been 2 weeks after Bryce asked me to be his girlfriend and today I was kind of sad since yesterday Bryce went on a business trip to Wyoming meaning it was just Blake and me. I was going to miss him but I guess it was nice to spend time with just Blake. This morning I had woken up with a pounding headache and I couldn't for the life of me figure out why, I took some tablets and just drink some water hoping it would go away. I laid in bed for about 10 minutes until I could hear Blake start to stir, she was turning 2 next week and that was crazy to me.

I got up and made myself to her room where she was sat up in her crib lightly whimpering.

Addison: morning bubs •strokes Blake's hair•
Blake: mama up •grabby hands•
Addison: ok come here •picks her up•

We went back through to my room and I felt a bit faint from carrying Blake so I decided to just sit down with her and take it easy, still having no idea what was causing this. I was playing with Blake in bed when my phone vibrated, I checked and I got a message from Dixie.

Hey addi, do you wanna
do something today?

Yeah sure what time?

I will be round to
your apartment by

Okay :)

Okay well there are my plans sorted for today, it was right now just before 10 so I needed to hurry and get Blake breakfast. We got out of bed and I made mine and her beds before getting Blake dressed. After she was dressed, I took her through to the living room where she watched cartoons whilst I made breakfast. I was cutting up some strawberries when I felt extremely queasy, I tried to stay on my feet but my vision was blurred and I could just about make out the sounds of the tv. My eyes went black.

Dixie POV//

It was 11 so I was in the elevator making my way to Addison's apartment, I got to her front door and knocked by no one opened, I could hear faint cries from Blake so I decided to let myself in. When I walked in I saw Blake crying hysterically in the hallway, I immediately ran to her and picked her up.

Blake: p-pixie •cries•
Dixie: Blakey what's happening? Where's mommy?
Blake: mama d-die •chokes on sobs•
Dixie: what do you mean? Take me to where mommy is

I put Blake down and she runs into the kitchen where I see addison, on the floor with her hand bleeding and knife next to her. My instant reaction was to check if she is breathing which she was thank god and then I realised she had been cutting fruit. My only guess was that maybe she passed out and her finger slipped with the knife. I had to call 911 right now! I called them and they said they were on their way but I had a Blake in tears but I also needed to inform Bryce.

I looked in Addison's fridge and grabbed Blake a apple sauce pouch just so it would hold her over until I could give her something more, I sat her on the couch to watch cartoons to take her away from the situation and then I had to call Bryce.

•on call•

Bryce: oh hey Dixie?
Dixie: Bryce thank god you answered
Bryce: yeah I did! Is everything ok?
Dixie: Bryce it's Addison
Bryce: addison? What's wrong with Addison?
Dixie: well I came to see addi and Blake and I came in, Blake was screaming and Addison was passed out on the floor. The ambulance are on their way but I thought I should let you know
Bryce: fuck! Ok ok um I will get the next flight home
Dixie: are you sure?
Bryce: positive
Dixie: ok well the ambulance is here now I will keep you updated
Bryce: please do.

Addison POV//

I woke up to talking fading in and out. I had no idea where I was, the last thing I remember was cutting up strawberries for Blake. I then saw someone approach me but it was no one I recognised.

Nurse: addison? Glad to see you're finally awake. You are in the hospital. You passed out at home and sliced your finger open. Don't panic we are taking care of you!

Passed out? What no! Where is Blake? She can't be at home! What if some stranger took her away from me for being a bad mom?

Addison: no I can't be here I have to be at home
Nurse: honey you have a deep gash on your finger that needs stitches, we also are waiting for your blood test results to come back so you are unable to go home right now.
Addison: but my daughter! Who has her?
Nurse: I'm unable to give you that information as I'm not sure but we have a visitor for you outside. Can I bring them in?
Addison: yeah I guess

She walked out of the room and then a few moments later Dixie walked in.

Dixie: omg addi you scared me so much
Addison: I'm ok now but Dixie please tell me you know where Blake is?
Dixie: yeah of course! She's outside the room with Noah, i didn't want to overwhelm you both
Addison: thank goodness. Is she ok?
Dixie: she's fine, shaken up to say the least. She though you had died, what happened?
Addison: well I had been feeling sick all morning but I was cutting strawberries for Blake when I just fell and my eyes went black
Dixie: Gosh!! I had come down to see if you were ready and the when I walked in Blake was bawling and she said you died so I ran to you and luckily you were breathing but I called an ambulance and Bryce
Addison: is Bryce mad?
Dixie: of course not he's just worried.
Addison: I'm sorry Dixie
Dixie: addi you have nothing to apologise for , this isn't your fault

Then the door swung open.

Nurse: well it looks like we have your blood test results back
Addison: well?
Nurse: you're pregnant...

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