Chapter 37

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Addison POV//

Bryce and I have gotten closer these last couple of days especially because both girls have gotten so upset when they weren't with the both of us. Today though I am going out to lunch with Caitlyn, Tate, and, Dixie since it has been quite some time since we were all able to hang out. Bryce is taking Blake with him to the gym with the boys, and I am taking Aria with me to lunch.

Bryce: do you think Blake is going to think you are favoring Aria since you are taking her to lunch and not Blake?
Addison: i really hope not, she knows i love her so much
Bryce: that's true, she is always a momma's girl tho
Addison: oh tell me about it, she's been a daddy's girl since you came into her life •laughs•
Bryce: •laughs• yea i guess you're right there
Addison: i'm always right babe •kisses his cheek•

Bryce POV//

Addison and I just finished showering and getting ready for the day, now the next step was getting the two children ready and out the door on time because i know the last thing Addison wants is to be late to her lunch date with the girls.

Bryce: Blakey baby, it's time to get ready
Blake: but i want stay in my pajamas •pouts•
Bryce: i know me too, but you are going to go to the gym with daddy today
Blake: where is momma goin?
Addison: momma is going to go see some friend's today while you spend time with daddy
Blake: Ari going with you?
Addison: she is baby, but you are going to have so much fun with daddy
Blake: why not i come with you •looks at her mom•
Addison: i know you wouldn't want to sit still for awhile so that's why daddy is going to take you to the gym
Blake: okay, bye bye momma •goes to hug her•
Addison: •hugs her• bye Blakey bear

Addison POV//

Aria was taking a morning nap after I had feed her which was nice and let me take my time this morning getting ready. Right now, Aria and I are heading to Dixie's apartment since we were going to be carpooling to the lunch place we decided to eat at.

Dixie: morning Adds •walks out of her apartment•
Addison: good morning!
Dixie: how's my little munchkin doing •taking Aria gently•
Addison: she's been so calm and sleepy •laughs•
Dixie: aww she's gotten so much bigger
Addison: she has •giggles•
Dixie: I don't wanna put her back in her car seat, she's so snuggly •kisses her head•
Addison: tell me about it, you love cuddles with auntie Dix don't you my love? •strokes aria's head•
Dixie: I suppose I will have to but her in •makes a pouty face and buckles aria back in her car seat and then hops into the front again•

Dixie and I just arrived to the lunch cafe, right as Bryce had texted me, him and Blake have made it to Dogpound. As we parked, I saw a couple flashes of lights which was annoying as it meant paparazzi were here and ready to get as much footage as they can, along with being annoying and asking unnecessary questions. I quickly got Aria's car seat out of the car, covering her face as Dixie and I tried to get inside.

Fletcher: Addison, Dixie! how are things
Kevin: are you and Bryce still broken up and co parenting?
Josh: when do we get a new youtube video?
Dixie: as much as we love to talk we have to get going
Addison: have a good day •smiles slightly•

Once we got inside all of the crowd went away and Aria started to wake up and cry which meant she was hungry. Dixie went to go find the girls while I went into the bathroom to feed Aria in private. Soon enough she finished and I could go out and join everyone else.

Tate: hey Adds •gets up and hugs her•
Addison: hiii •hugs her back•
Caitlyn: yess the baby is here •goes for Aria first, laughing•
Addison: wow i see how it is •laughs•
Dixie: •laughs• of course, the baby is a true star
Addison: the baby has a name •giggles and so does everyone else•
Tate: anywho enough about the baby, she's cute and all of course •laughs• but let's catch up
Addison: sounds like a plan
Caitlyn: okayyy

All four of us girls talked about what we were going to order while we waited for the waiter to come back. When we ordered we all started talking about our week so far while we all waited for our food.

Tate: anyways adds, pass me the chunk so I can cuddle her •laughs•
Addison: •passes aria over the table to her• here, let me know when you get fed up of her constant wriggling •laughs•
Tate: well aren't you just the cutest •tickles Aria's stomach and she smiles•
Caitlyn: omg I want one, she's too cute
Dixie: same, Ari be given us all baby fever
Addison: So it's become clear to me that you obviously love my child more than me
Caitlyn: you've only just realised? •chuckles•
Dixie: seriously though how is she so adorable?
Addison: the simple answer is because I made her •smirks•
Tate: Ok ok we don't need a run down on how she was made •hits Addison's arm playfully•
Aria: •starts whining•
Tate: oop she hates me now, who wants her? •giggles•
Caitlyn: is that even a question obviously me •takes Aria gently from Tate's arms•
Dixie: god damn Caitlyn got in there before me •sighs•
Addison: y'all really be fighting over my baby, she's mine so technically I could just snatch her back and not share her with any of you •laughs•

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