Chapter 23

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Addison POV///

Addison: well?
Nurse: you're pregnant
Addison: pregnant? What? I can't be I'm on the pill. I take it every day at 7pm, I've never missed a day since I got my period back after being pregnant with my daughter
Nurse: it's possible that the night you conceived the pill could not have been effective. It is only 97% effective and can have mishaps where it doesn't work
Addison: but I only had a period last week. It's impossible, this can't be right.
Nurse: well it's very very rare to get a false positive when doing a blood test to check for a pregnancy hormone, how heavy was your last period?

Now I think back it only lasted 3 days and it was extremely light but my periods had always been irregular after giving birth to Blake.

Addison: it was light but I have always had irregular periods after I gave birth almost 2 years ago
Nurse: well you can get a light period during the early stages of pregnancy, if you are that certain that you are not I can book you in for an ultrasound later on today
Addison: that would be great thank you
Nurse: I will go and get that arranged for you.

She leaves the room and I burst out in tears.

Dixie: shhh it's ok addison •hugs her•
Addison: how can I possibly be pregnant? •cries•
Dixie: well when did you and Bryce last have sex?
Addison: almost 3 weeks ago but I was on the pill
Dixie: yeah but like the nurse said it's not always effective. Did Bryce use any protection?

I shook my head. We didn't think we needed to due to the pure fact that I had been on birth control.

Addison: w-what if I am? Bryce is gonna kill me
Dixie: no he won't. He'll understand I promise you
Addison: can you get Blake?
Dixie: but your hand still hasn't been stitched
Addison: please Dix, she's my only source of comfort right now

Dixie walks out the room to get Blake, I had to be careful with my hand since it still hasn't been stitched but there was a dressing on it so it was a little bit protected. Then Dixie walked in carrying my sleeping baby, she passed her to me and Blake cuddled up to my chest, staying fast asleep and I kissed the top of her head.

Addison: thank you for taking care of her •holding Blake close to her chest•
Dixie: that's ok, I'm gonna just go outside for a sec I think someone is here to see you
Addison: okay? •Dixie leaves•
Bryce: hey baby •opens the door•
Addison: omg Bryce
Bryce: you scared me bubs •hugs her•
Addison: I'm sorry •kisses him• did you get a flight all the way back here?
Bryce: of course, you needed me
Addison: you're the best
Bryce: how you feeling?
Addison: better? My hand is sore
Bryce: I bet. Did they tell you why you fainted
Addison: mhm •looks down•
Bryce: well what?
Addison: Bryce I-Im pregnant
Bryce: pregnant? I thought you was on the pill?
Addison: I am but the nurse said that it has chances of not being effective and I guess we got that chance, I refuse to believe it but she said she's booked me in for an ultrasound later today
Bryce: wow ok...
Addison: are you mad?
Bryce: no baby I'm not mad, I'm shocked but what is meant to be is meant to be
Addison: yeah but are we ready? I mean we only just got back together, we are both still only 21 and 22?
Bryce: it's up to you babe, it's your body. You know what it's like to be pregnant so it's up to you if you want to go through it again. I would love to have another kid but if you don't want to I will come round to the idea of not.
Addison: I think I will
Bryce: will what?
Addison: keep it
Bryce: really?
Addison: yeah I mean I do want another kid and I know what I can put my body through and pregnancy is something that I don't mind doing again
Bryce: well like I said it up to you and so if that's what you want then that's fine by me •kisses her•
Addison: love you
Bryce: love you more

It had been about an hour and Dixie has gone home and I was about to have my ultrasound. My hand had been stitched so after this I could go home. We were in the room waiting for the doctor to come, bryce was sat next to me and Blake was asleep on his lap.

Doctor: so we are doing your first ultrasound is that correct?
Addison: yeah! First of this pregnancy
Doctor: well seeing as you have been pregnant before I'm guessing you know the run down of everything
Addison: mhm

I lifted my shirt up as she began to start, I forgot how cold this gel was actually. She moved it all around my stomach as she looked closely as the screen.

Doctor: so you are definitely pregnant but it's very early, I'd say around 3-4 weeks along so we won't be able to pick up a heartbeat or anything yet so don't worry about that however I can inform you that it is just one baby, no multiples.
Addison: that's good news, thank you
Doctor: so you are free to go home now, we will book you in for your 12 week scan in a few weeks
Addison: ok thanks

We got up and left and we went to the car, Bryce put Blake in.

Bryce POV//

We had just gotten home and Addison had fallen asleep in the car however Blake was awake, I took Blake up and quickly went and carried addison through to our bed. I went back to the kitchen where I saw that the strawberries addison had cut up earlier were still on the kitchen counter, there was still some blood on the kitchen floor from where addison has fallen and cut her hand. I felt so bad for her but knowing that I was becoming a dad again made me excited for my future.

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