Chapter 17

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Addison POV//

Addison: woahh what happened?
Blake: mamamamama •grabby hands and cries•
Addison: •takes her• Bryce!
Bryce: she's been like this since I left the shop, all she wants is you addison
Addison: shhh it's ok baby mommy is here now •rubs her back•
Addison: well is she hurt?
Bryce: no she was just in the car
Addison: but I thought you just said she was at the shops?
Bryce: no I went in, she was in the car
Addison: so you left our 1 year old in the car by herself?!? •mad•
Bryce: no Riley was with her-


Addison: she what?
Bryce: please don't get mad but Riley came out with us today
Addison: I can't believe you Bryce, how dare you!!!
Bryce: I'm sorry ok
Addison: I should have knows better than to trust you
Bryce: please forgive me
Addison: you shouldn't be apologising to me, you should be saying sorry to this poor little girl •rubs Blake's hair•
Bryce: I will make it up to her
Addison: whatever Bryce, just go you have caused enough damage
Bryce: fine by Blake •kisses the top of her head and leaves•
Blake: mama? •cries•
Addison: I'm here baby •hugs her•

I was so so so mad at Bryce, Blake was in bits because of him and I didn't know how to help her!

Addison: Blakey what happened?
Blake: hurt Blakey ouchy •cries•
Addison: what hurts?
Blake: •points to her stomach•
Addison: can mommy see?
Blake: •shakes her head• hurt
Addison: mommy is not going to touch, she is just going to look ok
Blake: •nods•

I laid her down on the couch and she had calmed down a little since I gave her a paci, I lifted her shirt up and forgot she had a baby grow on.

Addison: can I just take this off? It's not going to hurt I promise
Blake: otay..

I undo the buttons and then carefully lift it up, on her stomach there was a red mark which was turning into a bruise. I didn't know how she could hurt herself to get such a big mark?

Addison: Blake tell the truth, how did you get this ouchy?
Blake: hit
Addison: hit? Who or what hit you?
Blake: Wiley

Blake POV//

I didn't want to go out with daddy and riley today, I wanted to stay with mommy. Riley was mean to mommy and me, I didn't like her. Daddy had left me in the car with her whilst he went into the shops, she was asking me things but I was ignoring her.

Riley: BLAKE! Stop ignoring me
Blake: I sowwy
Riley: I was talking to you, you didn't keep our secret, you told mommy about everything! You snitch

I didn't know what she called me meant? I could only guess it was bad.

Blake: I wuv my mama and dada
Riley: I'm gonna make sure you never see your mommy again, do you hear me?
Blake: NOOO •cries•
Riley: shut up before I hit you
Blake: NO ME GO •cries harder•
Riley: I'm warning you
Blake: DADDA •yells•
Riley: •hits her stomach•
Blake: OWWWWWW •screams•
Riley: shut it
(Again no hate to Riley and I think I'm gonna change her character so the name is still Riley but not Riley off of TikTok Riley, just a random girl called Riley, bc I love Riley Hubatka to much to make her a villain)

Addison POV//

Addison: hit? Who or what hit you?
Blake: Wiley

I was fuming, my blood boiling! How can Bryce's let this happen? Blake was visibly in pain and he just ignored it, that bruise is going to need medical attention as it's swelling up. My only option is to take her to er.

Addison: Blakey, mommy is just going to take you to a doctor to make sure it can get better ok?
Blake: •nods nervously•

I carry Blake like a baby , just grabbing my keys and phone. I walk her down to the car and carefully place her in the car seat before setting off to the emergency room. We sat waiting for about 30 minutes before we were seen by a very kind doctor.

Doctor: Blake Hall?
Addison: that's us •carries Blake and follows doctor•
Doctor: so if you can just lay her down so I can take a look
Addison: yeah! Blake the doctor is just going to look she's not going to touch!
Blake: otay
Addison: •turns to doctor• she doesn't want anyone to touch please
Doctor: ok that's fine

The doctors check Blake's vitals and then the bruise.

Doctor: so how exactly did you say this happened?
Addison: Um I'm not sure, her dad was with her •lies•
Doctor: ok well it looks as though someone has hit her, would this be something you are aware of?
Addison: I was not aware no
Doctor: ok and can we take her fathers name?
Addison: why?
Doctor: it's a safe guarding procedure, if we suspect a child abuse crime has been commit we have to take the right precautions
Addison: no no he would never abuse her
Doctor: I'm sorry I have to
Addison: no it wasn't him, it was his girlfriend
Doctor: I thought you didn't know?
Addison: I don't but it would not be him and she has been rude to my child before
Doctor: and this is the first time she has come back with bruises
Addison: yes but please can I give her name not his
Doctor: if you are sure that's who did it?
Addison: pretty sure
Doctor: ok then her name?
Addison: Riley Lowe (yes I changed it to just a random person)
Doctor: ok the correct precautions will be taken, in the meantime I'm going to give her prescribe some cream for her bruise
Addison: thank you

We got the cream and left, Blake was a bit happier now as she got a sucker and a sticker, I was shocked that they could suspect child abuse. I had to give in Riley's name, I couldn't let Bryce take the blame for her.

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